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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
14u Offseason Baseball - Woloson
6 Bode Bromley 63 7 Banditos White 9/12/2021
10 Macgregor Byers 33 5 Houston Royals 9/11/2021
12 Braden Comstock 46 3 Fort Bend Aces 9/11/2021
13 Benjamin Lepow 44 9 Fort Bend Aces 9/11/2021
23 3 Team Houston 9/12/2021
Total 67 12
32 Jake Pellegrino 12 3 Houston Royals 9/11/2021
66 9 Team Houston 9/12/2021
Total 78 12
8 Reid Sasser 36 6 Houston Royals 9/11/2021
16 Braydon Young 23 4 Banditos White 9/12/2021
5 Star Performance Avalos 14U
7 Aidan Avalos 20 1 Team Houston 9/11/2021
11 2 Texas Drillers 13u 9/12/2021
Total 31 3
23 Ryan Benavides 19 3 CAT 5 Baseball 9/11/2021
13 1 Texas Drillers 13u 9/12/2021
Total 32 4
99 Brady Brewer 16 2 CAT 5 Baseball 9/11/2021
21 Cesar Cisneros 14 2 CAT 5 Baseball 9/11/2021
56 10 Katy Express 9/12/2021
Total 70 12
20 Halen Heinz 21 3 Team Houston 9/11/2021
36 5 Texas Drillers 13u 9/12/2021
Total 57 8
11 Jordan Hernandez 15 3 Team Houston 9/11/2021
27 Cade Low 27 3 CAT 5 Baseball 9/11/2021
15 1 Texas Drillers 13u 9/12/2021
Total 42 4
2 Hayden Mireles 68 15 ZT Elite TX Ortiz 14u 9/12/2021
1 Grant Shepherd 5 1 CAT 5 Baseball 9/11/2021
0 Maddox Taylor 9 3 Team Houston 9/11/2021
38 4 Katy Express 9/12/2021
Total 47 7
17 Brady Tran 22 3 CAT 5 Baseball 9/11/2021
Banditos White
25 Avery Bell 14 1 Epa 14u Gold 9/11/2021
9 Brody Freitas 36 6 Epa 14u Gold 9/11/2021
51 9 Texas Drillers 13u 9/12/2021
Total 87 15
5 Mason Hernandez 53 10 Premier Baseball 14u Yost 9/11/2021
29 Diego Magueyal 42 5 Texas Drillers 13u 9/12/2021
12 Rylan Rucker 14 2 Premier Baseball 14u Yost 9/11/2021
55 6 14u Offseason Baseball - Woloson 9/12/2021
Total 69 8
11 Sebastian Segura 21 7 Epa 14u Gold 9/11/2021
55 9 14u Offseason Baseball - Woloson 9/12/2021
Total 76 16
32 Carson Smith 23 3 Epa 14u Gold 9/11/2021
CAT 5 Baseball
99 Landon Collins 21 2 Houston Bengals 14u Lima Jr. 9/11/2021
3 1 Houston Legends 9/12/2021
Total 24 3
33 Elwood Garza 22 2 Houston Bengals 14u Lima Jr. 9/11/2021
1 Logan Maxcey 12 1 Houston Bengals 14u Lima Jr. 9/11/2021
21 5 5 Star Performance Avalos 14U 9/11/2021
Total 33 6
0 0 Houston Legends 9/12/2021
Total 33 6
34 Keegan McDermott 16 1 Houston Bengals 14u Lima Jr. 9/11/2021
42 Langston Mosley 55 7 Houston Legends 9/12/2021
8 Tyler Sauers 29 6 Houston Bengals 14u Lima Jr. 9/11/2021
22 1 Houston Legends 9/12/2021
Total 51 7
45 Adrian Valdes 25 3 Houston Legends 9/12/2021
10 Akin Wells 30 6 5 Star Performance Avalos 14U 9/11/2021
9 Caiden Wells 13 3 Houston Bengals 14u Lima Jr. 9/11/2021
Epa 14u Gold
Ayden Davis 67 15 Texas Panthers 9/11/2021
Hayden McElroy 76 15 Premier Baseball Elliott 14u 9/12/2021
Gavin Nabors 30 3 Texas Panthers 9/11/2021
Kade Smith 15 2 Premier Baseball 14u Yost 9/12/2021
Brayden Stevenson 73 15 Banditos White 9/11/2021
Christopher Worley 75 13 Premier Baseball 14u Yost 9/12/2021
Fort Bend Aces
9 Tanner Baumbach 39 8 Texas Drillers 13u 9/11/2021
28 3 Katy Express 9/12/2021
Total 67 11
22 Noah Diaz 15 3 Texas Drillers 13u 9/11/2021
17 0 14u Offseason Baseball - Woloson 9/11/2021
Total 32 3
13 Lucas Grimes 12 3 Texas Drillers 13u 9/11/2021
21 3 14u Offseason Baseball - Woloson 9/11/2021
Total 33 6
27 Bryan Nathan 13 3 Texas Drillers 13u 9/11/2021
4 Aiden Phan 0 0 Texas Drillers 13u 9/11/2021
23 0 Katy Express 9/12/2021
Total 23 0
10 Jacob Salas 53 6 14u Offseason Baseball - Woloson 9/11/2021
8 Matt Salgar 30 3 Katy Express 9/12/2021
Houston Bengals 14u Lima Jr.
