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9U (Open) 10U (AA) 10U (Open) 11U (AA) 12U (AA) 12U (OPEN) 13U (AAA) 13U (Major) (54/80) 14U (AAA)
Payment is due Tuesday before the event! Payment is the only way to secure your spot non-payment will result to being waitlisted! Payment deadlines are only a thing if we are not at max capacity. If we are at max capacity, the first teams to pay in full are the ones that get to play! PLEASE PAY AS IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO SECURE YOUR SPOT IN THE EVENT...
Gate Fees:
These are at the discretion of each park and can change without notice

Baseball USA: $10/person CASH ONLY
- 18& under FREE
- Active Military & Veterans FREE with ID
- First Responders FREE with ID
- NO Senior Citizen Discounts

Premier Baseball of Texas: $10/person OR $20/Car MAX (CASH ONLY)
-$5 Veterans, First Responders, and Senior Citizens
- NO Coaches get in free. ALL coaches are required to pay the entry fee. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Schiel Road: $10/ Person CARD ONLY + tax
- 2 Coaches in Free (Required to check-in with Gate Employee)
- Military/First Responder $5 WITH ID
- Senior Citizen $5

Lone Star Sports Complex: $10/person CASH OR CARD

All American: $10/car - CASH or $12 by CARD

Big League Dreams: $8 CASH OR CARD
- 2 coaches free (Required to sign in)

Diamonds at Daily Park: $10/person OR $20/car MAX (CASH OR CARD)

