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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
10U Gladiators- Hardy
27 Cooper Floyd 12 3 Lba Dirtbags Black 11/9/2024
12 3 Lba Dirtbags Black 11/9/2024
Total 24 6
12 3 Lba Dirtbags Black 11/9/2024
Total 36 9
8 Luke Hargrave 27 2 Surge 10u - Mitchell 11/9/2024
1 Dawson McGallion 66 9 Dtx 10u 11/10/2024
22 Easton Nelson 41 6 Surge 10u - Mitchell 11/9/2024
7 Kayson Reid 33 6 Lba Dirtbags Black 11/9/2024
33 3 Dtx 10u 11/10/2024
Total 66 9
6 Ira Roberts 4 1 Surge 10u - Mitchell 11/9/2024
4 1 Surge 10u - Mitchell 11/9/2024
Total 8 2
4 1 Surge 10u - Mitchell 11/9/2024
Total 12 3
Bolts Baseball 10U
7 Liam Garza 24 4 Storm Chasers 10u Tucker 11/9/2024
79 14 Houston Bengals 11/10/2024
Total 103 18
1 Cameron Hantrakul 15 1 Broski Baseball 10U 11/9/2024
3 Brody Neff 13 2 Broski Baseball 10U 11/9/2024
11 1 Dtx 10u 11/10/2024
Total 24 3
8 1 Houston Bengals 11/10/2024
Total 32 4
2 Ezra Perez 8 3 Dtx 10u 11/10/2024
10 Jude Pyburn 18 2 Broski Baseball 10U 11/9/2024
17 ISAAC STRAW 25 2 Storm Chasers 10u Tucker 11/9/2024
19 3 Piranhas 9U Coburn 11/10/2024
Total 44 5
53 8 Dtx 10u 11/10/2024
Total 97 13
4 Mylan Thomas 4 1 Broski Baseball 10U 11/9/2024
44 Noah Williams 21 2 Storm Chasers 10u Tucker 11/9/2024
77 12 Piranhas 9U Coburn 11/10/2024
Total 98 14
34 Franklin Zummo 19 0 Broski Baseball 10U 11/9/2024
4 1 Storm Chasers 10u Tucker 11/9/2024
Total 23 1
Broski Baseball 10U
21 Trey Holm 44 6 Bolts Baseball 10U 11/9/2024
44 6 Bolts Baseball 10U 11/9/2024
Total 88 12
58 12 Houston Bengals 11/10/2024
Total 146 24
58 12 Houston Bengals 11/10/2024
Total 204 36
17 Keegan Richardson 11 0 Houston Bengals 11/10/2024
8 Bo Roberts 56 6 Storm Chasers 10u Tucker 11/9/2024
26 3 Houston Bengals 11/10/2024
Total 82 9
2 Reed Sheppard 2 0 Houston Bengals 11/10/2024
Dtx 10u
39 Stockton Chachere 51 7 10U Gladiators- Hardy 11/10/2024
99 Bryce Hallum 20 1 Bolts Baseball 10U 11/10/2024
29 Liam Hollaway 34 3 10U Gladiators- Hardy 11/10/2024
34 3 10U Gladiators- Hardy 11/10/2024
Total 68 6
7 Drew Kirkman 32 2 Bolts Baseball 10U 11/10/2024
32 2 Bolts Baseball 10U 11/10/2024
Total 64 4
44 Kole Randel 16 3 Bolts Baseball 10U 11/10/2024
16 3 Bolts Baseball 10U 11/10/2024
Total 32 6
0 0 10U Gladiators- Hardy 11/10/2024
Total 32 6
0 0 10U Gladiators- Hardy 11/10/2024
Total 32 6
88 Ryder Trahan 18 4 10U Gladiators- Hardy 11/10/2024
18 4 10U Gladiators- Hardy 11/10/2024
Total 36 8
4 Landon Yates 42 6 Bolts Baseball 10U 11/10/2024
42 6 Bolts Baseball 10U 11/10/2024
Total 84 12
Gladiators Huff 9U
Cash Barrow 70 9 Storm Chasers 10u Tucker 11/10/2024
Silus Cruthirds 0 0 Houston Bengals 11/9/2024
25 3 Savage 10U Mayfield 11/9/2024
Total 25 3
Cade Guidry 15 0 Savage 10U Mayfield 11/9/2024
Luke Jones 42 3 Houston Bengals 11/9/2024
Carter Latil 29 1 Savage 10U Mayfield 11/9/2024
Jayce Montgomery 0 0 Savage 10U Mayfield 11/9/2024
Houston Bengals
5 Jaxon Anthony 8 2 Bolts Baseball 10U 11/10/2024
