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Just wanted to update you guys on a few rules regarding the weekend. Only 3 coaches are allowed in the dugout per team. This tournament has a STRICT NO MUSIC policy. No music is allowed at the Hoover Met Complex this weekend at all. There will be SEC teams taking BP on one of the turf fields and the grass field. Players are allowed to watch but are not allowed to talk to the players at practice. Tickets will be passed out to the coach before the game. We expect all coaches to act accordingly at this event. All games are 1 Hour 30 Minutes! 
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Field Locations (1)
Hoover Met Sports Complex  
900 Champions Way Hoover, AL 35244 Map   
Facility Requirements:

- No metal spikes on Fields 2-5

- No weighted ball throws or bands on chainlink fences, please use dedicated plyo walls and ibolts that are located adjacent to each bullpen

- Cooler/drinks permitted

- Cashless concessions available

- Based on the City of Hoover's guidelines, players, coaches and spectators must exit and seek shelter in their cars when the lightning detection siren sounds. 

-Please do NOT park behind the Finley Center / above Field 1.