2007 Northeast Top Prospect Showcase
Gavin McCullough is a 2008 RHP/1B from Stamford HS, residing in Stamford, Connecticut, with a 6'2"/185 pound frame. Gavin has a tall and solid frame. He pitches from a high 3/4 arm slot with smooth arm action. McCullough has solid arm speed and repeats his delivery, although he does fall off at times. He will go inside with his 86 mph fastball and mixes pitches well. Gavin has a solid curveball at 74 mph and a straight changeup at 75 mph. At the plate, he hits from a straight stance with a knee lift trigger. McCullough has a rotational swing and solid hands. He has lift in his swing and centers the ball well. Gavin has a solid release from first base with an accurate arm at 80 mph. He is solid around the first base bag. McCullough is a good student.