2005 South Top Prospect Showcase
Wright is a 5-8, 160 lb left handed outfielder from Texas with very good present strength. He's the captain of the All-Time Perfect Game Hustle team. Wright's aggressiveness is almost a distraction and is a sub-plot to any game he's playing in. Wright is a left handed hitter with a run and slap hitting style reminiscent of Ichiro's. Wright has the hand/eye coordination to make consistent solid contact with this approach and he's shown us the discipline to take pitches and take a walk as well. Much like Ichiro, if you hang a pitch on the inside half of the plate, Wright has the pop to hit it into a gap and run for a while as well. Wright gets down to first base around 4.2 every time he hits the ball (or even when he walks) and intimidates infielders on ground balls, who know they need to hurry their throws. Wright will steal bases with abandon (and always a head first Pete Rose slide) and occasionally get thrown out trying to take the extra base but it won't make him hesitant the next time. He's an ideal leadoff hitter. Wright is a good defensive outfielder who will get to a lot of balls. He's best suiting to left field because of his throwing arm. Overall, this is a high performance player who will likely play at a high college level and max out his physical tools. He's a winner. Not surprisingly, Wright is also an outstanding student.