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---University of Richmond is a TURF Field, NO METAL CLEATS ALLOWED.  Turf Shoes, Molded Cleats & Sneakers are acceptable.  The pitcher's mound is dirt, therefore only the pitcher will be allowed to wear metal cleats. Thank you!

---James River HS does NOT allow pregame batting practice prior to the 8 AM Game Slots.  There is no bat to ball due to a City Ordinance.  If your team has a BowNet or other soft toss hitting device, there is an area across the street to do so prior to the 8 AM games.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Format: 16 Teams, 4 pools of 4 teams.  Winner of each Pool advances to the Semi-final playoff round.

**Merchandise and concessions will be available all weekend at James River HS!!

WEATHER/Schedule Updates:  Please text FALL16URICHMONDSQ to 84483.  This will be our primary communication in regards to weather and schedule updates/changes.
Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings 1 Event Article
All Tournament Team
Mid Maryland United17Justin Acal
The Baseball Company Invaders18Lucas Adam
Potomac Cardinals 16U28Gabriel Andreyev
Akadema Tides11Jackson Beisler
MVP Elite5Hunter Bell
Tri-State Arsenal Prime50Philip Bernstein
ODH Academy3Aidan Blair
PG Select Bluesox8Latreal Brame Jr
Diamond Elite 16u99Bailey Burke
Akadema Tides22Kavi Caster
MVP Royals Black12Danny Checkosky
The Baseball Company Invaders20Ethan Chenault
Hillcats Prime 201910Kevin Cheng
Hillcats Prime 20192Peter Colevas
Diamond Elite 16u11Nick Connolly
Frederick Sluggers52Zach Cunningham
Mid-Atlantic Orioles Junior Scout Team2Micah Darrington
The Baseball Company Invaders2Canon Davies
MVP Royals Black38Jack Dooley
Tri-State Arsenal Prime64Shawn Dougherty
PG Select Bluesox11Malcolm Edelin
Akadema Tides6Jonah Einsig
MVP Elite20John Farley
Mid Maryland United18Ryan Fisher
ODH Academy11Trey Fraley
PG Select Bluesox19Donavan Frayer
Hillcats Prime 201935David Georgis
MVP Royals Black2Josh Gjormand
Mid Maryland United10Maddux Grove
Hit Doctor 16u Showcase21Joseph Hall
The Baseball Company Invaders7Ian Haney
RISE Baseball 201920Timothy Hart
Hillcats Prime 20196Todd Hartman
Mid-Atlantic Orioles Junior Scout Team35Noa Hasty
MVP Elite34Bryce Haynes
Red Devils51David Herrera
MVP Royals Black27Xavier Herring
Potomac Cardinals 16U6Joseph Hoggard
MVP Royals Black16Matt Howat
Mid Maryland United3Aaron Jahnke
The Baseball Company Invaders21Nick Jenkins
Mid-Atlantic Orioles Junior Scout Team10Ricky Jones
Tri-State Arsenal Prime65Hunter Kelly
Frederick Sluggers36Dalton Kephart
MVP Royals Black32A.J. Kim
Mid-Atlantic Orioles Junior Scout Team15Sam Landess
Hillcats Prime 201915Maxwell Lee
Akadema Tides7George Lesher
MVP Royals Black37Ethan Lipp
The Baseball Company Invaders10Aiden McClune
MVP Royals Black23Carson McCusker
Akadema Tides5Paolo Meany
PG Select Bluesox10Aaron Murray
Akadema Tides4Ethan Paige
MVP Elite2Connor Pennell
RISE Baseball 201913Skylar Petry
PG Select Bluesox1Tyrus Pincham
Mid Maryland United8Luke Pryor
The Baseball Company Invaders19Scott Reid
Akadema Tides10Anthony Richards
MVP Royals Black45Alejandro Rodriguez
Mid-Atlantic Orioles Junior Scout Team7Anthony Santore
The Baseball Company Invaders13Cameron Shields
Mid-Atlantic Orioles Junior Scout Team21Liam Simpson
Potomac Cardinals 16U7Peter Smearman
MVP Elite25Richie Smiechowski
Diamond Elite 16u7Carson Swank
Tri-State Arsenal Prime5Ryder Tallent
MVP Royals Black5Jacques Thomas
Frederick Sluggers1Leonardo Trinidad Doherty
Mid Maryland United12Timothy Wetzel
Potomac Cardinals 16U3Ryan Wilder
MVP Royals Black3Dylan Wilkinson
Akadema Tides2Ryan Williamson
PG Select Bluesox34Reginald Zayas