2007 Northeast Top Prospect Showcase
Chris Murphy is a 2008 RHP/3B from Chaminade HS, residing in New Hyde Park, New York, with a 6'0"/180 pound frame. Chris has a solid frame. He pitches from a 3/4 arm slot with long arm action. Murphy has an online delivery with a good finish and minimal effort. He does need to keep his frontside closed. His fastball has slight arm side run at 82 mph and stays around the zone. Chris has a short 11-5 curveball for strikes at 69 mph and a solid changeup at 71 mph. Murphy hits from a straight stance with high hands and a high back elbow. He has a no stride approach and makes solid contact at the plate. His swing does get long and his barrel will drag through the zone. Chris has long arm action from the outfield with a solid release at 80 mph. He has an accurate arm and moves to the ball well. Chris is a good student.