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At the request of Seminole County and in partnership with them, the following policies will be enforced at the Boombah Sports Complex:

* Metal Spikes are strictly not allowed inside of the complex. Pitchers will be checked when they come to the mound and batters will be checked when they step into the batters' box. Please be sure your athlete is not wearing metal spikes. They will be required to remove immediately.
* Alcohol inside of any county park is prohibited.
* All coolers and wagons will be inspected. Anything with alcohol will not be allowed into the Hubs.
* All cups and open containers will be subject to inspection and ask to be disposed of.
* No Gum or Seed allowed.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Altamonte Baseball Academy 14U
Yhonny Diaz 48 6 Orlando Baseball Academy (Base Eleven) 14U 2/28/2025
52 8 FL Dodgers 14U Daniel 3/2/2025
Total 100 14
Steve Feliz 72 9 Orlando Baseball Academy (Base Eleven) 14U 2/28/2025
13 4 FL Dodgers 14U Daniel 3/2/2025
Total 85 13
17 2 Team Orlando 14u 3/2/2025
Total 102 15
13 Yandel Garcia Vazquez 20 2 Orlando Baseball Academy (Base Eleven) 14U 2/28/2025
32 5 FL Dodgers 14U Daniel 3/2/2025
Total 52 7
43 9 Team Orlando 14u 3/2/2025
Total 95 16
Braden King 76 14 New England Select Red 3/1/2025
Lazarus Mitchell 8 1 Team Orlando 14u 3/2/2025
Myles Moye 25 6 Scorpions 14u Purple 3/2/2025
3 1 FL Dodgers 14U Daniel 3/2/2025
Total 28 7
Michael Welch 77 9 Scorpions 14u Purple 3/2/2025
Blake Wyche 50 6 Team Orlando 14u 3/2/2025
CBU 14u United Thomas
3 Ethan Anderson 35 1 Scorpions 14u Purple 3/1/2025
2 Easton Atout 37 2 Scorpions 14u Purple 3/1/2025
38 Tyce Bahnsen 62 9 TBT Palm Beach 3/1/2025
8 Tyler Heine 61 8 Scorpions 14u Purple 3/1/2025
5 Harrison Voss 57 15 Ostingers Baseball Black 3/2/2025
24 Parker Yero 40 3 TBT Palm Beach 3/1/2025
DME Academy 14u National
Colt Cast 90 20 Team Orlando 14u 2/28/2025
Shiloh Gallimore 12 4 Wily Mo & Veras Dragons 3/1/2025
Jace Hartley 43 4 New England Select Royal 3/1/2025
Devin Johnson 73 14 Orlando Baseball Academy (Base Eleven) 14U 3/2/2025
Zachary Kilian 86 17 Wily Mo & Veras Dragons 3/1/2025
Daniel Lucas 54 7 New England Select Royal 3/1/2025
Reed McFarland 15 4 Orlando Baseball Academy (Base Eleven) 14U 3/2/2025
Kade Nemitz 45 6 New England Select Royal 3/1/2025
FL Dodgers 14U Daniel
2 Luccio Candelora 45 9 Scorpions 14u 3/1/2025
44 Tucker Frank 53 9 Ostingers Baseball Black 3/1/2025
12 Brady Johnson 23 2 Ostingers Baseball Black 3/1/2025
4 Owen Litchfield 15 4 Ostingers Baseball Black 3/1/2025
11 Hermanus Louw 6 3 Scorpions 14u 3/1/2025