Rabb Rd: $5/person Cash ONLY

Crosby HS: $10/ Person CARD ONLY + tax
- 2 Coaches in Free (Required to check-in with Gate Employee)
- Military/First Responder $5 WITH ID
- Senior Citizen $5
Sep 30 - Oct 1 |  Baseball USA | Houston, TX
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
13u Offseason Baseball - Woloson
9 Paul Atwood, JR 23 3 Banditos Stephens 9/30/2023
2 Jacob Braun 22 3 Banditos Stephens 9/30/2023
5 Henry Grazak 23 2 Sa Kings 13u Martinez 9/30/2023
11 Samuel Hude 19 3 Banditos Stephens 9/30/2023
36 5 13u Premier Baseball (Campos) 10/1/2023
Total 55 8
4 Brooks Perry 21 3 Sa Kings 13u Martinez 9/30/2023
17 3 13u Premier Baseball (Campos) 10/1/2023
Total 38 6
1 Henry Popp 17 2 Sa Kings 13u Martinez 9/30/2023
13 Blake Stomel 41 3 Banditos Stephens 9/30/2023
10 Reid Taibel 25 1 Sa Kings 13u Martinez 9/30/2023
22 3 13u Premier Baseball (Campos) 10/1/2023
Total 47 4
13u Premier Baseball (Campos)
12 Willard "Tre" Davis III 72 12 Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Barron 9/30/2023
27 Angel Espinoza 66 8 Texas Prime Scout 2029 10/1/2023
14 Emmett Kerim 16 1 Texas Prime Scout 2029 10/1/2023
7 Landon Lucas 77 7 13u Offseason Baseball - Woloson 10/1/2023
Isaac Payne 30 2 Scorpions Team Easton 9/30/2023
35 5 13u Offseason Baseball - Woloson 10/1/2023
Total 65 7
23 Lucas Simpson 77 7 Scorpions Team Easton 9/30/2023
Banditos Stephens
12 Aiden Carrejo 29 6 Lonestar Baseball Elite 9/30/2023
33 Javier Castillo 28 5 Lonestar Baseball Elite 9/30/2023
56 12 Lonestar Baseball Elite 10/1/2023
Total 84 17
Alex Rivera 41 5 13u Offseason Baseball - Woloson 9/30/2023
10 Brydon Sokol 28 3 Lonestar Baseball Elite 9/30/2023
34 3 Usa Prime Htx 10/1/2023
Total 62 6
25 Luke Turner 37 3 13u Offseason Baseball - Woloson 9/30/2023
12 1 Lonestar Baseball Elite 9/30/2023
Total 49 4
43 6 Usa Prime Htx 10/1/2023
Total 92 10
9 Zalen Ware 19 3 Usa Prime Htx 10/1/2023
Batter'S Box Black
6 Jonathan Campbell 13 0 Hunter Pence - Heard 9/30/2023
10 Nolan Collier 68 12 Texas Prime Scout 2029 10/1/2023
17 Jamison Hejl 22 6 Hunter Pence - Heard 9/30/2023
8 Briley Jasinski 48 9 Hunter Pence - Heard 9/30/2023
4 Hank Majewski 17 3 Texas Prime Scout 2029 9/30/2023
33 Kai Ongudu 0 0 Hunter Pence - Heard 9/30/2023
43 9 Texas Prime Scout 2029 9/30/2023
Total 43 9
2 Cooper Plagens 19 1 Texas Prime Scout 2029 10/1/2023
Houston Velocity
2 Ian Djambov 45 9 Usa Prime Htx 9/30/2023
4 Fernando Flores 12 3 Scorpions Team Easton (National) 9/30/2023
10 Evan Martinez 43 6 Hunter Pence - Heard 10/1/2023
1 Victor rea 46 9 Usa Prime Htx 9/30/2023
29 6 Hunter Pence - Heard 10/1/2023
Total 75 15
14 Hector Rosas 60 9 Scorpions Team Easton (National) 9/30/2023
Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Barron
21 Anthony Cruz 61 12 Sa Kings 13u Martinez 10/1/2023
5 Nathan Delgado 45 8 13u Premier Baseball (Campos) 9/30/2023
2 Cameron Fowler 28 6 13u Premier Baseball (Campos) 9/30/2023
3 Diego Gonzalez 12 2 Scorpions Team Easton 9/30/2023
23 Blake Mackey 1 3 13u Premier Baseball (Campos) 9/30/2023
19 3 Sa Kings 13u Martinez 10/1/2023
Total 20 6
12 Taytum McCarver 38 7 Scorpions Team Easton 9/30/2023
Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Madrid
5 Isaiah Cerda 47 9 Team Nation 10/1/2023
4 Cade Engleman 23 4 Magnolia Strikers 13 Black 9/30/2023
16 0 Team Nation 10/1/2023
Total 39 4
13 Jake Holmes 27 6 SS Toros 9/30/2023
15 Bryan Hood 37 5 SS Toros 9/30/2023
1 Chase McGuire 37 6 Magnolia Strikers 13 Black 9/30/2023
24 Maddox Moorman 62 8 Usa Prime Htx 10/1/2023
21 Parker Schwank 19 5 Magnolia Strikers 13 Black 9/30/2023
24 4 Usa Prime Htx 10/1/2023
Total 43 9
12 Jimmy Welnack 9 3 SS Toros 9/30/2023
Hunter Pence - Heard
