2004 National Underclass Dec 28-30
Coverston is a junior 5-9 infielder from Florida who lists himself as a primary third baseman. He profiles very well at second base in our opinion. Coverston is a good runner with quick feet and quick actions. He made some nice plays in the field because he got to balls quickly and had time to maintain good balance and fielding fundamentals. Coverston throws from a low, somewhat slinging arm stroke, which with his arm strength plays best at second base. Offensively, Coverston has a narrow stance with good balance and a quick, short swing that shows the strength in his hands. He went 3-3 in one game and centered the ball on just about every cut in BP. Coverston does a good job of knowing what kind of hitter he is and staying within himself. A college coach will be able to put him in the #2 hole with confidence he’ll be able to do the job. Coverston is a good student, too.