47 9 Altamonte Baseball Academy 14U 3/2/2025
Total 53 12
17 Wynn Mooney 21 0 Altamonte Baseball Academy 14U 3/2/2025
61 Jake Roberts 59 8 Altamonte Baseball Academy 14U 3/2/2025
8 Maddux Wright 39 6 Scorpions 14u 3/1/2025
FL MAX 14U Prime
1 Mason Ayala 20 2 RBA Jets 3/1/2025
41 4 New England Select Navy 3/2/2025
Total 61 6
26 Jackson Donovan 62 7 RBA Jets 3/1/2025
5 Parker Doss 46 4 Ostingers Baseball 14u Davis 3/1/2025
24 3 New England Select Navy 3/2/2025
Total 70 7
17 Colton McKee 55 8 RBA Jets 3/1/2025
4 William McVay 24 4 Ostingers Baseball 14u Davis 3/1/2025
30 5 New England Select Navy 3/2/2025
Total 54 9
99 James Stalions 33 8 Ostingers Baseball 14u Davis 3/1/2025
Grind Carolina
7 Matthew Almeida 21 3 New England Select Navy 3/1/2025
45 Ryan Alvarez 72 7 New England Select Navy 3/1/2025
24 Jack Feeney 17 5 New England Select Navy 3/1/2025
34 3 JR7 Baseball 3/1/2025
Total 51 8
2 Chase Landgraf 22 0 JR7 Baseball 3/2/2025
10 Austin Patti 45 5 JR7 Baseball 3/2/2025
5 Zach Rende 68 12 JR7 Baseball 3/1/2025
31 Brayden Showah 94 10 Ostingers Baseball 14u Davis 3/2/2025
13 Salvatore Spadaccino 35 7 Ostingers Baseball 14u Davis 3/2/2025
62 12 JR7 Baseball 3/2/2025
Total 97 19
GSB Prospects 2029
7 Kaiden Boggs 32 2 Team Orlando 14u 3/2/2025
8 Vito Colangelo 0 0 RBA Jets 3/2/2025
6 Aidan Cota 69 9 New England Select Navy 3/1/2025
12 Julian (Gage) LeFiles 101 13 RBA Jets 3/2/2025
3 Alejandro Sira 35 6 New England Select Navy 3/1/2025
34 3 RBA Jets 3/2/2025
Total 69 9
33 Jayden Stinton 33 6 JR7 Baseball 3/1/2025
11 Bryce Turner 83 10 Team Orlando 14u 3/2/2025
41 Seth Vasquez 81 9 JR7 Baseball 3/1/2025
8 2 RBA Jets 3/2/2025
Total 89 11
JR7 Baseball
98 Cristian Capellan 35 9 Grind Carolina 3/1/2025
5 2 Grind Carolina 3/2/2025
Total 40 11
48 9 Scorpions 14u 3/2/2025
Total 88 20
97 Luis Gonzalez 9 1 GSB Prospects 2029 3/1/2025
20 Jeremiah Guerra 9 2 GSB Prospects 2029 3/1/2025
81 17 New England Select Royal 3/2/2025
Total 90 19
81 Cebasthian Morillo 8 1 GSB Prospects 2029 3/1/2025
2 1 New England Select Royal 3/2/2025
Total 10 2
89 16 Grind Carolina 3/2/2025
Total 99 18
13 Andres Perez 33 3 GSB Prospects 2029 3/1/2025
19 3 Scorpions 14u 3/2/2025
Total 52 6
Mathias Perozo 64 9 Grind Carolina 3/1/2025
47 6 Scorpions 14u 3/2/2025
Total 111 15
0 Angel B Ruiz 8 0 GSB Prospects 2029 3/1/2025
Fabricio Solorzano 33 8 GSB Prospects 2029 3/1/2025
New England Select Navy
0 Ethan Chase 42 4 Grind Carolina 3/1/2025
32 6 FL MAX 14U Prime 3/2/2025
Total 74 10
0 Joah D'Andrea 33 0 FL MAX 14U Prime 3/2/2025
0 Connor Hannon 51 4 GSB Prospects 2029 3/1/2025
0 Joshua krueger 74 9 GSB Prospects 2029 3/1/2025
