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11:30 AM Update - Format change - due to the field conditions we are only able to get each team 1 pool play game. Seeding will be done based on that game.  Schedule will be live shortly.  These games will be full regulation games.

PG Youth FL Pitch Rules for 9u - 12u Events: 6 innings through the first FOUR games (1 pitch = 1 inning).  Starting with a team's 5th game played, every player will gain an additional inning of eligibility PER GAME thereafter.  No limit on
the number of appearances per event.  An inning is added to a pitcher’s total as soon as he/she has toed the rubber and throws one pitch (warm up or game).


No Sunflower Seed or Gum Allowed In Complex A & B.

No Personal Coolers Allowed - 1 Team Cooler Allowed
Concession On-Site
Daily Entry Fee: $10 per person (CASH ONLY)  - Kids 10 & under Free
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings

12U Bracket
#1 5 Star Platinum 12U 11
GM: 25 | 11/10 | 10:30 AM | GAME RECAP
C1 @ BOOMBAH Sports Complex
#16Pure Momentum Justice League 12u 1 #1 5 Star Platinum 12U 10
GM: 29 | 11/10 | 12:30 PM | GAME RECAP
C1 @ BOOMBAH Sports Complex
#8Kangaroo Court Shockers 12U 2 #9 West Pines Cobras 4
GM: 21 | 11/10 | 8:30 AM | GAME RECAP
C1 @ BOOMBAH Sports Complex
#9West Pines Cobras 5 #1 5 Star Platinum 12U 4
GM: 33 | 11/10 | 2:30 PM | GAME RECAP
C1 @ BOOMBAH Sports Complex
#5Elite Squad 12U 9 #5 Elite Squad 12U 8
GM: 22 | 11/10 | 8:30 AM | GAME RECAP
C4 @ BOOMBAH Sports Complex
#12florida sluggers 1 #4 Central Florida Knights 5
GM: 30 | 11/10 | 12:30 PM | GAME RECAP
C4 @ BOOMBAH Sports Complex
#4Central Florida Knights 6 #5 Elite Squad 12U 8
GM: 26 | 11/10 | 10:30 AM | GAME RECAP
C4 @ BOOMBAH Sports Complex
#13Florida Elite Baseball 5   #5 Elite Squad 12U 4
GM: 37 | 11/10 | 4:30 PM | GAME RECAP
C1 @ BOOMBAH Sports Complex
#35 Star Tigers 12U Dye 4 #6 FCA Blueclaws 12U Hannah 3
GM: 28 | 11/10 | 10:30 AM | GAME RECAP
C3 @ BOOMBAH Sports Complex
#14Team Mahler 5 #6 FCA Blueclaws 12U Hannah 9
GM: 32 | 11/10 | 12:30 PM | GAME RECAP
C3 @ BOOMBAH Sports Complex
#6FCA Blueclaws 12U Hannah 7 #14 Team Mahler 1
GM: 24 | 11/10 | 8:30 AM | GAME RECAP
C3 @ BOOMBAH Sports Complex
#11Fishhawk Wolves 12U 1 #6 FCA Blueclaws 12U Hannah 6
GM: 34 | 11/10 | 2:30 PM | GAME RECAP
C2 @ BOOMBAH Sports Complex
#7CFL Bandits 12u 4 #10 Inferno Black 4
GM: 23 | 11/10 | 8:30 AM | GAME RECAP
C2 @ BOOMBAH Sports Complex
#10Inferno Black 8 #10 Inferno Black 9
GM: 31 | 11/10 | 12:30 PM | GAME RECAP
C2 @ BOOMBAH Sports Complex
#2Charlotte Crushers 1 #15 5 Star Orlando 12U Torres 1
GM: 27 | 11/10 | 10:30 AM | GAME RECAP
C2 @ BOOMBAH Sports Complex
#155 Star Orlando 12U Torres 2