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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Blue Devils 13U
Sebastian Augsten 31 4 Delta 8/16/2024
46 4 Prodigy Baseball Miami 8/17/2024
Total 77 8
7 Noah Bessin 53 9 Couto Baseball 8/14/2024
21 0 Prodigy Baseball Miami 8/17/2024
Total 74 9
40 Noah Diaz 23 3 Couto Baseball 8/14/2024
31 2 Delta 8/16/2024
Total 54 5
Sean Klevan 16 0 Couto Baseball 8/14/2024
4 0 Delta 8/16/2024
Total 20 0
1 Bruno Napoles 46 5 Delta 8/16/2024
48 7 Prodigy Baseball Miami 8/17/2024
Total 94 12
Anthony Ordonez 10 1 Delta 8/16/2024
Clemente / Latinoamericana
Diego Baro 7 1 Couto Baseball 8/17/2024
27 Marcos Bastidas 32 3 Couto Baseball 8/17/2024
31 Yadier Gonzalez 0 1 Couto Baseball 8/13/2024
3 Yeimel Gonzalez 0 3 Couto Baseball 8/13/2024
15 0 Couto Baseball 8/17/2024
Total 15 3
Dexel Lopez 0 1 Couto Baseball 8/13/2024
Lemeck Murray 0 3 Couto Baseball 8/13/2024
Lemeck Murry 43 1 Couto Baseball 8/17/2024
31 Jadiel Veras 0 3 Couto Baseball 8/13/2024
0 0 Couto Baseball 8/17/2024
Total 0 3
Couto Baseball
2 Julian Acosta 39 8 Los Panas 8/18/2024
3 Jake Bencomo 50 9 Blue Devils 13U 8/14/2024
27 Ethan Brenes 0 9 Clemente / Latinoamericana 8/13/2024
44 6 Los Panas 8/18/2024
Total 44 15
4 Lucas Corpas 28 3 Blue Devils 13U 8/14/2024
8 Adan Fernandez 0 3 Clemente / Latinoamericana 8/13/2024
11 Justin Garcia 6 3 Clemente / Latinoamericana 8/17/2024
25 Noah Garcia 29 6 Clemente / Latinoamericana 8/17/2024
Arian Arias 73 8 Line Drive Elite 8/18/2024
Alexander Cajete Jr. 41 6 Plantation Stars Usa 8/17/2024
17 6 Line Drive Elite 8/18/2024
Total 58 12
Luis Delgado 12 2 Blue Devils 13U 8/16/2024
Fabian Escalante 9 4 Prodigy Baseball Miami 8/13/2024
36 7 Plantation Stars Usa 8/17/2024
Total 45 11
Riley Garcia 40 6 Prodigy Baseball Miami 8/13/2024
6 2 Plantation Stars Usa 8/17/2024
Total 46 8
22 0 Line Drive Elite 8/18/2024
Total 68 8
Nicolas Gonzalez 16 3 Blue Devils 13U 8/16/2024
Adrian Lazo 54 5 Prodigy Baseball Miami 8/13/2024
Luciano Rodriguez 13 2 Blue Devils 13U 8/16/2024
Lucas Vazquez-Bello 29 6 Blue Devils 13U 8/16/2024
18 Omar Baez 49 5 Miami Cubs 8/17/2024
1 Emett Frieder 25 0 Kachi Phenoms Select 8/14/2024
9 1 Miami Cubs 8/17/2024
Total 34 1
24 Cristian Guede 45 4 Vsa Sluggers 13u 8/16/2024
22 Luca Ibanez 19 2 Vsa Sluggers 13u 8/16/2024
99 Christopher Leal 25 1 Kachi Phenoms Select 8/14/2024
33 5 Miami Cubs 8/17/2024
Total 58 6
54 Kenneth Leon 18 0 Vsa Sluggers 13u 8/16/2024
3 Gavin Martin 21 4 Kachi Phenoms Select 8/14/2024
13 Oliver Morrow 26 0 Kachi Phenoms Select 8/14/2024
13 0 Miami Cubs 8/17/2024
