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7U (AA) (CP) 8U (Open) (CP) 9U (AA) 10U (AA) 10U (Open) 11U (AA) 11U (AAA) 12U (AAA) 12U (Major) 13U (AA) (54/80) 13U (AAA) (54/80) 13U (Major) (60/90) 14U (AA) 14U (AAA) 14U (Major)
Effective January 1, 2025, all payments must be made through your shopping cart. Payment deadline is the Sunday prior to the event start date.

ALL GATES: $12/ Person CARD ONLY + tax
- 3 Coaches in Free (Required to check-in with Gate Employee) - Once those THREE coaches check-in, the rest of the coaches are required to pay
- Kids 12 and under Free
- Military/First Responder $7 WITH ID
- Senior Citizen $7

Perfect Game will provide game balls

Game Times:
7U-8U Coach Pitch: No new inning after 1:10
9U-10U: No new inning after 1:30
11U-13U: No new inning after 1:40
14U: No new inning after 1:45
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Colunga Baseball Academy 12U Black
2 Bryan Daniel 47 6 LT Outlaws - Garcia 2/22/2025
27 3 Texas Velocity 12U Gold 2/23/2025
Total 74 9
24 Richard De La Rosa 38 9 Texas Velocity 12U Gold 2/22/2025
4 Dezmin Montalvo 14 3 LT Outlaws - Garcia 2/22/2025
22 6 Texas Velocity 12U Gold 2/22/2025
Total 36 9
28 3 Texas Velocity 12U Gold 2/23/2025
Total 64 12
6 Drayton Moxley 13 2 Texas Velocity 12U Gold 2/23/2025
3 Carrson Seaman 38 5 LT Outlaws - Garcia 2/22/2025
21 Andres Tovar 31 3 Texas Velocity 12U Gold 2/22/2025
CTX Wildcatters Orange-12U-Palacios
55 Lucas Burris 6 1 LBC Central Kalmick 2/22/2025
2 Aaden Gonzalez 36 8 Texas Made 12U 2/22/2025
64 8 LBC Central Kalmick 2/23/2025
Total 100 16
27 Adam Reyna 9 2 Texas Made 12U 2/22/2025
68 14 LBC Central Kalmick 2/22/2025
Total 77 16
3 Jude Salazar 37 8 Texas Made 12U 2/22/2025
36 7 LBC Central Kalmick 2/23/2025
Total 73 15
44 Ty Waters 9 0 LBC Central Kalmick 2/22/2025
CTX Wildcatters-12U-Bernal
10 Camden Aguirre 23 1 LT Outlaws - Garcia 2/22/2025
21 Ezekiel Alonzo 66 12 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 2/22/2025
25 Marco Palacios Jr. 7 3 LT Outlaws - Garcia 2/22/2025
52 9 Texas Twelve San Antonio Maroon 2/23/2025
Total 59 12
2 Brayden Palomino 35 5 LT Outlaws - Garcia 2/22/2025
22 Eric Polanco 17 2 Texas Twelve San Antonio Maroon 2/23/2025
9 Brandon Reyes 25 3 LT Outlaws - Garcia 2/22/2025
17 Rawlings Sprencel 15 4 Texas Twelve San Antonio Maroon 2/23/2025
LBC Central Kalmick
11 Jaxson Griffith 0 0 Texas Twelve San Antonio Maroon 2/22/2025
1 Jameson Halbert 35 3 Texas Twelve San Antonio Maroon 2/22/2025
24 Wyatt Kalmick 23 4 Texas Twelve San Antonio Maroon 2/22/2025
4 Jase Kohler 48 9 CTX Wildcatters Orange-12U-Palacios 2/22/2025
6 David Lopez 45 6 Texas Velocity 12U Gold 2/23/2025
17 Sebastian Lujan 4 2 Texas Made 12U 2/23/2025
5 Johnny Moseley 29 1 Texas Velocity 12U Gold 2/23/2025
20 1 CTX Wildcatters Orange-12U-Palacios 2/23/2025
Total 49 2
2 Brayden Pounds 39 3 CTX Wildcatters Orange-12U-Palacios 2/22/2025
12 Parker Rocha 15 2 Texas Velocity 12U Gold 2/23/2025
3 Marco A Sanchez III 76 10 Texas Made 12U 2/23/2025
13 Kristian Valadez 86 13 CTX Wildcatters Orange-12U-Palacios 2/23/2025
46 Tru Zook 28 4 Texas Twelve San Antonio Maroon 2/23/2025
14 1 CTX Wildcatters Orange-12U-Palacios 2/23/2025
