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All - We are looking forward to the Music City World Series beginning tomorrow. Just a couple of notes before the weekend...

ABSOLUTELY NO METAL SPIKES OR SUNFLOWER SEEDS ON TURF FIELDS! If umpires see metal spikes or sunflower seeds, players will receive one warning and will be ejected if it happens a 2nd time. 

Rules can be found under "Event Info" and "Rules" on the event page. 

Pitching Report can be found under "Event Info" and "Pitching Report"... If pitching needs to be corrected after a game, please send an email to stats@perfectgame.org and copy myself on it creynolds@perfectgame.org. 

Please let us know if you have any questions. Thanks!

Southeast Youth TN
Cassie Reynolds
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
5 Star Great Lakes 14U Black
Brady Boyd 20 2 Nwa Prospects Black 6/9/2024
William Caddick 40 6 Service Baseball 14u Delta Force 6/8/2024
33 5 Pioneer Baseball 6/10/2024
Total 73 11
10 Donovan Craig 72 9 Nwa Prospects Black 6/9/2024
31 Landon Fedak 60 12 East Cobb Astros 615 - 14u 6/8/2024
17 Ben Finney 57 5 East Cobb Astros 615 - 14u 6/10/2024
Garrett Neal 26 6 Pioneer Baseball 6/10/2024
18 Garrett Ortiz 30 4 Service Baseball 14u Delta Force 6/8/2024
Emilio Reynoso 41 9 East Cobb Astros 615 - 14u 6/8/2024
66 9 East Cobb Astros 615 - 14u 6/10/2024
Total 107 18
11 Geremy Serna 37 8 Service Baseball 14u Delta Force 6/8/2024
10 1 East Cobb Astros 615 - 14u 6/10/2024
Total 47 9
9 Vinny Zsuppon 62 5 Pioneer Baseball 6/10/2024
Ascension Vipers
7 Chance Burleigh 64 9 Pioneer Baseball 6/9/2024
2 Cohen Dimm 52 4 East Coast Sox-Se Prime 6/8/2024
16 0 Lbc Central Red 14u 6/10/2024
Total 68 4
8 Ayden Hue 61 8 Indiana Bulls Red 6/8/2024
32 5 Pioneer Baseball 6/9/2024
Total 93 13
3 Jude Lambert 56 7 East Coast Sox-Se Prime 6/8/2024
98 9 USA Prime NE FL Red 6/10/2024
Total 154 16
22 Jack Leblanc 65 9 Indiana Bulls Red 6/8/2024
26 1 USA Prime NE FL Red 6/10/2024
Total 91 10
9 Triston Manuel 20 4 East Coast Sox-Se Prime 6/8/2024
55 11 Lbc Central Red 14u 6/10/2024
Total 75 15
20 Graham Morgan 49 6 Pioneer Baseball 6/9/2024
44 6 Lbc Central Red 14u 6/10/2024
Total 93 12
16 Evan Schenk 4 1 USA Prime NE FL Red 6/10/2024
4 Cole Simpson 16 1 Indiana Bulls Red 6/8/2024
28 2 Lbc Central Red 14u 6/10/2024
Total 44 3
Beaver Valley Red
1 Brad Bucci 45 6 Mad Mavericks - Garvin 6/9/2024
15 3 Nwa Prospects Black 6/11/2024
Total 60 9
9 3 Indiana Bulls Red 6/11/2024
Total 69 12
2 Carson Campbell 60 9 Lbc Central Red 14u 6/8/2024
12 1 Indiana Bulls Red 6/11/2024
Total 72 10
19 Josh Chalovich 18 3 Lbc Central Red 14u 6/8/2024
62 12 Nwa Prospects Black 6/11/2024
Total 80 15
18 2 Indiana Bulls Red 6/11/2024
Total 98 17
23 Aiden Drotos 55 12 Zt Bombers 14u Victus 6/8/2024
