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Attention coaches: Visit your team page to enter probable pitcher(s) for each game.
Participating Teams
National RankTeamClassificationFromCoach
CBA Sticks 12U Fontenot (1-3-0 in 2025) 12AA Dequincy, LA Mathew Mueller
Champion Baseball 12u - White (4-3-1 in 2025) 12AA Lake Charles, LA Blake Perrodin
Jaguar Baseball (0-0-0 in 2025) 12AA Lake Charles, LA Kendrick Vital
LA Bolt 12U (5-5-2 in 2025) 12AA Lake Charles, LA Matt Breaux
Lake Area Outlaws (6-3-0 in 2025) 12AA Iowa, LA Ryan Thompson
Leatherbacks 12u Green (0-2-1 in 2025) 12AA DeRidder, LA Drew Galloway
Savage (0-0-0 in 2025) 12AA Port Neches , TX Michael Alford
Savage 12U Gray (1-12-0 in 2025) 12AA Nederland, TX Samantha Allen
Savage Champagne (11-11-0 in 2025) 12AA Nederland, TX Logan Champagne
Storm Chasers 12U-Sanches (4-4-0 in 2025) 12AA Orangefield, TX Brian Sanches
Storm Chasers- Gautreaux (8-6-0 in 2025) 12AA Bridge city , TX Marcus Gsutreaux
Team Louisiana SW (1-2-0 in 2025) 12AA Lake Charles, LA Dru Scully
Texas Mizuno- Hiltz (0-0-0 in 2025) 12AA Nederland, TX Dalton Hebert
Texas Mizuno- Hiltz (4-5-0 in 2025) 12AA Nederland, TX Landon Hiltz
USA PRIME SWLA - 12u (8-10-2 in 2025) 12AA Sulphur, LA Jareth Navarre
WAR Baseball 12U (2-7-0 in 2025) 12AA Welsh, LA James Daigle

Accepted Teams
*requested an invite and are approved to attend