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Tournament Format:

14u WWBA(Pools of 6)
June 18-19 –Doubleheader each day pool play games. Games will begin June 18th at 9AM.
June 20 – Final pool game. (last game for non playoff teams.) 
(Last night of hotels through Grouphousing is June 20th.)
June 21 – Round one of playoffs (9 AM & 11:30 AM), Quarterfinal games (2 PM & 4:30 PM)
(If teams would like to stay through the 22th and do not make the final 4, they’ll need to get a room down by airport for the 21st.)
June 22 – Semifinals & championship games (11:30AM Championship start)

·       For teams making the Semifinals and Championship games, PG hashotel rooms reserved for those teams. They will be paid for by teams, but PGhas them currently held.

The official schedule will be released approximately 4-5 days prior to the start date.

There will NOT be water provided in all dugouts. The ONLY coolers allowed in the gate at each field will be team/player coolers that are taken into the dugouts. No spectator coolers will be allowed.

Due to the number of games played on these fields over the 6 straight weeks of tournaments, all needs need to be prepared to wear tennis shoes/turfs when warming up for games on field if asked.
Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings 10 Event Articles
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