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Event Schedule
2024 Southwest Prospect Showcase & Fall SW Gateway Schedule
Surprise Spring Training Facility - Surprise, AZ
Teams & Colors
SW Pros. Gateway SW Prospect
1-Gold 3-Black
2-Royal 4-Orange
Saturday, Oct. 26
12:00 PM Player Check-In - Receive Shirt and Cap - Player report to Soccer field area
12:30 PM PG Staff Address Players about the showcase
Filming begins of all players by Skillshow
1:00 PM 60 Yard Dash (Soccer Field- NW Corner)
1:40 PM Defensive Workouts (Royals - Field 4)
OF throw from RF
IF throw from SS
1B throw
C pop times
Batting Practice (Royals -Field 4) / EV Testing (Cage)
Hit Shag EV Testing
3:15 PM 3-Black 4-Orange 3:15 PM 1-Gold
3:35 PM 4-Orange 5-Purple 3:35 PM 2-Royal
3:55 PM 5-Purple 3-Black 3:55 PM 5-Purple
4:15 PM 1-Gold 2-Royal 4:15 PM 3-Black
4:45 PM 2-Royal 1-Gold 4:45 PM 4-Orange
Royals - Field 3 Royals - Field 5
5:00 PM 3-Black vs 5-Purple (5 Inn) 5:15 PM 1-Gold vs 2-Royal (10 Inn)
6:30 PM 3-Black vs 4-Orange (5 Inn)
8:00 PM 4-Orange vs 5-Purple (5 Inn)
Sunday, Oct. 27
Royals - Field 3 Royals - Field 4
9:00 AM 5-Purple vs 3-Black (5 Inn) 9:00 AM 2-Royal vs 1-Gold (10 Inn)
10:30 AM 5-Purple vs 4-Orange (5 Inn)
12:00 PM 4-Orange vs 3-Black (5 Inn)