Chance Allen 82 11 Houston Velocity 10/1/2023
14 Jackson Bose 14 3 Batter'S Box Black 9/30/2023
60 15 Sa Kings 13u Martinez 10/1/2023
Total 74 18
5 Camren Breaux 5 2 Texas Prime Scout 2029 9/30/2023
6 0 Usa Prime Htx 10/1/2023
Total 11 2
Peyton Grothe 35 6 Batter'S Box Black 9/30/2023
0 0 Usa Prime Htx 10/1/2023
Total 35 6
9 2 Sa Kings 13u Martinez 10/1/2023
Total 44 8
8 Beau Heard 43 6 Texas Prime Scout 2029 9/30/2023
12 4 Houston Velocity 10/1/2023
Total 55 10
18 2 Usa Prime Htx 10/1/2023
Total 73 12
Rhett Poelma 34 6 Batter'S Box Black 9/30/2023
Cooper Price 20 1 Texas Prime Scout 2029 9/30/2023
0 0 Batter'S Box Black 9/30/2023
Total 20 1
Ryan Rhoads 51 6 Usa Prime Htx 10/1/2023
Lonestar Baseball Elite
18 Luke Baker 42 8 Sa Kings 13u Martinez 9/30/2023
44 Dominic Brashaw 57 5 Banditos Stephens 10/1/2023
12 Matthew Canales 3 2 Sa Kings 13u Martinez 9/30/2023
36 3 Banditos Stephens 10/1/2023
Total 39 5
10 Tallon Cruz 27 3 Banditos Stephens 9/30/2023
2 Gavin Molnoskey 15 1 Banditos Stephens 9/30/2023
28 1 Sa Kings 13u Martinez 9/30/2023
Total 43 2
9 Angel Suarez 17 2 Banditos Stephens 10/1/2023
25 Elijah Truan 37 9 Banditos Stephens 9/30/2023
Magnolia Strikers 13 Black
4 Kadin Akin 57 7 Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Madrid 9/30/2023
Collin Hamrick 57 12 SS Toros 10/1/2023
5 Tye Labay 32 3 Team Nation 9/30/2023
Jason Loewen 53 9 Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Madrid 9/30/2023
Tate Miller 19 2 Scorpions Team Easton (National) 10/1/2023
19 0 Texas Prime Scout 2029 10/1/2023
Total 38 2
1 Titus Petty 46 6 Team Nation 9/30/2023
85 13 Scorpions Team Easton (National) 10/1/2023
Total 131 19
6 Isaac Valle 13 3 Texas Prime Scout 2029 10/1/2023
44 Dawson von Gontard 30 6 Texas Prime Scout 2029 10/1/2023
Sa Kings 13u Martinez
27 Brittin Aguilar 3 1 13u Offseason Baseball - Woloson 9/30/2023
15 4 Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Barron 10/1/2023
Total 18 5
35 8 Hunter Pence - Heard 10/1/2023
Total 53 13
8 Cale Francis 45 3 Lonestar Baseball Elite 9/30/2023
5 Noah Gunter 16 0 Lonestar Baseball Elite 9/30/2023
22 Norman “Trey” Murray 20 3 13u Offseason Baseball - Woloson 9/30/2023
48 9 Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Barron 10/1/2023
Total 68 12
2 Jayson Sapp 24 5 13u Offseason Baseball - Woloson 9/30/2023
4 1 Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Barron 10/1/2023
Total 28 6
37 6 Hunter Pence - Heard 10/1/2023
Total 65 12
25 Todd Schwennesen 22 6 Lonestar Baseball Elite 9/30/2023
30 1 Hunter Pence - Heard 10/1/2023
Total 52 7
Scorpions Team Easton
6 JT Cortez 22 3 Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Barron 9/30/2023
25 Cameron Krueger 50 5 SS Toros 10/1/2023
12 Colton Lillard 10 1 Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Barron 9/30/2023
4 Ryder Meinzer 48 8 13u Premier Baseball (Campos) 9/30/2023
21 Paul Moret 48 3 Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Barron 9/30/2023
13 Donovan Moschitto 20 2 Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Barron 9/30/2023
44 David Williams 56 10 SS Toros 10/1/2023
Scorpions Team Easton (National)
Cason Brummett 21 3 Houston Velocity 9/30/2023
Samuel Dean 67 8 Magnolia Strikers 13 Black 10/1/2023
Hunter Gebhard 46 6 Houston Velocity 9/30/2023
Grant O'Connor 54 6 Usa Prime Htx 9/30/2023
Aiden Sprague 19 3 Magnolia Strikers 13 Black 10/1/2023
Hudson Stephens 55 6 Usa Prime Htx 9/30/2023
Cooper Tyler 22 3 Houston Velocity 9/30/2023
SS Toros
Tommy Fonseca 45 5 Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Madrid 9/30/2023
Rafael Grijalva 31 6 Team Nation 9/30/2023
71 8 Magnolia Strikers 13 Black 10/1/2023
Total 102 14
