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Softball  | Softball Tournament  | 4/5/2023

​16U PG Elite 40 STL

 16U PG Elite 40 STL

April 1-2, 2023

Chesterfield, MO




St. Louis Softball Club 07 took the cake this weekend in the 16u division. Wearing their colors proudly, is the line drive hitter, Amelia Wiesler (’25 St. Louis, MO) keeping her barrel level and explosive. Wiesler has a low stance in the box that helps her to lift the ball up an dot of reach to gain her spot on base. Behind the plate Wiesler shows promise with strong wrist work to frame and give her pitchers as much advantage as possible on the count.


Teammate and MVPitcher of the tournament, Lily Douglas (’25 St. Louis, MO) works the count with the array of movement she has on the ball. Douglas was seen averaging 50-52 mph on her  every pitch and dropping down to 45 mph on her off speed, sending batters into confusion on what’s coming next. Douglas kept her composure and didn’t let hits rattle her or effect how she faced the next batter. She had 11.3 innings under her belt for the weekend, tallying on 15 strikeouts and only four batters walked.


Kate Proffitt (’24 Pacific, MO) with the Missouri Bombers 06 Gold is what I like to call a BOGO player. In the batter’s box she keeps a quick and powerful swing. She has a sound drive in her hips and a powerful stance making her dominant. She portrays just as much dominance in the circle, painting the corners of the plate with her mix of pitches. Having 11 innings pitched over the weekend and 17 strikeouts she makes it tough for batters to approach the box against her.


Ellee Graf (’25 Troy, MO) holds the well deserved lead off spot in the Missouri Bombers 07 lineup. She has a great feel for her barrel working the defense and keeping them on their toes. Graf has the ability to drop a bunt when need be or perfectly place a power slap dropping between the defenses short stop and left fielder. Carrying exceptional grip work to guarantee the spot in which the ball hits her barrel, to coincide with where she wants it to go.


RHP, Haley Martin (’25 Hallsville, MO), with the Rockers 07 has a deadly rise ball and offenses just can’t lay off of it. Her long stride can be deceptive as she is able to pull the string on her curve, dropping it off the table. Martin keeps an average velocity of 53-55 mph behind her ball. Martin topped off the weekend with 12 innings pitched and a whopping 24 strikeouts! Bright future for this player as she continues to evolve.


Addison Wolfe (’25 St. Louis, MO) with St. Louis Heat- Acheson is seen as a threat having so much force in her swing and plus speed on base. You can try and pitch around her barrel but she is going make sure she gets a piece of it. Using her speed defensively as a middle infielder, Wolfe covers a lot of ground and isn’t afraid to get dirty in order to stop the ball from getting through the infield. Overall great athlete!


Another strong middle infielder this weekend was Emery McReynolds (’25 St. Louis, MO) with St. Louis Pirates- Anderson. McReynolds has some range, with her quick feet and capability to make heads up plays that benefit her team secures her spot on the dirt. In the batter’s box as well she keeps a loaded stance that transfers power smoothly through her barrel, quick adjustments allow her to spray the field with her drives.

RHP, Gabrielle McBride (’25 St. Louis, MO) with St. Louis Ajax Angels is a north and south pitcher. She will keep everything low in the zone and hit batters with the rise when they least expect it. Keeping her pitches in the 55-57 mph range then dropping it to 48 mph with her change up. Making her an all around player in the box, McBride keeps a fluid swing with a slight lift in the hands to find her way on consistently.


Aubrey Lasek (’24 Florissant, MO) with Texas Blaze STL has a sound barrel paired with her strength built in her lower half makes the ball fly when contact is made. She has a keen eye for strikes and a strong ability to hold off on the balls. Defensively, Lasek has a big glove at second base, staying low and a smooth transition from scoop to throw.


Left handed hitter, McKenna Ilko (’25 Imperial, MO) with Texas Glory STL 24/25 works the defense. With quick grip adjustment she keeps them on there toes as to what her next move will be in the box and on base. She shows great selflessness with her ability to sacrifice bunt in order to get her teammates in scoring position. She doesn’t make that easy on the defense though, with her speed she make it tough to get her out in these situations.


Elia Cabo (’26 St. Charles) has so much promise in the batters box as lead off for Top Gun 24/25 STL.she has a strong approach and the contagious energy to get her team going. Cabo was seen starting a rally for her team down by 2 in the last inning on Saturday afternoon, coming out on top. When she finds her way on don’t leave the bases open because she glides and builds speed as she goes.


RHP, Audrina Herber (’26 Chandler, OK) with Top Gun 26/27 STL is one to watch as she matures. Her velocity on her pitches is already hitting the 60-63 mph range and its only going to go up as she strengths her stride and follow through. Herber doesn’t get rattled easily in the circle, she keeps a strong composure and awareness of her runners. Herber finished off the weekend with nine innings pitched, two batters walk, only allowed 3 hits and a whopping total of 23 strikeouts! Great showing for her this weekend.