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The #7 and #8 Seeds were flipped in bracket due to the rule stating: No two teams from the same organization will match-up in their first playoff game, unless the game is affected by a bye (Applicable to brackets with 8+ teams)
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings 6 Event Articles
FB Velocities
643 Dp Cougars 18u Pagan Ryan Wideman R93
Vba Black 18u Cooper Cochran R92
Georgia Bombers Garrett Lambert R92
Klutch Baseball 18u Mingin Gavin Black R91
Klutch Baseball 18u Mingin Adrian Roman R91
Georgia Bombers 17u Victus Barrett Eldridge R90
Georgia Bombers Ashton Smith R90
Klutch Baseball Scout Team Timothy Burnsed R88
Bucks Baseball Dylan Campbell R88
Vba Black 18u Dylan Campbell R88
Georgia Bombers Brian Garmon II R88
Georgia Bombers Kayne Jinks R88
Ccb 18u Cody King R88
Klutch Baseball 18u Mingin Josh Lanum R88
Klutch Baseball 18u Mingin Kaden Martin L88
Klutch Baseball 18u Mingin Julian Mlodzinski R88
Georgia Bombers Cole Munhall R88
Vba Black 18u Michael Pfeiffer R88
TN Nationals 2022's Jake Timbes R88
Vba Black 18u Eli Zielinski L88
East Cobb Astros 18u Navy Tysen Benford R87
Nelson Baseball School Grady Bivens R87
Klutch Baseball 18u Mingin Cole Evilsizor R87
Georgia Bombers Terry Garmon R87
Coastal Stars 2022 Premier Andrew Garnett R87
Aasa 18u National Andrew Garnett R87
Vba Black 18u Cole Loftis R87
5 Star West 18u Grant Hadley Long R87
East Cobb Yankees Ryan McTighe R87
TN Nationals 2022's Connor O'Donnell R87
Georgia Bombers 17u Victus Nick Olson R87
Ccb 18u Evan Sanders R87
Team Elite 18U Black Cole Torbett L87
Georgia Bombers 17u Victus Sean Totten R87
Smartense 17u The Show Grant Witczak R87
Southeast Sox 18u Charlie Bagwell R86
East Cobb Yankees Carson Ballard R86
Aasa 18u National Payton Boines R86
Smartense 17u The Show Payton Boines R86
Georgia Bombers Evan Carter L86
360 Hawks 17/18u Rhaylin Carvajal R86
Nelson Baseball School Will Collins R86
Southeast Sox 18u Colin Eaton R86
643 Dp Cougars 18u Pagan Ryan Gravely R86
Team Elite 18U Black Connor Harris R86
Vba Black 18u Brodie Holcomb R86
Georgia Bombers Baylor Homesley R86
Ecb Texas Orange Mason Lord R86
Aasa 18u National Quinten McManmon R86
Southeast Sox 18u Gunner Millsap L86
Southeast Sox 18u Lucas Morici R86
TN Nationals 2022's Drake Randolph R86
Klutch Baseball 18u Mingin Cameron Summerlin R86
5 Star West 18u Grant Dexter Benoit R85
Vba Black 18u Jt Blackwood R85
Aasa 18u National De'yon Cannon R85
Georgia Liberty 18u Owen Davis R85
Aasa 18u National Paxton Fenberg R85
Ecb Texas Orange Eric Koehler R85
Southeast Sox 18u Lucas Luxemburger R85
Team Elite 18U Black Jayden Martin L85
Nelson Baseball School Trystin Merson R85
East Cobb Yankees Tams Mullins L85
Georgia Bombers 17u Victus Daniel Powell R85
East Cobb Yankees Rhett Wells L85
Ninth Inning Royals 18u Wilkerson Larry Blackwell L84
East Cobb Astros 18u Navy Cole Brewer R84
East Cobb Astros 18u Navy Jack Butler R84
Wahoos Ethan Chuck R84
East Cobb Yankees Logan Ervine R84
East Cobb Yankees Caden Gaudette R84
5 Star West 18u Grant Ryan Grantham R84
Nelson Baseball School Tanner Hall R84
Georgia Liberty 18u Max Hobgood R84
Ninth Inning Royals 18u Wilkerson Max Hobgood R84
Georgia Bombers Matthew Holcomb R84
Mavz Ga 18u Hunter Maddox R84
643 Dp Cougars 18u Pagan William May R84
Klutch Baseball Scout Team Justin McCall R84
Hustle Factory Jacinto Molleda L84