3 Luke Chehresa 24 5 CAT 5 Baseball 9/11/2021
29 2 Katy Express 9/12/2021
Total 53 7
6 Jared Jochim 3 1 Katy Express 9/12/2021
23 Lance Lindroos 51 8 Lynx Gold 9/11/2021
13 Nathan Patel 56 8 CAT 5 Baseball 9/11/2021
58 11 Katy Express 9/12/2021
Total 114 19
7 Dylan Thane 28 3 Lynx Gold 9/11/2021
Houston Bengals-14u (Watson)
7 Jacob Benavidez 49 6 Katy Express 9/11/2021
27 Josh Cupitt 98 18 ZT Elite TX Ortiz 14u 9/12/2021
34 Brady Helm 26 6 Premier Baseball Elliott 14u 9/11/2021
11 Caden Lilley 41 9 Katy Express 9/11/2021
0 Rich Scarborough 60 9 Premier Baseball Elliott 14u 9/11/2021
Houston Legends
10 Noah Blanco 0 0 Lynx Gold 9/11/2021
12 Isaac Bowling 42 7 Lynx Gold 9/11/2021
2 Max Cancino 38 3 Team Houston 9/11/2021
44 Carlos Martinez 23 3 Houston Royals 9/12/2021
16 Ryan McWhirter 13 0 Houston Royals 9/12/2021
24 4 CAT 5 Baseball 9/12/2021
Total 37 4
1 Isaiah Reyes 59 5 Houston Royals 9/12/2021
45 Rafael Soria 50 4 Team Houston 9/11/2021
22 Brayden Spencer 59 5 Lynx Gold 9/11/2021
9 Tyler Veillon 4 1 Team Houston 9/11/2021
54 11 CAT 5 Baseball 9/12/2021
Total 58 12
Houston Royals
Bennett Adams 21 4 ZT Elite TX Ortiz 14u 9/11/2021
Jackson Clark 24 3 ZT Elite TX Ortiz 14u 9/11/2021
9 3 Premier Baseball 14u Yost 9/12/2021
Total 33 6
Liam Fanning 12 3 ZT Elite TX Ortiz 14u 9/11/2021
Brayden Johansson 29 2 ZT Elite TX Ortiz 14u 9/11/2021
Kalino Lehaun 17 3 14u Offseason Baseball - Woloson 9/11/2021
Ben Marshall 19 3 14u Offseason Baseball - Woloson 9/11/2021
23 6 Premier Baseball 14u Yost 9/12/2021
Total 42 9
68 10 Houston Legends 9/12/2021
Total 110 19
Wylie Ward 24 5 14u Offseason Baseball - Woloson 9/11/2021
Ethan Wolcott 30 4 14u Offseason Baseball - Woloson 9/11/2021
0 0 ZT Elite TX Ortiz 14u 9/11/2021
Total 30 4
Katy Express
45 Nicolas Broyles 11 0 Premier Baseball Elliott 14u 9/11/2021
4 Riley Chamberlain 30 1 Houston Bengals-14u (Watson) 9/11/2021
21 Cameron Crittenden 28 6 Premier Baseball Elliott 14u 9/11/2021
27 Chance Diebner 69 7 Fort Bend Aces 9/12/2021
34 Trevor Jones 32 12 Houston Bengals-14u (Watson) 9/11/2021
25 3 5 Star Performance Avalos 14U 9/12/2021
Total 57 15
12 3 Houston Bengals 14u Lima Jr. 9/12/2021
Total 69 18
3 Nicolas Piazza 55 12 Houston Bengals 14u Lima Jr. 9/12/2021
1 Cooper Roberts 33 9 Premier Baseball Elliott 14u 9/11/2021
18 2 Fort Bend Aces 9/12/2021
Total 51 11
7 Dominick Vasquez 32 3 Houston Bengals-14u (Watson) 9/11/2021
58 9 5 Star Performance Avalos 14U 9/12/2021
Total 90 12
Lynx Gold
43 Zachary Ammons 29 6 Houston Legends 9/11/2021
50 Ethan Clark 11 0 Houston Bengals 14u Lima Jr. 9/11/2021
12 Jonathon Feely 24 4 Houston Bengals 14u Lima Jr. 9/11/2021
19 Braden Janak 15 1 Texas Drillers 13u 9/12/2021
11 Kyle Klekar 45 8 Houston Legends 9/11/2021
33 5 Texas Drillers 13u 9/12/2021
Total 78 13
16 Price Rea 38 6 Houston Bengals 14u Lima Jr. 9/11/2021
7 Nick Romano 2 1 Houston Bengals 14u Lima Jr. 9/11/2021
8 1 Texas Drillers 13u 9/12/2021
Total 10 2
