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The Rules below are in addition to Perfect Game National Rules

8u Kid Pitch Divisions
Max runs Per inning is 5
There will be no Lead offs, players are only allowed to steal 2nd & 3rd after the ball crosses home. They can only score from 3rd on a hit or bases loaded walk, there is also no balks.

ALL 9u Divisions
Max Runs per Inning is 5
There will be no Lead offs, players are not allowed to steal until the ball crosses the plate, there is also no balks.

10 AAA & 10 Open Divisions
There is NO max runs per inning
There will be no Lead offs, players are not allowed to steal until the ball crosses the plate, there is also no balks.

10 Major Division
This division will play the same rules as the 11-14u when it comes to being open base rules, balks, lead offs.

Time Limits per age grouping

8u-10u Age Groups
Saturday Pool times are 1:30 minutes or 6 innings, which ever comes first
Sunday Bracket times are 1:40 minutes or 6 innings, which ever comes first

11-12u Age Groups
Saturday Pool times are 1:40 minutes or 6 innings, whichever comes first
Sunday Bracket times are 1:40 minutes or 6 innings, whichever comes first.

13u-14u Age Groups
Saturday Pool times are 1:45 minutes or 7 innings, whichever comes first.
Sunday Bracket times are 1:45 minutes or 7 innings, whichever comes first.

All championship games are no time limit if time allows
9-12u is 6 innings
13-14u is 7innings
Apr 9 - 10 |  The Rac | Olympia, WA
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Rsp Baseball 13u Bradley Parker R78
Elevate 13u - Tyler Ronan Scoffield L78
Elevate 13u - Tyler Tytin Clancy R76
New Level Baseball 13u Sherwin Kaleb Copeland R76
Elevate 13u - Tyler Cade Landes R76
Elevate NW Rasmussen Cade Landes R76
New Level Baseball 13u Landry Wyatt Plyler R76
Canes West WA William Prinz R76
NW Futures 13u Select Zaydon Marguth R75
New Level Baseball 13u Landry Xzyyvn Martinez R75
New Level Baseball 13u Landry Brayden Landry R74
NW Futures 13u Select Amari Reynolds R74
New Level Baseball 13u Sherwin Harlan Carrillo R73
New Level Baseball 13u Landry Max Schweyen R73
New Level Baseball 13u Landry Keagan Soliza R73
Elevate 13u - Tyler Emmett Brown R72
New Level Baseball 13u Sherwin Ryan Cannady R72
New Level Baseball 13u Landry Max Hemenway R72
New Level Baseball 13u Sherwin Anthony Solorio R72
West Valley Baseball Club Jack Goodrich R71
New Level Baseball 13u Landry Akoni Nazarino R71
Canes West WA Dayton Rogers R71
West Valley Baseball Club Braxton Young R71
Elevate NW Rasmussen Nate Bailey R70
Canes West WA Declan Crawford R70
Elevate NW Rasmussen Brandon Curci R70
West Valley Baseball Club Rhyse Elder R70
Rsp Baseball 13u Rece McClure R70
Elevate 13u - Tyler Jarrett Tyler R70
Rsp Baseball 13u Nicholas Wade L70
NW Futures 13u Select Luke Wolfley R70
Canes West WA Austin Halvorson R69
Rsp Baseball 13u Sebastian Iniguez R69
Elevate 13u - Tyler Landon Klein R69
Elevate 13u - Tyler Hunter McLaughliin R69
NW Futures 13u Select Jax Owens L69
Elevate 13u - Tyler Ryan Sundby R69
Canes West WA Grant Williams L69
NW Futures 13u Select Brady Brandenburg R68
Rsp Baseball 13u Ruben Candanoza R68
Elevate NW Rasmussen Zane Hicks L68
NW Futures 13u Select Rylan Howe R68
West Valley Baseball Club Karter Huwe R68
Elevate NW Rasmussen Kenny Rasmussen R68
West Valley Baseball Club Austin Birley R67
Elevate NW Rasmussen Cale Fatland R67
Rsp Baseball 13u Teryn CURTIS R66
Elevate NW Rasmussen Joseph Reeves R66
West Valley Baseball Club Colton Worley R66
NW Futures 13u Select Miles Franett R64
Elevate NW Rasmussen Trevyn Avery R63
Rsp Baseball 13u Cooper Bemder R63
New Level Baseball 13u Sherwin Bryce Carl R63
New Level Baseball 13u Landry Boston Barkley R62
New Level Baseball 13u Sherwin Griffin Paige R62
Canes West WA Jacob Flores R60
Elevate NW Rasmussen Ayden Hale L60
Canes West WA Scott Dickinson R59