Vba Black 18u Brodie Morrow R84
Aasa 18u National Landon Nease R84
Canes Southeast 17U Kole Orshoski R84
643 Dp Cougars 18u Pagan Rowan Park R84
East Cobb Astros 18u Navy Peyton Posey R84
Georgia Bombers Hank Simonds R84
Southeast Sox 18u Tyler Williamson R84
Ccb 18u Harrison Benton R83
Georgia Bombers 17u Victus Nick Blaszczak R83
Klutch Baseball Scout Team Mack Brailey R83
Nelson Baseball School Derek Brooks R83
Team Elite 18U Black Aedan Cates R83
5 Star West 18u Grant Jaxon Dennis R83
East Cobb Braves 18u Jacob Durden R83
Mavz Ga 18u Kamau Freeman R83
360 Hawks 17/18u Gregorio Gonzalez L83
Ninth Inning Royals 18u Wilkerson Ezra Goodwin R83
East Cobb Astros 18u Navy Trey Griffin R83
Georgia Liberty 18u Justin Hannan R83
Smartense 17u The Show Tahsan Hasan R83
East Cobb Yankees Nate Kerpics R83
Ecb Texas Orange Gaige King R83
East Cobb Yankees Tj Kloiber R83
643 Dp Cougars 18u Pagan Colt McKibben L83
360 Hawks 17/18u Jayden Nunez R83
Team Elite 18U Black Caleb Piland R83
East Cobb Yankees Walker Shaw L83
East Cobb Yankees Henry Shields L83
643 Dp Cougars 18u Pagan Joshua Sibley L83
eXposure 17U/18U Landen Skeen R83
Ecb Texas Orange Caden Tillman L83
Georgia Bombers Miles Dodd L82
East Cobb Astros 18u Navy Caleb Fones L82
Georgia Liberty 18u Ryan Heishman L82
Ecb Texas Orange Jacob Marshall R82
Hustle Factory Isaac Masias R82
Georgia Bombers 17u Victus Lucas Meehan L82
643 Dp Cougars 18u Pagan Ryan Moll R82
Southeast Sox 18u Brady Owens L82
Vba Black 18u Sam Sandy L82
Ninth Inning Royals 18u Wilkerson Carson Tillotson R82
Mavz Ga 18u Jacob Allie R81
Nelson Baseball School Brody Bearden R81
Hustle Factory Camdem Bosheers R81
643 Dp Cougars 18u Pagan Dawson Campbell L81
643 Dp Cougars 18u Pagan Dakota Corntassel L81
5 Star West 18u Grant Jaxon Dolan R81
Southeast Sox 18u Cal Goss R81
Klutch Baseball Scout Team Blake Hendrix R81
Rawlings Ga Prospects 18u Ayden Hudson R81
Smartense 17u The Show Makana Peters R81
Hustle Factory Erimel Rosado R81
eXposure 17U/18U Cody White R81
Georgia Bombers 17u Victus Wyatt Williams R81
Georgia Bombers 17u Victus Gavin Zoeller L81
Klutch Baseball 18u Mingin Lawrence Carpenter R80
Georgia Bombers 17u Victus Ben Crumpton R80
Full Count 18u Select Ben Edwards R80
Ccb 18u Logan Floyd R80
Georgia Liberty 18u Marshall Hongkham L80
Rawlings Ga Prospects 18u Bradlee Kinney R80
Coastal Stars 2022 Premier Ethan Moore R80
Coastal Stars 2022 Premier Bryce Morley R80
Georgia Liberty 18u Braxton Morris R80
Georgia Liberty 18u Persio Pichardo R80
Ninth Inning Royals 18u Wilkerson Persio Pichardo R80
Full Count 18u Select Brady Powell R80
Rawlings Ga Prospects 18u luke pruitt R80
Smartense 17u The Show Mac Reynolds R80
Ninth Inning Royals 18u Wilkerson Kyle Rice R80
360 Hawks 17/18u Jake Rutkowski R80
East Cobb Yankees Hunter Sanders R80
Coastal Stars 2022 Premier Ayden Siemsen R80
Southeast Sox 18u Curtis Wells R80
Full Count 18u Select Jake White R80
643 Dp Cougars 18u Pagan Tate Alston L79
Klutch Baseball Scout Team Patrick Curtis R79
Klutch Baseball Scout Team Matthew Ford R79
Ecb Texas Orange Sims Godwin R79
East Cobb Braves 18u Colby Hill R79
East Cobb Braves 18u Dylan Holcomb L79
eXposure 17U/18U Max Owens R79
Smartense 17u The Show Tanner Patterson R79
Team Elite 18U Black Ashton Sapp R79
East Cobb Astros 18u Navy Hayden Sottile R79
Ninth Inning Royals 18u Wilkerson Jonathan Strydom R79
East Cobb Braves 18u Thomas (Nick) Anselmi L78