2 Lake Duncan 79 11 Bolts Baseball 10U 11/10/2024
1 Mason Dunne 33 5 Bolts Baseball 10U 11/10/2024
31 7 Broski Baseball 10U 11/10/2024
Total 64 12
8 River Gibbs 15 2 USA Prime 10U Navy 11/9/2024
67 12 Surge 10u - Mitchell 11/10/2024
Total 82 14
27 Silas Newell 64 11 Broski Baseball 10U 11/10/2024
44 Gage Nichols 41 0 Gladiators Huff 9U 11/9/2024
3 Cristian Reyes 39 2 Gladiators Huff 9U 11/9/2024
40 5 Storm Chasers 10u Tucker 11/10/2024
Total 79 7
10 Cooper Rhodes 28 3 USA Prime 10U Navy 11/9/2024
70 7 Storm Chasers 10u Tucker 11/10/2024
Total 98 10
Lba Dirtbags Black
5 Jaxon Langham 49 6 Surge 10u - Mitchell 11/9/2024
17 Jackson Owens 75 15 Savage 10U-Osment 11/10/2024
99 Grant Pullin 14 2 Surge 10u - Mitchell 11/9/2024
15 Jacob Torres 62 8 10U Gladiators- Hardy 11/9/2024
Piranhas 9U Coburn
27 Mack Coburn 76 9 Bolts Baseball 10U 11/10/2024
76 9 Bolts Baseball 10U 11/10/2024
Total 152 18
20 John Robert Hurlburt 31 6 Bolts Baseball 10U 11/10/2024
Savage 10U Mayfield
16 Reid Lapeyrolerie 14 2 Gladiators Huff 9U 11/9/2024
12 Jacob Maseda 41 3 Gladiators Huff 9U 11/9/2024
13 Walker Matthews 13 0 USA Prime 10U Navy 11/9/2024
7 Eli Tedford 22 1 Gladiators Huff 9U 11/9/2024
22 1 Gladiators Huff 9U 11/9/2024
Total 44 2
6 Braxton Theriot 45 6 USA Prime 10U Navy 11/9/2024
45 6 USA Prime 10U Navy 11/9/2024
Total 90 12
Savage 10U-Osment
14 Marcos Calderilla 69 14 Lba Dirtbags Black 11/10/2024
7 Pablo Martinez 41 9 USA Prime 10U Navy 11/10/2024
Storm Chasers 10u Tucker
25 Jonas DeMontmollin 14 3 Bolts Baseball 10U 11/9/2024
14 3 Bolts Baseball 10U 11/9/2024
Total 28 6
72 12 Houston Bengals 11/10/2024
Total 100 18
72 12 Houston Bengals 11/10/2024
Total 172 30
22 Colt Fenner 19 0 Broski Baseball 10U 11/9/2024
7 Kyler Klucik 16 3 Broski Baseball 10U 11/9/2024
18 3 Houston Bengals 11/10/2024
Total 34 6
24 Connor Lopez 13 0 Bolts Baseball 10U 11/9/2024
13 0 Bolts Baseball 10U 11/9/2024
Total 26 0
28 Tucker Tally 20 3 Broski Baseball 10U 11/9/2024
2 Weldon Tucker 17 3 Bolts Baseball 10U 11/9/2024
59 12 Gladiators Huff 9U 11/10/2024
Total 76 15
19 Carson Wood 23 3 Bolts Baseball 10U 11/9/2024
Surge 10u - Mitchell
Jack Collins 4 0 Lba Dirtbags Black 11/9/2024
Bryson Gallet 13 2 Lba Dirtbags Black 11/9/2024
Colin Loupe 0 0 Houston Bengals 11/10/2024
Brayden Nectoux 29 4 Lba Dirtbags Black 11/9/2024
Cooper Nettervile 8 3 Lba Dirtbags Black 11/9/2024
59 8 Houston Bengals 11/10/2024
Total 67 11
Baylor Rivera 19 3 10U Gladiators- Hardy 11/9/2024
Riley Wilson 12 0 Lba Dirtbags Black 11/9/2024
Clay Woodson 32 6 10U Gladiators- Hardy 11/9/2024
0 0 Lba Dirtbags Black 11/9/2024
Total 32 6
47 4 Houston Bengals 11/10/2024
Total 79 10
USA Prime 10U Navy
5 Jagger Nguyen 42 9 Savage 10U Mayfield 11/9/2024
21 Ryder Richard 55 3 Houston Bengals 11/9/2024
4 Cutter Schriefer 14 0 Houston Bengals 11/9/2024
37 Brantley Williams 4 1 Houston Bengals 11/9/2024
85 11 Savage 10U-Osment 11/10/2024
Total 89 12