Total 39 0
7 Christian Scott 24 3 Kachi Phenoms Select 8/14/2024
24 Andrew Yanes 50 6 Vsa Sluggers 13u 8/16/2024
Kachi Phenoms Select
8 Anthony Baez 52 7 Los Panas 8/18/2024
0 Jacob Delgado 40 5 Miami Angels 8/18/2024
12 Anthony Hurtado 68 15 Thunder Elite 8/17/2024
9 Kaden Maharaj 73 12 Miami Angels 8/18/2024
28 Nick Napoles 37 6 I AM UNITED 12U 8/14/2024
55 6 Los Panas 8/18/2024
Total 92 12
5 Michael Nogues 10 1 Los Panas 8/18/2024
32 15 T.B. Elite 13U 8/18/2024
Total 42 16
1 Jorge Suarez 29 5 I AM UNITED 12U 8/14/2024
Line Drive Elite
Joel Araluce 37 6 Miami Cubs 8/13/2024
Karson Cooper 47 6 Los Panas 8/18/2024
6 1 Delta 8/18/2024
Total 53 7
Danny Didio 19 6 Miami Yankees 8/17/2024
Adriano Giannelli 43 3 Miami Cubs 8/13/2024
Joshua Gutierrez 14 3 Miami Yankees 8/17/2024
Tyler Gutierrez 6 1 Los Panas 8/18/2024
Isaias Matute 78 14 Delta 8/18/2024
Piero Pecora 23 6 Prodigy Baseball Miami 8/18/2024
Eduardo Riera 23 3 Los Panas 8/18/2024
Landon Sementilli 31 5 Los Panas 8/18/2024
Dylan Velasquez 58 9 Prodigy Baseball Miami 8/18/2024
Los Panas
7 Jose Alejandro Acosta 38 8 T.B. Elite 13U 8/17/2024
26 Lian Banos 33 6 Miami Yankees 8/16/2024
12 Federico Bernal 36 4 Line Drive Elite 8/18/2024
6 Diego D’Alesio 14 0 Miami Yankees 8/16/2024
2 1 Line Drive Elite 8/18/2024
Total 16 1
1 Sebastian D’Alesio 25 2 Line Drive Elite 8/18/2024
25 Alex De La Rosa 51 9 Couto Baseball 8/18/2024
14 0 Line Drive Elite 8/18/2024
Total 65 9
9 Alain Garcia 27 2 Miami Yankees 8/16/2024
19 2 Line Drive Elite 8/18/2024
Total 46 4
57 10 Kachi Phenoms Select 8/18/2024
Total 103 14
23 Aaron Mendoza 54 6 Couto Baseball 8/18/2024
20 2 Line Drive Elite 8/18/2024
Total 74 8
2 Alejandro Nahon 5 1 Miami Yankees 8/16/2024
19 1 T.B. Elite 13U 8/17/2024
Total 24 2
13 Hector Seijas 24 6 Miami Yankees 8/16/2024
53 5 Kachi Phenoms Select 8/18/2024
Total 77 11
95 Fabrizio Tua 13 3 T.B. Elite 13U 8/17/2024
13 0 Couto Baseball 8/18/2024
Total 26 3
Miami Angels
11 Alejandro Dorado 26 3 South Florida Sanppers 8/17/2024
5 Mylon Gonzalez 8 2 Kachi Phenoms Select 8/18/2024
99 Daniel Martinez 22 2 South Florida Sanppers 8/14/2024
101 13 Kachi Phenoms Select 8/18/2024
Total 123 15
2 Gustavo Moncada 12 3 South Florida Sanppers 8/14/2024
52 8 South Florida Sanppers 8/17/2024
Total 64 11
23 Andres Moran 28 6 South Florida Sanppers 8/14/2024
34 Josh Yanes 17 3 South Florida Sanppers 8/14/2024
Miami Cubs
24 Julian Bielecki 35 3 Line Drive Elite 8/13/2024
64 8 I AM UNITED 12U 8/17/2024
Total 99 11
24 Juan Castillo 13 1 Prodigy Baseball Miami 8/18/2024