Ccb 18u Thomas Bethel R78
Ninth Inning Royals 18u Wilkerson Ty Cosse R78
Aasa 18u National Nolan Dean R78
IF Baseball (Team Martinez ) Liam Duncan R78
Aasa 18u National Mason Flack R78
Nelson Baseball School Freddy Hartzell R78
Ecb Texas Orange Austin Jeselnik R78
Wahoos Joshua LeBel R78
IF Baseball (Team Martinez ) Ryan Lodden R78
360 Hawks 17/18u Rocky Middleton L78
Klutch Baseball Scout Team Trent Newberry L78
IF Baseball (Team Martinez ) Alvaro Nunez L78
Coastal Stars 2022 Premier Damon Sanders L78
Southeast Sox 18u Spencer Smith R78
Wahoos Spencer Vaughn R78
5 Star West 18u Grant Garrett Wright L78
Team Elite 18U Black Tanner Allen L77
TN Nationals 2022's Anthony Berry R77
360 Hawks 17/18u Wynn Boren L77
East Cobb Astros 18u Navy Tyler Chatham L77
eXposure 17U/18U Brennan Corn L77
Full Count 18u Select Dalton Fiegle R77
Rawlings Ga Prospects 18u Mason Gee R77
Rawlings Ga Prospects 18u Hayden Gregory L77
Klutch Baseball 18u Mingin Inaki Hutchinson R77
Coastal Stars 2022 Premier Hayes Lightsey R77
Aasa 18u National Matthew McCaffrey L77
TN Nationals 2022's Caden Ridings R77
Rawlings Ga Prospects 18u Charlie Souther R77
Mavz Ga 18u Levi Trask R77
Rawlings Ga Prospects 18u Taiyo Watanabe R77
Hustle Factory Luis Cruz R76
TN Nationals 2022's Spencer Margolis R76
Ccb 18u Thomas Norris R76
Klutch Baseball Scout Team Owen Richard L76
TN Nationals 2022's Blake Shelton R76
Wahoos Noah Smallwood R76
Coastal Stars 2022 Premier Ty Tyson R76
Klutch Baseball Scout Team Isaac Williams R76
Klutch Baseball Scout Team Jackson Drugley R75
Mavz Ga 18u Caleb Griffis R75
Mavz Ga 18u Henry Headrick R75
Ccb 18u Cole Laney L75
Aasa 18u National Ayden Mavridoglou R75
Wahoos Reagan Pennington R75
Smartense 17u The Show Blake Riley R75
Klutch Baseball Scout Team Blake Sheppard R75
Mavz Ga 18u Michael Son R75
Full Count 18u Select Wade Wilson R75
East Cobb Braves 18u Ethan Benedict R74
Full Count 18u Select Bailey Carroll L74
IF Baseball (Team Martinez ) Thomas Gherna R74
eXposure 17U/18U Aj Hall R74
Wahoos Tedrus Vashon Hamilton R74
Coastal Stars 2022 Premier Garrett (Rett) Harris R74
Wahoos Dalton Hickman R74
eXposure 17U/18U Nick Hoback R74
eXposure 17U/18U Avery Roberson L74
East Cobb Astros 18u Navy Hezekiah Scott L74
Rawlings Ga Prospects 18u Weston Skinner R74
Georgia Liberty 18u Kennan Sukkert R74
Hustle Factory Roberto A. Vazquez Rivera R74
Rawlings Ga Prospects 18u Luke Waller R74
Canes Southeast 17U Kael Whiddon R74
TN Nationals 2022's Preston Abdulla R73
Full Count 18u Select Preston Abdulla R73
East Cobb Braves 18u Isaac Cole R73
Hustle Factory Brian Griffin L73
Full Count 18u Select Landon Hicks R73
L.E.A.D. Ambassadors Damani Jackson R73
East Cobb Braves 18u Camden Lailer R73
Coastal Stars 2022 Premier Hayden Moore R73
360 Hawks 17/18u Lane Mosley R73
Smartense 17u The Show Walker Myhand R73
Hustle Factory Ronaldo Rivera R73
Hustle Factory Roger Barahona R72
5 Star West 18u Grant Jasper Goodman R72
Coastal Stars 2022 Premier Zach Wall R71
Hustle Factory Pedro Fuentes R70
Wahoos Seth Guinn R70
eXposure 17U/18U Tanner Jarvis R70
East Cobb Astros 18u Navy Tate Smith L70
East Cobb Astros 18u Navy Luke Tener L70
L.E.A.D. Ambassadors Charles Dakota Frady R68
IF Baseball (Team Martinez ) Manny Nunez R66
East Cobb Braves 18u Colton Orr R65
L.E.A.D. Ambassadors John Phillips R64
L.E.A.D. Ambassadors Montez Banks R63
L.E.A.D. Ambassadors JaKari’ Wade R60