Total 42 5
LBC Central Thompson
1 Callen Abbott 31 6 LT Outlaws - Garcia 2/23/2025
21 Lincoln Bosson 25 6 Texas Made 12U 2/22/2025
4 Matthew Brandon 49 12 Texas Twelve San Antonio Maroon 2/23/2025
44 Trent Demoss 0 0 Texas Made 12U 2/22/2025
13 Alan Diaz 65 15 Texas Velocity 12U Gold 2/23/2025
17 Wyatt Garbade 14 3 Texas Twelve San Antonio Maroon 2/22/2025
34 Luke Halfmann 15 3 Texas Twelve San Antonio Maroon 2/22/2025
12 3 LT Outlaws - Garcia 2/23/2025
Total 27 6
27 Wesley Mitchell 10 3 Texas Velocity 12U Gold 2/23/2025
30 Ryland Smith 24 6 Texas Made 12U 2/22/2025
2 Taz Tulowitzki 21 3 Texas Made 12U 2/22/2025
LT Outlaws - Garcia
27 Brooks Bloomquist 33 1 LBC Central Thompson 2/23/2025
23 Ethan Brandt 43 8 Colunga Baseball Academy 12U Black 2/22/2025
44 Cade Carlson 62 6 Colunga Baseball Academy 12U Black 2/22/2025
1 Ayman Chmeis 70 15 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 2/23/2025
24 Charlie Littleworth 40 5 CTX Wildcatters-12U-Bernal 2/22/2025
99 Blake Owen 34 5 LBC Central Thompson 2/23/2025
6 Bryce Shaver 32 3 CTX Wildcatters-12U-Bernal 2/22/2025
Texas Made 12U
11 Bradyn Castro 20 0 LBC Central Kalmick 2/23/2025
23 Alex Garcia 11 2 LBC Central Thompson 2/22/2025
8 Luke Guzman 44 4 LBC Central Thompson 2/22/2025
20 Jacob Mejia 64 9 CTX Wildcatters Orange-12U-Palacios 2/22/2025
25 5 LBC Central Kalmick 2/23/2025
Total 89 14
6 Nicholas Ortega 32 8 CTX Wildcatters Orange-12U-Palacios 2/22/2025
37 6 LBC Central Thompson 2/22/2025
Total 69 14
13 Christian Reyes 71 7 LBC Central Kalmick 2/23/2025
Texas Twelve San Antonio Black
34 Brooks Davis 12 0 Texas Velocity 12U Gold 2/22/2025
5 Tres Kerr 46 5 LT Outlaws - Garcia 2/23/2025
25 Garnett Lowery 33 2 Texas Velocity 12U Gold 2/22/2025
22 Wyatt Teague 54 6 LT Outlaws - Garcia 2/23/2025
8 Gavin Villarreal 96 12 CTX Wildcatters-12U-Bernal 2/22/2025
14 Cooper Zimmerhanzel 35 4 Texas Velocity 12U Gold 2/22/2025
Texas Twelve San Antonio Maroon
12 Kaleb Christ 58 9 LBC Central Thompson 2/23/2025
4 Brody Heerwald 85 10 CTX Wildcatters-12U-Bernal 2/23/2025
51 Eli Hull 23 0 LBC Central Thompson 2/22/2025
8 0 LBC Central Thompson 2/23/2025
Total 31 0
26 Easton Lieurance 17 2 LBC Central Thompson 2/22/2025
30 Levi Mechler 34 3 LBC Central Thompson 2/22/2025
20 3 CTX Wildcatters-12U-Bernal 2/23/2025
Total 54 6
34 Ethan Ramirez 66 11 LBC Central Kalmick 2/23/2025
17 Rhys Warder 32 1 LBC Central Thompson 2/22/2025
Texas Velocity 12U Gold
12 Camden Armijo 41 6 Colunga Baseball Academy 12U Black 2/22/2025
1 Dylan Arriola 12 3 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 2/22/2025
1 0 LBC Central Kalmick 2/23/2025
Total 13 3
13 3 Colunga Baseball Academy 12U Black 2/23/2025
Total 26 6
8 Carson Mitchell 51 8 LBC Central Kalmick 2/23/2025
9 Giovanni Montalvo 14 3 LBC Central Kalmick 2/23/2025
30 Jacob Morales 28 6 Colunga Baseball Academy 12U Black 2/22/2025
46 6 LBC Central Thompson 2/23/2025
Total 74 12
15 Wyatt Overocker 23 4 Colunga Baseball Academy 12U Black 2/22/2025
10 Caleb Roberts 52 8 LBC Central Thompson 2/23/2025
0 Austin Tijerina 43 6 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 2/22/2025
28 6 Colunga Baseball Academy 12U Black 2/23/2025
Total 71 12