10 Eli Hermes 30 6 Nwa Prospects Black 6/11/2024
65 12 Indiana Bulls Red 6/11/2024
Total 95 18
26 Derek Hughes 22 5 Lbc Central Red 14u 6/8/2024
51 14 Pioneer Baseball 6/10/2024
Total 73 19
9 Jackson Marcheck 23 6 Mad Mavericks - Garvin 6/9/2024
52 Michael Casey Vlasto 36 6 Zt Bombers 14u Victus 6/8/2024
22 6 Mad Mavericks - Garvin 6/9/2024
Total 58 12
East Coast Sox-Se Prime
1 Cade Ashcraft 73 13 Ascension Vipers 6/8/2024
8 Michael Gooch Jr 44 7 East Cobb Astros 615 - 14u 6/10/2024
7 Hudson Kruger 55 11 Pioneer Baseball 6/8/2024
24 Nolan Lloyd 64 12 USA Prime NE FL Red 6/9/2024
21 Christian McCrary 43 6 East Cobb Astros 615 - 14u 6/10/2024
15 Camden Pruitt 33 6 USA Prime NE FL Red 6/9/2024
23 Brendan Rich 45 4 East Cobb Astros 615 - 14u 6/10/2024
26 Jacob Rogerson 52 7 Pioneer Baseball 6/8/2024
21 5 Ascension Vipers 6/8/2024
Total 73 12
East Cobb Astros 615 - 14u
5 Champ Banks 7 1 Pioneer Baseball 6/8/2024
10 Braxton Barnes 17 3 Texas Senators 14u Desantiago 6/9/2024
17 Brake Blackwell 12 0 Texas Senators 14u Desantiago 6/9/2024
11 River Brim 27 7 5 Star Great Lakes 14U Black 6/10/2024
64 14 Indiana Bulls Red 6/11/2024
Total 91 21
22 Taeson Chang 13 3 5 Star Great Lakes 14U Black 6/8/2024
15 2 Texas Senators 14u Desantiago 6/9/2024
Total 28 5
13 3 Indiana Bulls Red 6/11/2024
Total 41 8
2 Marcus Hargrove 60 7 Texas Senators 14u Desantiago 6/9/2024
1 Xander Jackson 28 4 Pioneer Baseball 6/8/2024
72 15 East Coast Sox-Se Prime 6/10/2024
Total 100 19
3 Tyler Johns 22 5 Pioneer Baseball 6/8/2024
28 0 Texas Senators 14u Desantiago 6/9/2024
Total 50 5
25 Scout Loftis 46 8 Pioneer Baseball 6/8/2024
28 2 East Coast Sox-Se Prime 6/10/2024
Total 74 10
18 2 5 Star Great Lakes 14U Black 6/10/2024
Total 92 12
20 Dylan Marr 7 2 5 Star Great Lakes 14U Black 6/8/2024
47 6 5 Star Great Lakes 14U Black 6/10/2024
Total 54 8
5 1 Indiana Bulls Red 6/11/2024
Total 59 9
4 Garrett Taylor 82 13 5 Star Great Lakes 14U Black 6/8/2024
Indiana Bulls Red
44 Quintyn Bishop 37 8 Nwa Prospects Black 6/8/2024
77 14 Texas Senators 14u Desantiago 6/10/2024
Total 114 22
33 Brayden Cravens 18 3 Ascension Vipers 6/8/2024
22 2 Beaver Valley Red 6/11/2024
Total 40 5
10 Drew Dalton 35 6 Nwa Prospects Black 6/8/2024
2 1 Texas Senators 14u Desantiago 6/10/2024
Total 37 7
68 11 East Cobb Astros 615 - 14u 6/11/2024
Total 105 18
24 Nolan Doup 44 8 Ascension Vipers 6/8/2024
0 0 Service Baseball 14u Delta Force 6/10/2024
Total 44 8
50 Broderick Drake 34 8 Service Baseball 14u Delta Force 6/9/2024
49 5 Beaver Valley Red 6/11/2024
Total 83 13
25 Nicholas Gasiorek 32 4 Nwa Prospects Black 6/8/2024
53 8 Service Baseball 14u Delta Force 6/10/2024
Total 85 12
3 Bishop Moore 13 3 Texas Senators 14u Desantiago 6/10/2024
73 10 East Cobb Astros 615 - 14u 6/11/2024
Total 86 13
6 Braylon Storey 13 3 Ascension Vipers 6/8/2024
