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7U (AA) 8U (AA) 9U (AA) 10U (AA) 10U (AA) 11U (AA) 14U (Open) 12U (AA) 12U (Open) 13U (Open) 13U (Open)
All Auburn Games are on CST and All Valley Games are on EST 13U in Auburn and Lagrange - No Metal Spikes allowed on the Portable Mounds
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Attention coaches: Visit your team page to enter probable pitcher(s) for each game.
Participating Teams
National RankTeamClassificationFromCoach
Canes Georgia 13U Lawless - Gold (14-20-0 in 2022) 13AAA Hiram, GA Jim Baeumel
HC Colt 45s (15-11-1 in 2022) 13AAA Waverly Hall, GA Kyle Harrison
Rip City Rapids Teal (6-24-1 in 2022) 13AA Phenix City, AL Qt Trottman
Showcase Baseball 13u American (19-11-3 in 2022) 13AAA Lake City, GA Ben Howze
Showcase Baseball 13u National (14-25-1 in 2022) 13AA Lake City, GA Ben Howze
West Georgia Bombers-Presnell (9-9-2 in 2022) 13AA carrollton, GA Riley Presnell
Ygb 13u (18-12-3 in 2022) 13AAA Columbus, GA Tony Pierce

Accepted Teams
*requested an invite and are approved to attend