0 Nolan Murray 27 1 FL MAX 14U Prime 3/2/2025
0 Brian Tang 41 2 FL MAX 14U Prime 3/2/2025
0 Noah Trocki 67 9 Grind Carolina 3/1/2025
0 Gavin Waldron 12 2 GSB Prospects 2029 3/1/2025
New England Select Red
Aiden Brown 55 3 Orlando Baseball Academy (Base Eleven) 14U 3/1/2025
0 Hayden Fairhurst 21 1 P.R.O. Youth Foundation Rays 14u 3/2/2025
0 Chase Fuller 32 0 Orlando Baseball Academy (Base Eleven) 14U 3/1/2025
0 Lucas Grigas 31 6 Orlando Baseball Academy (Base Eleven) 14U 3/1/2025
0 Cole Kacuba 17 0 P.R.O. Youth Foundation Rays 14u 3/2/2025
0 Austin Lee 103 11 Altamonte Baseball Academy 14U 3/1/2025
0 Tyler Michaluk 27 6 P.R.O. Youth Foundation Rays 14u 3/2/2025
0 Liam Parks 27 5 P.R.O. Youth Foundation Rays 14u 3/2/2025
0 Jacob Plodzik 9 0 P.R.O. Youth Foundation Rays 14u 3/2/2025
New England Select Royal
0 Aiden Brown 71 12 DME Academy 14u National 3/1/2025
0 Keegan Day 24 3 DME Academy 14u National 3/1/2025
53 9 JR7 Baseball 3/2/2025
Total 77 12
0 Adrian Gonzaga 54 6 JR7 Baseball 3/2/2025
0 Levi Jacobs 56 11 P.R.O. Youth Foundation Rays 14u 3/1/2025
0 Alex Marx 17 3 DME Academy 14u National 3/1/2025
0 William Simms 20 3 JR7 Baseball 3/2/2025
Orlando Baseball Academy (Base Eleven) 14U
0 Tripp Korb 39 8 New England Select Red 3/1/2025
9 3 Scorpions 14u 3/2/2025
Total 48 11
0 Maven Leman 84 18 Altamonte Baseball Academy 14U 2/28/2025
27 Roberto Torres 104 20 DME Academy 14u National 3/2/2025
19 Mauricio Zaa 91 17 Scorpions 14u 3/2/2025
Ostingers Baseball 14u Davis
10 Jackson Caudill 64 15 RBA Jets 3/1/2025
34 Jeremy Hoff Jr 69 18 FL MAX 14U Prime 3/1/2025
55 Smith Martell 39 4 Grind Carolina 3/2/2025
16 Gabriel Messing 77 11 Grind Carolina 3/2/2025
13 Owen Windham 7 3 Grind Carolina 3/2/2025
Ostingers Baseball Black
2 Caden Bernier 39 6 CBU 14u United Thomas 3/2/2025
17 Evrett Edwards 61 10 FL Dodgers 14U Daniel 3/1/2025
99 Daniel Fehlman 59 6 Scorpions 14u 3/1/2025
26 Cole Freda 69 5 CBU 14u United Thomas 3/2/2025
33 Ryan Lee 45 2 FL Dodgers 14U Daniel 3/1/2025
6 Brody Morrow 39 5 FL Dodgers 14U Daniel 3/1/2025
97 Dominic Poretto 5 1 CBU 14u United Thomas 3/2/2025
43 Luke Reiland 17 2 CBU 14u United Thomas 3/2/2025
25 Jj Shreve 40 3 Scorpions 14u 3/1/2025
P.R.O. Youth Foundation Rays 14u
13 Alex Gonzalez 44 5 New England Select Royal 3/1/2025
5 DreShaun House 75 15 New England Select Red 3/2/2025
Jaxon Leppla 8 2 Team Orlando 14u 3/1/2025
42 Braylon Mack 76 6 New England Select Royal 3/1/2025
2 Brian Morrow 79 19 Team Orlando 14u 3/1/2025
RBA Jets
33 Conner Blomlie 30 6 Ostingers Baseball 14u Davis 3/1/2025
1 Brandon Cooley 49 5 Ostingers Baseball 14u Davis 3/1/2025
12 Bryson Grant 52 4 Ostingers Baseball 14u Davis 3/1/2025