Jeovanni Isidoro 12 0 Team Nation 9/30/2023
0 0 Scorpions Team Easton 10/1/2023
Total 12 0
Taavi Linna 12 3 Team Nation 9/30/2023
0 0 Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Madrid 9/30/2023
Total 12 3
55 12 Scorpions Team Easton 10/1/2023
Total 67 15
Daulton Majewski 26 3 Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Madrid 9/30/2023
12 0 Magnolia Strikers 13 Black 10/1/2023
Total 38 3
26 3 Scorpions Team Easton 10/1/2023
Total 64 6
Dante Martinez 0 0 Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Madrid 9/30/2023
Tristan Navarrete 0 0 Scorpions Team Easton 10/1/2023
Zy Rodriguez 13 3 Magnolia Strikers 13 Black 10/1/2023
Grayson Svetlik 6 0 Magnolia Strikers 13 Black 10/1/2023
Lucas Trahan 33 6 Team Nation 9/30/2023
Jacob Wertz 26 1 Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Madrid 9/30/2023
Team Nation
10 Mason Dever 19 0 Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Madrid 10/1/2023
Damion Goode 32 5 Magnolia Strikers 13 Black 9/30/2023
1 Noah Johnson 6 1 Magnolia Strikers 13 Black 9/30/2023
55 Andrew Krasnosky 16 3 Magnolia Strikers 13 Black 9/30/2023
4 0 Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Madrid 10/1/2023
Total 20 3
11 Clayton Lee 27 5 SS Toros 9/30/2023
12 2 Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Madrid 10/1/2023
Total 39 7
9 Shawn Licerio 22 0 Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Madrid 10/1/2023
15 Elijah Minier 29 4 Magnolia Strikers 13 Black 9/30/2023
20 0 Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Madrid 10/1/2023
Total 49 4
Parker Paradis 23 3 Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Madrid 10/1/2023
44 Elijah Ramirez 18 3 SS Toros 9/30/2023
2 Jacob Trevino 43 3 SS Toros 9/30/2023
Texas Prime Scout 2029
8 Elliott Beasley 46 4 Hunter Pence - Heard 9/30/2023
44 Dash Dowell 14 0 Hunter Pence - Heard 9/30/2023
24 Baylen Garcia 18 3 Batter'S Box Black 9/30/2023
12 4 Batter'S Box Black 10/1/2023
Total 30 7
26 3 Magnolia Strikers 13 Black 10/1/2023
Total 56 10
18 Bryce Haydock 15 2 Hunter Pence - Heard 9/30/2023
10 Jordan Jasso 17 2 Batter'S Box Black 9/30/2023
23 Rashard Lewis 22 3 Batter'S Box Black 9/30/2023
54 11 Batter'S Box Black 10/1/2023
Total 76 14
12 Cooper Morrison 21 2 Hunter Pence - Heard 9/30/2023
42 Reuben Nicholas 5 1 Batter'S Box Black 9/30/2023
17 2 13u Premier Baseball (Campos) 10/1/2023
Total 22 3
6 Maxim Quintanilla 20 3 Batter'S Box Black 9/30/2023
38 6 Magnolia Strikers 13 Black 10/1/2023
Total 58 9
11 Brandon York 14 3 Batter'S Box Black 9/30/2023
57 10 13u Premier Baseball (Campos) 10/1/2023
Total 71 13
Usa Prime Htx
11 Cole Carman 7 3 Scorpions Team Easton (National) 9/30/2023
26 3 Banditos Stephens 10/1/2023
Total 33 6
44 Layton Chase 11 3 Houston Velocity 9/30/2023
19 3 Scorpions Team Easton (National) 9/30/2023
Total 30 6
34 8 Hunter Pence - Heard 10/1/2023
Total 64 14
34 Weston Chovanec 15 4 Houston Velocity 9/30/2023
50 4 Hunter Pence - Heard 10/1/2023
Total 65 8
1 1 Banditos Stephens 10/1/2023
Total 66 9
10 Jack Drake 12 3 Scorpions Team Easton (National) 9/30/2023
15 3 Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Madrid 10/1/2023
Total 27 6
1 Andrew Duhon 17 5 Scorpions Team Easton (National) 9/30/2023
4 Carter Gentzel 29 6 Houston Velocity 9/30/2023
54 12 Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Madrid 10/1/2023
Total 83 18
7 Justus Salmon 25 4 Houston Velocity 9/30/2023
0 0 Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Madrid 10/1/2023
Total 25 4
29 9 Banditos Stephens 10/1/2023
Total 54 13
13 Heston Smith 6 1 Scorpions Team Easton (National) 9/30/2023
23 2 Banditos Stephens 10/1/2023
Total 29 3
2 Jack Szumal 21 1 Houston Velocity 9/30/2023