Piedmont Prospects
Greensboro , NC

2018 PG Super25 17U or 2020 Grad Intimidators Super Qualifier
10/19/2018 - 10/21/2018

11 Brodie Nishan OF 5-10 170 L/R 2020Page Greensboro, NC
13 Luis Duarte 1B 6-4 330 R/R 2020Dudley Greensboro, NC
13 Carson Shetley 1B/RHP 6-3 230 S/R 2020Ledford Winston Salem, NC
14 Alex Hutchinson 2B 6-1 175 R/R 2019Greensboro Day Greensboro, NC
16 Tanner Bray 3B/IF 5-10 165 R/R 2020Glenn Winston-Salem, NC
17 Larry McMillian SS 5-11 170 R/R 2020Dudley Greensboro, NC
2 Christopher Becker OF/3B 5-9 155 L/R 2020Southeast Guilford Pleasant Garden, NC
2 Zach Ross RHP/MIF, OF 6-1 160 R/R 2020Greensboro Day Greensboro, NC
20 Duncan Howard RHP/OF 6-2 165 R/R 2020Glenn Kernersville, NC
22 James Sumner OF/LHP 5-10 162 S/L 2020Greensboro Day Greensboro, NC
24 Luke Pritchett 3B/1B, 2B, IF, MIF, RHP, SS 6-2 172 R/R 2020Lucy Ragsdale Greensboro, NC
3 Carson James C/2B, SS 5-8 164 R/R 2020Lucy Ragsdale Greensboro, NC
33 Caleb Carden RHP/1B, 3B, C, IF, UT 6-2 185 R/R 2020Western Guilford Greensboro, NC
34 Nic Foster C 5-7 125 R/R 2020High Point Central High Point, NC
7 Nolan Blake 3B/IF, RHP 6-2 195 R/R 2020Glenn Kernersville, NC
71 Grayson Walker 1B 6-0 192 R/R 2021Northwest Guilford Greensboro, NC
9 Aydan Holt OF 6-1 185 R/R 2020Ledford High Point, NC

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