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8U (AA) 9U (AA) 10U (AA) 11U (AA) 11U (AAA) 12U (AA) 12U (AAA) 13U (AA) 13U (AAA) 14U (AA) 14U (AAA)
8u check schedules - 2 additional pool and then top 2 play for championship
Nov 4 - 5 |  Doss Park | Houston, TX
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Advantage Baseball_ Rocha
14 Owen Focke 13 1 Texas Twelve Katy Silver 12u 11/4/2023
15 Camden Inman 29 9 Eagles - Valdez 11/4/2023
5 Wesley Liggett 32 0 Texas Twelve Katy Silver 12u 11/4/2023
22 Brett Pyeatt 31 2 Texas Twelve Katy Silver 12u 11/4/2023
8 Jaesonn Rocha 19 3 Texas Twelve Katy Silver 12u 11/4/2023
2 Daniel Senteno 47 9 Eagles - Valdez 11/4/2023
Alpha One 12u Flores
3 Alexander Ayala 23 3 Texas Red Wolves 11/4/2023
10 Jadier Benitez 6 2 Expos Baseball 12u 11/4/2023
11 Reed Corbell 29 4 Expos Baseball 12u 11/4/2023
22 Dominic Cruz 21 3 Expos Baseball 12u 11/4/2023
2 Sebastian Flores 17 1 Texas Red Wolves 11/4/2023
4 Arias Garcia 28 5 Texas Red Wolves 11/4/2023
Joaquin Martinez 36 9 Advantage Baseball_ Rocha 11/5/2023
Cutters Baseball
Jack Bonham 24 2 Eagles - Valdez 11/4/2023
Charlie Crawmer 28 3 Texas Twelve Katy Silver 12u 11/4/2023
Dylan Freeman 24 4 Eagles - Valdez 11/4/2023
Grayson Graffagnini 24 3 Texas Twelve Katy Silver 12u 11/4/2023
Daniel Jacobson 24 3 Texas Twelve Katy Silver 12u 11/4/2023
Hunt Thielhorn 27 6 Eagles - Valdez 11/4/2023
Eagles - Valdez
Teddy Gorman 47 15 Houston Mustangs 12u 11/5/2023
6 Pablo Harmon 20 4 Cutters Baseball 11/4/2023
4 Knox Kanatani 19 2 Advantage Baseball_ Rocha 11/4/2023
27 Bentley Mata 52 8 Cutters Baseball 11/4/2023
1 Nathan Salazar 81 16 Advantage Baseball_ Rocha 11/4/2023
Expos Baseball 12u
Ethan Goodwin 22 2 Texas Red Wolves 11/4/2023
10 3 Alpha One 12u Flores 11/4/2023
Total 32 5
Nixon Guzman 48 2 Texas Red Wolves 11/4/2023
Grayson Kibodeaux 20 1 Alpha One 12u Flores 11/4/2023
Clayton Parker 69 5 Alpha One 12u Flores 11/4/2023
Houston Mustangs 12u
13 Nickolas Bueno 19 1 Team Houston 11/4/2023
5 Isaiahs De La Fuente 34 0 Texas Force 12u Gray 11/4/2023
9 Fernando Flores 50 0 Team Houston 11/4/2023
17 3 Texas Force 12u Gray 11/4/2023
Total 67 3
24 Alex Infante 22 3 Team Houston 11/4/2023
23 Richard Rivera 42 7 Texas Force 12u Gray 11/4/2023
99 Rudolph Rodriguez 31 2 Texas Force 12u Gray 11/4/2023
Lynx 12u Alan
17 Sebastian Cervantes 47 7 Rivalry 12u Roliard 11/4/2023
33 Preston Kammer 51 5 Texas Bluechips 12u 11/4/2023
24 Levi Levitus 14 2 Rivalry 12u Roliard 11/4/2023
1 Damian Martinez 40 7 Texas Bluechips 12u 11/4/2023
Rivalry 12u Roliard
37 Logan Bartkowiak 10 2 Texas Bluechips 12u 11/4/2023
84 14 Cutters Baseball 11/5/2023
Total 94 16
Joshua Brock 65 9 Team Houston 11/5/2023
22 Benjamin Castro 48 6 Lynx 12u Alan 11/4/2023
Cullen Creel 15 3 Lynx 12u Alan 11/4/2023
22 7 Cutters Baseball 11/5/2023
Total 37 10
11 Colton Morris 20 3 Lynx 12u Alan 11/4/2023
18 0 Team Houston 11/5/2023
Total 38 3
Landon Morris 66 9 Texas Bluechips 12u 11/4/2023
Camden Strack 11 1 Texas Bluechips 12u 11/4/2023
Team Houston
3 Anthony Gutierrez 38 6 Rivalry 12u Roliard 11/5/2023
11 2 Texas Red Wolves 11/5/2023
Total 49 8
14 Justin Horan 30 6 Rivalry 12u Roliard 11/5/2023
34 Canaan Kitchens 44 8 Texas Force 12u Gray 11/4/2023
27 Zane Lawrence 34 7 Texas Force 12u Gray 11/4/2023
12 Jhordyn Miles 69 10 Texas Red Wolves 11/5/2023
Texas Bluechips 12u
Gunner Brown 25 0 Rivalry 12u Roliard 11/4/2023
Nathan Chavarrias 39 6 Lynx 12u Alan 11/4/2023
Zachary Gale 10 1 Lynx 12u Alan 11/4/2023
Allen Gordin II 18 3 Rivalry 12u Roliard 11/4/2023
Adrian Hernandez 3 1 Rivalry 12u Roliard 11/4/2023
55 9 Expos Baseball 12u 11/5/2023
Total 58 10
Wrigley Hogle 28 6 Rivalry 12u Roliard 11/4/2023
Robby Kratschmer 25 2 Rivalry 12u Roliard 11/4/2023
Bentley Pohl 36 5 Lynx 12u Alan 11/4/2023
Texas Force 12u Gray
5 Hudson Cole 63 10 Houston Mustangs 12u 11/4/2023
17 Mason Garcia 60 9 Team Houston 11/4/2023
7 Rudy Martinez 18 3 Team Houston 11/4/2023
99 Evan Novey 8 2 Houston Mustangs 12u 11/4/2023
21 Cadel Tremont 21 3 Team Houston 11/4/2023
Texas Red Wolves
47 Keaton Bowman 45 5 Lynx 12u Alan 11/5/2023
11 Joaquin Flores 31 4 Alpha One 12u Flores 11/4/2023
10 Isaac Hamm 34 2 Alpha One 12u Flores 11/4/2023
34 SJ Jankowski 44 6 Expos Baseball 12u 11/4/2023
59 Jackson "J Hawk" Weaver 24 7 Lynx 12u Alan 11/5/2023
Texas Twelve Katy Silver 12u
39 Jackson Bobinger 37 6 Advantage Baseball_ Rocha 11/4/2023
31 Garrett Borne 29 6 Texas Force 12u Gray 11/5/2023
19 Jackson Haynie 33 4 Cutters Baseball 11/4/2023
24 Carter Homs 25 1 Cutters Baseball 11/4/2023
12 Brent Kubiak 15 3 Texas Force 12u Gray 11/5/2023
30 Grayson Moon 16 4 Cutters Baseball 11/4/2023