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Time Limits per age grouping

9u-13u Age Groups
Saturday Pool times are 1:30 minutes or 6 innings, which ever comes first because of no lights
Sunday Bracket times are 1:30 minutes or 6 innings, which ever comes first because of no lights

Game Balls:
Umpires will provide 2 new baseballs per game and 3-4 used baseballs per game. IF foul balls are not retrieved, coaches will be expected to throw in their own baseballs as replacment if we run out. In the case of rain, coaches please try to assist in drying the game balls with a towel. However if they get too wet, we will provide extra used gamers.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings

A copy of your message will be sent to the event director and the contact email you enter. Our team will respond within one to two business day(s).
 319-298-2923 Option 2 for Tournaments