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We are now CASHLESS at most of our locations for GATE AND CONCESSIONS.
Please see the locations below for more information:

$10/Daily Gate per Adult (17&Up)
-Credit Cards, CashApp, Apple Pay, & Google Pay ONLY
-NO Cash Accepted
-NO Venmo / NO PayPal Accepted

$10/Daily Gate per Adult (17&Up)
-Credit Cards, CashApp, Apple Pay, & Google Pay ONLY
-NO Cash Accepted
-NO Venmo / NO PayPal Accepted

$10/Daily Gate per Adult (17&Up)
-Credit Cards,CashApp, Apple Pay, & Google Pay ONLY
-NO Cash Accepted
-NO Venmo / NO PayPal Accepted

-$200 Team Gate Fee (there is not a daily fee for spectators)
-This must be paid for each team participating at this location

-$200 Team Gate Fee (there is not a daily fee for spectators)
-This must be paid for each team participating at this location

-$200 Team Gate Fee (there is not a daily fee for spectators)
-This must be paid for each team participating at this location

FIELDS 1-4 $10/Daily Gate per Adult (17&Up)
-Credit Cards,CashApp, Apple Pay, & Google Pay ONLY
-NO Cash Accepted
-NO Venmo / NO PayPal Accepted

-$200 Team Gate Fee (there is not a daily fee for spectators for these fields)

-$200 Team Gate Fee (there is not a daily fee for spectators)
-This must be paid for each team participating at this location

-$275 Team Gate Fee (there is not a daily fee for spectators)
-This must be paid for each team participating at this location

-$275 Team Gate Fee (there is not a daily fee for spectators)
-This must be paid for each team participating at this location

Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Balcones Thunderbirds
9 Christopher Alvarez 44 9 Tritons 11u 3/24/2024
15 Sam Black 45 6 Titans 10U Black 3/23/2024
17 Andrew Chun 25 3 Titans 10U Black 3/23/2024
19 Jonathan Parsons 44 6 Titans 10U Black 3/23/2024
14 Benjamin Ackermann 25 4 Dallas Tigers Smith 3/23/2024
42 6 THZ Baseball 3/24/2024
Total 67 10
35 6 Titans 11u Blue 3/24/2024
Total 102 16
22 Grayson Atchison 24 4 Dallas Tigers Smith 3/23/2024
10 1 THZ Baseball 3/24/2024
Total 34 5
16 1 Titans 11u Blue 3/24/2024
Total 50 6
17 Takoda Franks 37 3 THZ Baseball 3/23/2024
28 JJ Gilbert 25 1 Dallas Tigers Smith 3/23/2024
48 3 THZ Baseball 3/24/2024
Total 73 4
35 6 Titans 11u Blue 3/24/2024
Total 108 10
9 Bryce Goodwin 2 2 Titans 11u Blue 3/24/2024
7 Myles Homesley 26 0 THZ Baseball 3/23/2024
16 3 Dallas Tigers Smith 3/23/2024
Total 42 3
88 Easton Renfro 35 2 THZ Baseball 3/23/2024
Canes Southwest - 11u Elite Gold
Mason Alcorta 52 7 Ctx Ducks 11u 3/24/2024
7 Houston Goodpaster 43 7 Titans 11u Blue 3/23/2024
Will Jackson 33 2 Ctx Ducks 11u 3/24/2024
Braxston Schneider 68 9 Texas Senators-Wright 3/23/2024
Jamal Smith 57 8 Titans 11u Blue 3/23/2024
Ctx Ducks 11u
13 Waylon Black 12 2 Leander Dirt Dawgs 3/24/2024
7 Gunner Graves 8 3 Leander Dirt Dawgs 3/24/2024
29 Joshua Johnston 62 7 Texas Bullets 3/23/2024
11 Jasper Kelley 33 3 Texas 108'S 3/23/2024
42 12 Canes Southwest - 11u Elite Gold 3/24/2024
Total 75 15
23 Dawson McCauley 26 3 Texas Bullets 3/23/2024
3 Lennox Mendoza 45 7 Leander Dirt Dawgs 3/24/2024
Ctx Wrecking Crew 11u
0 Andrew Covington 27 3 Texas Senators-Wright 3/23/2024
37 2 Titans 10U Black 3/24/2024
Total 64 5
23 Braxton Fuller 24 3 Titans 10U Black 3/24/2024
4 Zeke Glenn 20 6 Titans 11u Blue 3/23/2024
16 1 Titans 10U Black 3/24/2024
Total 36 7
7 Jamison Machuca 23 4 Texas Senators-Wright 3/23/2024
12 Colin McKinney 17 3 Texas Senators-Wright 3/23/2024
12 2 Titans 10U Black 3/24/2024
Total 29 5
5 Cale Stone 19 3 Titans 11u Blue 3/23/2024
27 Gabriel Velazquez 29 4 Titans 10U Black 3/24/2024
42 Lavincent Wren 37 5 Texas Senators-Wright 3/23/2024
Dallas Tigers Smith
12 Lucian Cane 55 7 Bullets 3/23/2024
40 6 Leander Dirt Dawgs 3/24/2024
Total 95 13
24 Max Gonzalez 52 2 THZ Baseball 3/23/2024
5 Ian Hooper 8 1 Leander Dirt Dawgs 3/24/2024
10 Jackson Shankle 42 5 Bullets 3/23/2024
51 4 Leander Dirt Dawgs 3/24/2024
Total 93 9
51 Wyatt Synowicki 54 3 THZ Baseball 3/23/2024
1 Tayvel Talib 16 1 THZ Baseball 3/23/2024
Leander Dirt Dawgs
10 Grayson Chapa 28 1 Texas 108'S 3/23/2024
9 0 Titans 10U Black 3/24/2024
Total 37 1
62 12 Dallas Tigers Smith 3/24/2024
Total 99 13
7 Brosie Denton 52 9 Texas Bullets 3/23/2024
46 7 THZ Baseball 3/24/2024
Total 98 16
30 Colton Gaither 20 3 Texas 108'S 3/23/2024
69 15 Ctx Ducks 11u 3/24/2024
Total 89 18
6 Blayne Owens 15 3 Texas Bullets 3/23/2024
11 Jacob Taylor 65 8 Titans 10U Black 3/24/2024
21 5 THZ Baseball 3/24/2024
Total 86 13
23 Luke Turner 44 7 Texas 108'S 3/23/2024
Texas 108'S
15 Jett Bailey 35 9 Ctx Ducks 11u 3/23/2024
63 12 Texas Senators-Wright 3/24/2024
Total 98 21
6 Eli Blasig 25 3 Ctx Ducks 11u 3/23/2024
3 Cody Cernosek 47 7 Leander Dirt Dawgs 3/23/2024
10 Jacob Kellen 64 12 Balcones Thunderbirds 3/24/2024
99 Carson Muesse 21 3 Ctx Ducks 11u 3/23/2024
27 Cam Turek 31 0 Leander Dirt Dawgs 3/23/2024
Texas Bullets
23 Jacob Burton 5 1 Leander Dirt Dawgs 3/23/2024
22 Brooks Carson 21 0 Ctx Ducks 11u 3/23/2024
21 Christian Mendez 12 5 Leander Dirt Dawgs 3/23/2024
36 Parker Stokes 52 11 Ctx Ducks 11u 3/23/2024
2 Tucker Thurman 46 6 Leander Dirt Dawgs 3/23/2024
Texas Senators-Wright
53 Dylan Abel 23 3 Canes Southwest - 11u Elite Gold 3/23/2024
3 Josh Coxe 46 9 Ctx Wrecking Crew 11u 3/23/2024
36 Ryder Ramirez 69 9 Canes Southwest - 11u Elite Gold 3/23/2024
8 Tyler Wright 23 3 Texas 108'S 3/24/2024
12 Brian Zapalac 38 6 Ctx Wrecking Crew 11u 3/23/2024
51 9 Texas 108'S 3/24/2024
Total 89 15
THZ Baseball
44 Rhys Casey 8 3 Bullets 3/23/2024
32 Jonah Fernandez 20 3 Bullets 3/24/2024
9 Daniel Gruell 22 3 Dallas Tigers Smith 3/23/2024
99 Liam Popst 7 3 Bullets 3/23/2024
4 Isaiah Roberts 50 9 Bullets 3/24/2024
12 Brayden Staha 24 3 Dallas Tigers Smith 3/23/2024
Titans 10U Black
1 Major Espinoza 33 6 Balcones Thunderbirds 3/23/2024
47 12 Ctx Wrecking Crew 11u 3/24/2024
Total 80 18
2 Vincent Harris 20 6 Tritons 11u 3/23/2024
33 6 Texas Bullets 3/24/2024
Total 53 12
11 Chance Hester 71 12 Texas 108'S 3/24/2024
9 Cameron Howard 33 3 Tritons 11u 3/23/2024
24 Jacob Machen 53 6 Balcones Thunderbirds 3/23/2024
27 3 Texas Bullets 3/24/2024
Total 80 9
Titans 11u Blue
1 Travis Allison 47 9 Canes Southwest - 11u Elite Gold 3/23/2024
26 Jackson Gochenour 3 1 Bullets 3/24/2024
11 Nakona Goodnight 71 7 Ctx Wrecking Crew 11u 3/23/2024
7 Jacob Hobbs 30 1 Ctx Wrecking Crew 11u 3/23/2024
10 Noah Kwon 74 14 Bullets 3/24/2024
8 Leonardo Landin 14 1 Ctx Wrecking Crew 11u 3/23/2024
Tritons 11u
5 Deuce Barragan 54 5 Titans 10U Black 3/23/2024
31 2 Balcones Thunderbirds 3/24/2024
Total 85 7
25 Jaciel Cruz 17 4 Balcones Thunderbirds 3/24/2024
13 Carter Jobe 2 1 Titans 10U Black 3/23/2024
11 0 Balcones Thunderbirds 3/24/2024
Total 13 1
1 Jaccob Marrow 37 2 Titans 10U Black 3/23/2024
21 Izaiah Ramirez 19 0 Balcones Thunderbirds 3/24/2024