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All teams that are (5-0-0), (4-1-0), (4-0-1) and (3-0-2) will advance into bracket play beginning tomorrow morning (7/20). Playoff games will be 5 innings and have a 1:30 time limit. Once we reach the round of 16, we are returning to the standard 7 inning, 2:00 time limit game.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings 17 Event Articles
Exposure 16u Prime - Ricketts (0-4-2)
8-8-2 Overall 1-0-0 vs. Major 1-0-0 vs. AAA 6-8-2 vs. Non-classified
Tournament Schedule Enter Probable Pitchers
Gm# 75
7/15/2021    11:30 AM
Stadium @ Cartersville Baseball Complex  No Metal Cleats on Mounds
Gm# 360
7/16/2021    11:30 AM
Webb @ Hunter Park  
Gm# 484
7/16/2021    4:30 PM
Webb @ Hunter Park  
Gm# 587
7/17/2021    9:00 AM
Baseball @ DO NOT USE  
Gm# 1018
7/18/2021    6:30 PM
Baseball @ Creekview High School  Hitting facility off limits
Gm# 1107
7/19/2021    10:00 AM
Baseball @ Hampton High School  
Tournament Roster
19 Sam Cecil OF 3B, MIF, RHP, UT 6-0180 L/R 2023Christian Academy Knoxville Lenoir City, TN Follow Transylvania University
1 Luke Doty OF RHP 6-0155 R/R 2022Metamora East Peoria, IL  
11 Hayden Estes LHP 1B, OF 6-2160 R/L 2022Farragut Knoxville, TN  
16 Evan Goins MIF RHP, UT 6-0170 L/R 2023Bearden Knoxville, TN High Follow  
6 Hudson Hoffecker C OF 5-9170 R/R 2023Bearden Knoxville, TN  
2 Joey Lamattina C 2B, 3B, MIF, SS 5-10180 R/R 2023Knoxville Catholic Knoxville, TN Follow Lincoln Memorial
7 Ian Lindsay C 1B, OF 6-1195 R/R 2023P27 Academy Apison, TN Follow St. Peter's/Chattanooga State Technical CC
27 Adam Osborn C 2B, 3B, IF, MIF, OF, SS, UT 5-9150 R/R 2022Knoxville Catholic Knoxville, TN  
24 Ethan Riffey RHP 3B, OF 5-9160 R/R 2022South Doyle Knoxville, TN  
9 Braxton Roberts RHP MIF 6-0160 R/R 2022Loudon Sweetwater, TN High Follow Carson-Newman University
22 Spencer Skidmore OF RHP 6-0160 L/R 2023McMinn Athens, TN Follow  
4 Denver Slifka RHP 1B, C 6-2180 R/R 2023West High School Knoxville, TN Follow Carson-Newman University
8 Brady Smith RHP 3B, SS 6-2177 R/R 2023Grainger Bean Station, TN 167 Virginia Tech
14 Ian Sonner SS 2B, 3B, C, RHP 6-1185 R/R 2023Seymour Seymour, TN High Follow  
66 Aiden Tipton RHP 1B, 3B, OF 5-11208 R/R 2023Bearden Knoxville, TN High Follow Tusculum
41 Jacob Tobias OF 1B, 3B, RHP, SS 6-2190 L/R 2023Spain Park Hoover, AL 500 Lipscomb
15 Logan Wallace C 1B, OF, RHP, UT 6-3185 R/R 2023Walker Valley Cleveland, TN High Follow  
Pool Standings
Pool seeding tie breaker
Pool F
Ostingers Baseball Academy 2023 FL1.000500133
Rawlings Stars National SC0.6252111612
Team Citius 16U National NY0.6003201328
Arlington A’s Elite TX0.500220168
Ace Elite 2023 VA0.4172313527
Scorpions GA 2023 Marucci GA0.4002302418
United 16U LA0.4002302718
Exposure 16u Prime - Ricketts TN0.1670422412