2006 National Showcase
Michael Meintel is a 2007 right hand pitcher from Shadyside HS, residing in Shadyside, OH. He has a broad, developed body and appears bigger and stronger than his listed 6'2" 195 lb. dimensions. Meintel showed good raw arm strength and the makings of quality secondary stuff to earn a #72 ranking among PG National Top 85 pitchers. He pitches from an over the top slot with a long arm action. Meintel has decent body control but mostly throws with his arm. He opens his front side pretty early, clearing his hips and letting his arm, which has decent arm speed, do the rest. There is some effort in that delivery, but his body handles it well. He worked vertically with his upper-80s fastball, pitching up and down in the zone, which can change the eye level of a hitter, an effective way to use a fastball. He touched 90 so there is some arm strength and with a more compact delivery, he might even throw harder. Meintel has a 69-72 mph curveball that has some decent spin, though being able to hold the ball a bit longer will add a significant amount of action on that pitch. His third pitch was a 79 mph change-up and worked as a show-me pitch. Meintel is still working to develop those secondary pitches and has a chance to develop them into usable offerings if he can make a delivery adjustment that will create more extension for release. What he did particularly well was to pitch with his fastball and that is a very good thing for a young pitcher to be able to do. He is a D1 college prospect with the potential to develop into a pro prospect.