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All games are running 2 hours behind at Capitol Park.
Start time will be 10am instead of 8am
Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings
Attention coaches: Visit your team page to enter probable pitcher(s) for each game.
Participating Teams
National RankTeamClassificationFromCoach
Alpha Dogs (22-16-0 in 2023) 12AA San Antonio , TX Pete Reyes
Boerne Bucks (6-12-0 in 2023) 12AA Boerne, TX Ashton Adams
Game Day San Antonio Steam (6-3-0 in 2023) 12AA San Antonio , TX Jayton Rodriquez
LONE STAR BREWERS NB (JAUREGUE) (24-19-3 in 2023) 12AA NEW BRAUNFELS, TX Tony Frausto Jr.
SA Banditos 11u Black (28-16-0 in 2023) 11AAA San Antonio, TX San Antonio Banditos
SA PATRIOTS (16-13-0 in 2023) 11AAA san antonio, TX Josh Santos
SAN ANTONIO RATTLERS (5-31-3 in 2023) 12AA San Antonio , TX Zeke Sosa
STX Rebels (24-8-3 in 2023) 12AA Floresville, TX Frank Trevino
TPU/Trosky SW Flores-King (12-28-0 in 2023) 12AA San Antonio , TX Luis Villarreal
Tpu/Trosky Sw Padilla (17-27-1 in 2023) 11AAA San Antonio , TX Luis Villarreal

Accepted Teams
*requested an invite and are approved to attend