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Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings

14AAA TF Bracket

#8 Arkansas Knights Walker 9  #1 Punishers 4      
GM: 47 | 5/22 | 10:00 AM | GAME RECAP
16 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
  GM: 51 | 5/22 | 2:00 PM | GAME RECAP
16 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
#9 Homefield Baseball Academy - Stanek 5  #8 Arkansas Knights Walker 5  #4 Berserk Athletics - Kings 12   
     GM: 55 | 5/22 | 4:00 PM | GAME RECAP
16 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
#5 643 Kc 14u Black 3  #4 Berserk Athletics - Kings 14  #8 Arkansas Knights Walker 6   
GM: 48 | 5/22 | 10:00 AM | GAME RECAP
17 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
  GM: 52 | 5/22 | 2:00 PM | GAME RECAP
17 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
#12 Pittsburg Saints 10  #12 Pittsburg Saints 1      #2 Show Me Elite 11
        GM: 57 | 5/22 | 6:00 PM | GAME RECAP
16 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
#7 Us Nationals Midwestern 7  #2 Show Me Elite 7     #4 Berserk Athletics - Kings 3
GM: 49 | 5/22 | 8:00 AM | GAME RECAP
17 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
  GM: 53 | 5/22 | 12:00 PM | GAME RECAP
17 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
#10 14u Knights Blue 4  #7 Us Nationals Midwestern 4  #2 Show Me Elite 10   
     GM: 56 | 5/22 | 4:00 PM | GAME RECAP
17 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
#6 Velocity Academy 14u 1  #3 Salina 7  #3 Salina 9   
GM: 50 | 5/22 | 8:00 AM | GAME RECAP
16 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
  GM: 54 | 5/22 | 12:00 PM | GAME RECAP
16 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
#11 Precision Baseball 4  #11 Precision Baseball 2      
14AAA MF Bracket

#8 The Show 4  #1 Mac N Seitz - Fimmen 6      
GM: 38 | 5/22 | 8:00 AM | GAME RECAP
6 @ Mid-America Sports Complex
  GM: 40 | 5/22 | 12:00 PM | GAME RECAP
6 @ Mid-America Sports Complex
#9 Mns - Boehmer 1  #8 The Show 8  #5 Inside Edge Cantrell 14u 4   
     GM: 44 | 5/22 | 2:00 PM | GAME RECAP
6 @ Mid-America Sports Complex
  #4 MNS Allen 4  #8 The Show 15   
  GM: 41 | 5/22 | 12:00 PM | GAME RECAP
7 @ Mid-America Sports Complex
  #5 Inside Edge Cantrell 14u 5      #6 Mns 14u Mm 8
        GM: 46 | 5/22 | 4:00 PM | GAME RECAP
6 @ Mid-America Sports Complex
#7 Old School Ducks Df 4  #2 14U Cavaliers - White 7     #8 The Show 7
GM: 39 | 5/22 | 8:00 AM | GAME RECAP
7 @ Mid-America Sports Complex
  GM: 42 | 5/22 | 10:00 AM | GAME RECAP
7 @ Mid-America Sports Complex
#10 Building Champions - Peyton 3  #7 Old School Ducks Df 3  #2 14U Cavaliers - White 1   
     GM: 45 | 5/22 | 2:00 PM | GAME RECAP
7 @ Mid-America Sports Complex
  #3 Mac N Sietz - Conway 3  #6 Mns 14u Mm 8   
  GM: 43 | 5/22 | 10:00 AM | GAME RECAP
6 @ Mid-America Sports Complex
  #6 Mns 14u Mm 6      
14AAA LF Bracket

#1 Aba 14u Cooper 6      
GM: 31 | 5/22 | 10:00 AM | GAME RECAP
Royal @ Mid-America Sports Complex - Royal/Fenway
#8 Olathe West 1  #1 Aba 14u Cooper 4   
  GM: 35 | 5/22 | 12:00 PM | GAME RECAP
Royal @ Mid-America Sports Complex - Royal/Fenway
#4 Rawlings Tigers KC 2026 7  #4 Rawlings Tigers KC 2026 2   
GM: 32 | 5/22 | 10:00 AM | GAME RECAP
Fenway @ Mid-America Sports Complex - Royal/Fenway
#5 Kc Elite 14u Blue 4      #1 Aba 14u Cooper 3
     GM: 37 | 5/22 | 2:00 PM | GAME RECAP
Royal @ Mid-America Sports Complex - Royal/Fenway
#3 14U Cavaliers - Gold 6     #7 Ravens 2
GM: 33 | 5/22 | 8:00 AM | GAME RECAP
Royal @ Mid-America Sports Complex - Royal/Fenway
#6 Next Level Baseball 7  #6 Next Level Baseball 2   
  GM: 36 | 5/22 | 12:00 PM | GAME RECAP
Fenway @ Mid-America Sports Complex - Royal/Fenway
#2 KC Outlaws 5  #7 Ravens 6   
GM: 34 | 5/22 | 8:00 AM | GAME RECAP
Fenway @ Mid-America Sports Complex - Royal/Fenway
#7 Ravens 10