15 Garrett Sells 47 5 Texas Drillers 13u 9/12/2021
Premier Baseball 14u Yost
Grayson Albaugh 16 3 Banditos White 9/11/2021
49 5 Epa 14u Gold 9/12/2021
Total 65 8
Michael Allen 35 3 Houston Royals 9/12/2021
55 Noah Buenrostro 25 2 Houston Royals 9/12/2021
8 1 Epa 14u Gold 9/12/2021
Total 33 3
7 Aiden Haby 61 9 Banditos White 9/11/2021
17 Austin Hamilton 17 0 Texas Panthers 9/11/2021
24 6 Epa 14u Gold 9/12/2021
Total 41 6
Jacek Scasny 73 12 Texas Panthers 9/11/2021
10 Kaiden Toglia 25 5 Epa 14u Gold 9/12/2021
38 2 Houston Royals 9/12/2021
Total 63 7
Kevin Wright 54 1 Houston Royals 9/12/2021
Premier Baseball Elliott 14u
3 Seth Aliniece 31 6 Houston Bengals-14u (Watson) 9/11/2021
Griffin Cales 46 9 Houston Bengals-14u (Watson) 9/11/2021
21 4 Epa 14u Gold 9/12/2021
Total 67 13
0 Justin Gibson 69 9 Katy Express 9/11/2021
6 1 Epa 14u Gold 9/12/2021
Total 75 10
Nicolas Medina 27 3 Katy Express 9/11/2021
34 3 Epa 14u Gold 9/12/2021
Total 61 6
4 Aj Rocha 43 5 Epa 14u Gold 9/12/2021
Team Houston
21 Zachary Casas 45 8 5 Star Performance Avalos 14U 9/11/2021
14 Logan Contreras 20 3 Houston Legends 9/11/2021
4 Trebor Dewhitt 7 3 Houston Legends 9/11/2021
7 Caleb Floyd 11 3 Houston Legends 9/11/2021
17 Nick Hagle 50 4 5 Star Performance Avalos 14U 9/11/2021
9 Jacob Morris 72 10 14u Offseason Baseball - Woloson 9/12/2021
Texas Drillers 13u
34 Samuel Arrendell 42 6 ZT Elite TX Ortiz 14u 9/11/2021
47 7 5 Star Performance Avalos 14U 9/12/2021
Total 89 13
14 Blake Calnan 32 6 Fort Bend Aces 9/11/2021
46 9 Lynx Gold 9/12/2021
Total 78 15
0 Quinn Fitzpatrick 63 11 Fort Bend Aces 9/11/2021
8 Benjamin Fuqua 14 3 Banditos White 9/12/2021
22 Preston Gorski 6 1 5 Star Performance Avalos 14U 9/12/2021
99 Ryan Lamon 24 6 Lynx Gold 9/12/2021
3 Luke Loving 30 6 ZT Elite TX Ortiz 14u 9/11/2021
50 8 Texas Panthers 9/12/2021
Total 80 14
1 Dillon Norris 23 2 ZT Elite TX Ortiz 14u 9/11/2021
63 12 Banditos White 9/12/2021
Total 86 14
9 Logan Santos 54 10 Texas Panthers 9/12/2021
6 1 5 Star Performance Avalos 14U 9/12/2021
Total 60 11
Texas Panthers
52 Gavin Garcia 26 9 Premier Baseball 14u Yost 9/11/2021
9 Jacob George 23 9 Epa 14u Gold 9/11/2021
34 Jackson Marshall 33 6 Premier Baseball 14u Yost 9/11/2021
11 Aiden Reed 25 6 Epa 14u Gold 9/11/2021
34 10 Texas Drillers 13u 9/12/2021
Total 59 16
2 Ross Sullivan 33 3 Epa 14u Gold 9/11/2021
56 8 Texas Drillers 13u 9/12/2021
Total 89 11
ZT Elite TX Ortiz 14u
21 Carsan Evans 19 2 Houston Royals 9/11/2021
80 Jose Garcia 70 18 Houston Bengals-14u (Watson) 9/12/2021
7 Earon Ortiz 29 6 Houston Royals 9/11/2021
19 3 5 Star Performance Avalos 14U 9/12/2021
Total 48 9
1 Isaac Perez 0 0 Texas Drillers 13u 9/11/2021
20 Stephen Sepulveda 30 6 Texas Drillers 13u 9/11/2021
3 Tristan Smaistrla 40 5 Texas Drillers 13u 9/11/2021
52 9 5 Star Performance Avalos 14U 9/12/2021
Total 92 14
14 Ryan Soto 6 1 Texas Drillers 13u 9/11/2021
16 0 5 Star Performance Avalos 14U 9/12/2021
Total 22 1
9 Adam Torres 21 6 Houston Royals 9/11/2021