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12U (AA) 12U (AAA) 12U (MAJOR) 13U (AA) 13U (AAA) 13U (MAJOR) 14U (AAA) 14U (Major)
All NCTB 14U Events are BBCOR only 14 and Under and below NCTB events will use innings/outs pitching limits not pitch count. 15 and Under and above NCTB events will have no pitching limits. NCTB will use the run differential tie breaker for seeding. Fake pick-offs to third base are considered balks in NCTB events
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings


#4 Scotts Valley Lumberjacks 0  #1 Peninsula Kings 15   
GM: 17 | 3/17 | 11:15 AM
#9 @ Twin Creeks Sports Complex
  GM: 20 | 3/17 | 1:30 PM
#9 @ Twin Creeks Sports Complex
#5 Hit Club 14u Orange 17  #5 Hit Club 14u Orange 3   
      #1 Peninsula Kings 9
     GM: 22 | 3/17 | 3:45 PM
#10 @ Twin Creeks Sports Complex
#2 Living Legends White 2     
GM: 18 | 3/17 | 11:15 AM
#10 @ Twin Creeks Sports Complex
     #3 GP 14U Orange 1
#7 College Park Knights 14u 1  #2 Living Legends White 7   
  GM: 21 | 3/17 | 1:30 PM
#10 @ Twin Creeks Sports Complex
#3 GP 14U Orange 9  #3 GP 14U Orange 9   
GM: 19 | 3/17 | 9:00 AM
#10 @ Twin Creeks Sports Complex
#6 Wrigley Baseball Club 14u 8      

 #1 CCB 14u Black 3
GM: 23 | 3/17 | 9:00 AM
#9 @ Twin Creeks Sports Complex
#2 Living Legends 14U Grey 1