88 Julian Cuesta 30 4 Line Drive Elite 8/13/2024
1 3 I AM UNITED 12U 8/17/2024
Total 31 7
23 Mathew Gutierrez 23 3 Vsa Sluggers 13u 8/17/2024
64 Tony Medina 24 0 Line Drive Elite 8/13/2024
55 12 Vsa Sluggers 13u 8/17/2024
Total 79 12
14 3 I AM UNITED 12U 8/17/2024
Total 93 15
23 Jose Angel Rijo 64 13 Prodigy Baseball Miami 8/18/2024
29 Anthony M. Rodriguez 19 2 Line Drive Elite 8/13/2024
Miami Yankees
11 Jorge Alvarez 31 3 Los Panas 8/16/2024
5 Alain Carra 20 2 Los Panas 8/16/2024
Marcelo Castillo-Marin 12 0 Los Panas 8/16/2024
6 1 Line Drive Elite 8/17/2024
Total 18 1
21 Jonathan Diaz 29 2 Los Panas 8/16/2024
48 Erik Gutierrez 23 6 Los Panas 8/16/2024
65 4 Line Drive Elite 8/17/2024
Total 88 10
Alexander Morales 28 0 Line Drive Elite 8/17/2024
Plantation Stars Usa
13 Ruben Cabrera 11 2 Delta 8/17/2024
23 Julian Camacho 66 5 T.B. Elite 13U 8/14/2024
27 Isais Hernandez 49 4 T.B. Elite 13U 8/14/2024
15 3 Delta 8/17/2024
Total 64 7
7 Gustavo Rengifo 73 9 Delta 8/17/2024
26 Miguel Romero 11 3 T.B. Elite 13U 8/14/2024
9 0 Delta 8/17/2024
Total 20 3
Prodigy Baseball Miami
17 Rey Artigas Moreno 22 5 Line Drive Elite 8/18/2024
5 Ethan Canales 60 9 Blue Devils 13U 8/17/2024
99 Dylan Mejia 66 12 Miami Cubs 8/18/2024
24 Ethan Nunez 37 3 Blue Devils 13U 8/17/2024
44 Logan Parmenter 48 11 Delta 8/13/2024
12 3 Miami Cubs 8/18/2024
Total 60 14
42 5 Line Drive Elite 8/18/2024
Total 102 19
11 Alexander Tijerino 28 3 Delta 8/13/2024
26 3 Line Drive Elite 8/18/2024
Total 54 6
South Florida Sanppers
34 Mathew Bernhardt 48 8 Miami Angels 8/14/2024
27 Anthony Blandon 15 1 Miami Angels 8/17/2024
4 Carlos De La Rionda 59 5 Miami Angels 8/17/2024
11 Gio Pardey 30 2 Miami Angels 8/17/2024
12 Zander Prendes 45 4 Miami Angels 8/14/2024
T.B. Elite 13U
0 Lenin Abreu 66 15 Kachi Phenoms Select 8/18/2024
0 Daniel Arocha 47 6 Plantation Stars Usa 8/14/2024
0 Kevin Cabrera 57 9 Plantation Stars Usa 8/14/2024
0 Carlos Contreras 32 7 Los Panas 8/17/2024
0 Miguel Milian 60 3 Los Panas 8/17/2024
Thunder Elite
10 Renzo Cabeda 46 7 Kachi Phenoms Select 8/17/2024
11 Jose Fernandez 24 0 Vsa Sluggers 13u 8/16/2024
17 Christopher Hernandez 31 6 Kachi Phenoms Select 8/17/2024
12 Aiden Martinez 58 7 Vsa Sluggers 13u 8/16/2024
7 Jacob Medina 4 0 Vsa Sluggers 13u 8/16/2024
3 Adriel Rodriguez 44 1 Kachi Phenoms Select 8/17/2024
Vsa Sluggers 13u
Mateo Dapena-Hatton 24 6 Thunder Elite 8/16/2024
67 7 Miami Cubs 8/17/2024
Total 91 13
Colt Hughes 45 6 I AM UNITED 12U 8/16/2024
Evan Humble 33 6 I AM UNITED 12U 8/16/2024
34 7 Miami Cubs 8/17/2024
Total 67 13
Adrian Pereira 21 3 Thunder Elite 8/16/2024