73 9 Service Baseball 14u Delta Force 6/10/2024
Total 86 12
1 Aiden Thompson 36 4 Beaver Valley Red 6/11/2024
5 Jack Whaley 32 0 Ascension Vipers 6/8/2024
31 5 Beaver Valley Red 6/11/2024
Total 63 5
Lbc Central Red 14u
4 Cade Briseno 11 1 Beaver Valley Red 6/8/2024
25 4 Ascension Vipers 6/10/2024
Total 36 5
99 Caden Hoover 69 21 Zt Bombers 14u Victus 6/9/2024
22 Carter Klutts 10 3 Mad Mavericks - Garvin 6/8/2024
20 jack lamy 42 3 Ascension Vipers 6/10/2024
4 Brody Lateur 0 0 Beaver Valley Red 6/8/2024
10 Daniel Masters 53 12 Mad Mavericks - Garvin 6/8/2024
3 Truett Middlebrook 57 10 Beaver Valley Red 6/8/2024
42 Gabriel Quanstrom 85 15 Nwa Prospects Black 6/10/2024
25 1 Ascension Vipers 6/10/2024
Total 110 16
21 Colton Taylor 2 0 Ascension Vipers 6/10/2024
12 Nathan Whyte 35 6 Beaver Valley Red 6/8/2024
89 Chase Woodworth 53 13 Ascension Vipers 6/10/2024
Mad Mavericks - Garvin
17 Will Brock 59 9 USA Prime NE FL Red 6/8/2024
2 Bennett Conyers 97 16 Texas Senators 14u Desantiago 6/10/2024
3 Luke Geshke 71 12 Lbc Central Red 14u 6/8/2024
11 Isaiah Hasselbeck 87 14 Beaver Valley Red 6/9/2024
9 William King 8 0 Beaver Valley Red 6/9/2024
8 Jeramy Laster 39 3 Lbc Central Red 14u 6/8/2024
11 0 Texas Senators 14u Desantiago 6/10/2024
Total 50 3
1 Jack Sites 56 6 USA Prime NE FL Red 6/8/2024
Easton Webster 55 15 Service Baseball 14u Delta Force 6/10/2024
Nwa Prospects Black
6 Reese Cavitt 43 5 Texas Senators 14u Desantiago 6/8/2024
56 11 Lbc Central Red 14u 6/10/2024
Total 99 16
99 Brodie Curry 42 8 Indiana Bulls Red 6/8/2024
31 5 USA Prime NE FL Red 6/10/2024
Total 73 13
5 1 Beaver Valley Red 6/11/2024
Total 78 14
Kellen Davis 50 9 Texas Senators 14u Desantiago 6/8/2024
24 9 Lbc Central Red 14u 6/10/2024
Total 74 18
24 3 Beaver Valley Red 6/11/2024
Total 98 21
10 Cooper McIntosh 58 4 Indiana Bulls Red 6/8/2024
34 Hudson Roach 24 6 Indiana Bulls Red 6/8/2024
80 12 Beaver Valley Red 6/11/2024
Total 104 18
15 Jackson Rodgers 26 1 Texas Senators 14u Desantiago 6/8/2024
35 9 USA Prime NE FL Red 6/10/2024
Total 61 10
24 2 Beaver Valley Red 6/11/2024
Total 85 12
14 Jayden Stegner 48 6 5 Star Great Lakes 14U Black 6/9/2024
Hayes Thompson 56 8 5 Star Great Lakes 14U Black 6/9/2024
7 1 USA Prime NE FL Red 6/10/2024
Total 63 9
Pioneer Baseball
15 Kade Dryer 45 4 East Cobb Astros 615 - 14u 6/8/2024
84 20 Ascension Vipers 6/9/2024
Total 129 24
22 Jack Dunlap 36 4 East Coast Sox-Se Prime 6/8/2024
8 Brayden Durkes 93 14 Zt Bombers 14u Victus 6/10/2024
7 Mason Partridge 53 9 East Coast Sox-Se Prime 6/8/2024
42 6 5 Star Great Lakes 14U Black 6/10/2024
Total 95 15
4 Oliver Rambo 51 3 Beaver Valley Red 6/10/2024
23 4 5 Star Great Lakes 14U Black 6/10/2024
Total 74 7
44 Ashton Sawyer 59 11 East Cobb Astros 615 - 14u 6/8/2024