24 CJ Hardee IV 35 5 FL MAX 14U Prime 3/1/2025
4 Xavier Hunt 57 6 GSB Prospects 2029 3/2/2025
22 Beckett Lourenco 71 11 FL MAX 14U Prime 3/1/2025
9 Elijah Negron 19 0 GSB Prospects 2029 3/2/2025
2 Jaxson Russo 55 9 GSB Prospects 2029 3/2/2025
Scorpions 14u
73 Zaid Basco 12 3 Ostingers Baseball Black 3/1/2025
29 9 JR7 Baseball 3/2/2025
Total 41 12
1 Ryne Fennell 51 9 Orlando Baseball Academy (Base Eleven) 14U 3/2/2025
11 Jackson Fleming 18 0 JR7 Baseball 3/2/2025
17 Sam Grimm 29 5 FL Dodgers 14U Daniel 3/1/2025
6 David Gundel 55 9 TBT Palm Beach 3/2/2025
2 Jace Kennedy 50 11 Orlando Baseball Academy (Base Eleven) 14U 3/2/2025
3 Gabriel Klimis 43 3 FL Dodgers 14U Daniel 3/1/2025
22 6 TBT Palm Beach 3/2/2025
Total 65 9
23 Koda Myers 17 3 FL Dodgers 14U Daniel 3/1/2025
39 Tanner Russell 48 9 Ostingers Baseball Black 3/1/2025
22 Antonio Villalona 45 5 FL Dodgers 14U Daniel 3/1/2025
9 3 JR7 Baseball 3/2/2025
Total 54 8
13 Jax Yuzzolin 55 9 JR7 Baseball 3/2/2025
Scorpions 14u Purple
35 Reid Alberti 64 13 Wily Mo & Veras Dragons 3/1/2025
7 Drew Goldman 2 2 Altamonte Baseball Academy 14U 3/2/2025
27 Jaxon Hosford 54 11 CBU 14u United Thomas 3/1/2025
32 Whitt Martindale 65 10 Altamonte Baseball Academy 14U 3/2/2025
14 Bjorn Nelsen 18 2 Altamonte Baseball Academy 14U 3/2/2025
9 Xavier Rivera 43 8 Wily Mo & Veras Dragons 3/1/2025
TBT Palm Beach
Stanly Alcala 41 2 Scorpions 14u 3/2/2025
3 Aaron Chevere 15 1 Scorpions 14u 3/2/2025
26 Marqus Gauff 76 9 Wily Mo & Veras Dragons 3/1/2025
Chase Lima 31 4 Scorpions 14u 3/2/2025
Elijah Ramirez 33 5 Scorpions 14u 3/2/2025
Cameron Robledo 42 6 Wily Mo & Veras Dragons 3/1/2025
Gedreyl Rodriguez 28 3 CBU 14u United Thomas 3/1/2025
35 Milo Walker 56 11 CBU 14u United Thomas 3/1/2025
Team Orlando 14u
24 Connor "CJ" Ashley 48 9 DME Academy 14u National 2/28/2025
43 12 Altamonte Baseball Academy 14U 3/2/2025
Total 91 21
44 Carter Lewis 29 3 DME Academy 14u National 2/28/2025
79 13 GSB Prospects 2029 3/2/2025
Total 108 16
15 Davin Robinson 23 9 P.R.O. Youth Foundation Rays 14u 3/1/2025
2 Carter Rose 17 2 GSB Prospects 2029 3/2/2025
10 Wyatt Sheppard 51 9 DME Academy 14u National 2/28/2025
42 7 Altamonte Baseball Academy 14U 3/2/2025
Total 93 16
22 John (Wynn) Shova 58 14 P.R.O. Youth Foundation Rays 14u 3/1/2025
Wily Mo & Veras Dragons
56 Matthew Andujar 60 6 TBT Palm Beach 3/1/2025
3 Gavin Ares 59 9 TBT Palm Beach 3/1/2025
9 Kristian Elsner 73 14 DME Academy 14u National 3/1/2025
42 Jack Green 2 1 Scorpions 14u Purple 3/1/2025
1 Spencer Mulholland 96 20 Scorpions 14u Purple 3/1/2025
15 Alexander Vichabian 32 6 DME Academy 14u National 3/1/2025