2006 Academic Showcase
Briggs Smotherman is a 2007 MIF with a 5'11'', 160 lb. frame from Valdosta GA, who attends Valdosta HS. He has an athletic body with some present strength and the potential for more in the future. Smotherman ran the 60 in 7.29 and threw 75 mph during infield drills. He has very polished defensive actions, with very good balance at the ball and soft, sure hands. His arm strength played much better during games when he was making plays than it did in infield drills, when he was a bit deliberate. During games he showed very good range and much better quickness than you would expect. He can definitely play in the field. Offensively, Smotherman hits from a crouched stance with a rock back, rock in load and trigger. He hits out of an open stance with an inside out line drive swing. When he keeps his hands over the ball Smotherman makes solid line drive contact but he tends to loop his hands under the ball occasionally. Smotherman showed good patience at the plate and was an aggressive, instinctive baserunner, which maximizes his offensive skills. Overall, Smotherman's tools are fair across the board but he has advanced skills and can play the game at a high level above his tools. Smotherman is also an excellent student.