13 Mason Sheumaker 28 6 5 Star Great Lakes 14U Black 6/10/2024
2 Blake Wiss 13 5 East Coast Sox-Se Prime 6/8/2024
28 5 Zt Bombers 14u Victus 6/10/2024
Total 41 10
56 8 Beaver Valley Red 6/10/2024
Total 97 18
Service Baseball 14u Delta Force
27 Caleb Cruse 28 2 Indiana Bulls Red 6/9/2024
46 9 Mad Mavericks - Garvin 6/10/2024
Total 74 11
8 Ethan Mote 10 2 Texas Senators 14u Desantiago 6/8/2024
10 Mac Newton 24 1 Texas Senators 14u Desantiago 6/8/2024
0 0 Indiana Bulls Red 6/9/2024
Total 24 1
13 Hudson Ray 51 9 Texas Senators 14u Desantiago 6/8/2024
40 6 Indiana Bulls Red 6/10/2024
Total 91 15
1 Maddox Schreiber 50 5 Indiana Bulls Red 6/9/2024
37 River Shugart 42 9 5 Star Great Lakes 14U Black 6/8/2024
27 2 Indiana Bulls Red 6/10/2024
Total 69 11
34 Luke Vanderhoff 29 2 5 Star Great Lakes 14U Black 6/8/2024
31 3 Mad Mavericks - Garvin 6/10/2024
Total 60 5
24 Coleson Wood 25 3 5 Star Great Lakes 14U Black 6/8/2024
47 6 Indiana Bulls Red 6/10/2024
Total 72 9
Texas Senators 14u Desantiago
41 Grant Billodeau 33 5 Nwa Prospects Black 6/8/2024
51 11 Mad Mavericks - Garvin 6/10/2024
Total 84 16
23 Tesla Calhoun 39 6 Nwa Prospects Black 6/8/2024
24 Cannon Couch 76 10 Indiana Bulls Red 6/10/2024
11 3 Mad Mavericks - Garvin 6/10/2024
Total 87 13
8 Walker Evans 13 3 East Cobb Astros 615 - 14u 6/9/2024
1 Grayson Gaspard 60 13 Service Baseball 14u Delta Force 6/8/2024
35 Jack Gheen 28 4 East Cobb Astros 615 - 14u 6/9/2024
3 Tate Moore 53 7 East Cobb Astros 615 - 14u 6/9/2024
5 Blayne Namken 8 2 Service Baseball 14u Delta Force 6/8/2024
27 Owen Strain 19 3 Mad Mavericks - Garvin 6/10/2024
44 7 Indiana Bulls Red 6/10/2024
Total 63 10
USA Prime NE FL Red
27 Harley Childers 61 8 Ascension Vipers 6/10/2024
7 Lucas Cunningham 36 6 East Coast Sox-Se Prime 6/9/2024
15 Landon Ferrelli 87 9 Nwa Prospects Black 6/10/2024
23 Matthew Gonzalez 22 1 Mad Mavericks - Garvin 6/8/2024
1 Truett Henderson 0 0 Mad Mavericks - Garvin 6/8/2024
23 Michael Huerta 48 2 Mad Mavericks - Garvin 6/8/2024
8 2 Zt Bombers 14u Victus 6/8/2024
Total 56 4
5 John Iannucci 97 10 Zt Bombers 14u Victus 6/8/2024
77 Dylan Koos 24 5 Mad Mavericks - Garvin 6/8/2024
11 Evan Macdonald 51 7 Mad Mavericks - Garvin 6/8/2024
26 3 Ascension Vipers 6/10/2024
Total 77 10
12 2 Nwa Prospects Black 6/10/2024
Total 89 12
7 Clayton Skellet 2 0 East Coast Sox-Se Prime 6/9/2024
4 Kristopher Thorne 87 12 East Coast Sox-Se Prime 6/9/2024
Zt Bombers 14u Victus
17 Kayden Bozof 11 1 Beaver Valley Red 6/8/2024
55 Gavyn Hill 80 18 Lbc Central Red 14u 6/9/2024
20 Jaxon Ogg 20 3 Beaver Valley Red 6/8/2024
119 19 Pioneer Baseball 6/10/2024
Total 139 22
25 Jack Rogers 7 3 Pioneer Baseball 6/10/2024
Caden Skinner 94 12 Beaver Valley Red 6/8/2024
35 Terrence Watts 64 9 USA Prime NE FL Red 6/8/2024
Aiden Weger 33 6 USA Prime NE FL Red 6/8/2024