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8U (AA) (CP) 9U (AA) 11U (AAA) 12U (AA) 12U (AAA) 13U (AAA) (54/80) 14U (AA) 14U (AAA)
Effective January 1, 2025, all payments must be made through your shopping cart. Payment is due by midnight of the Sunday prior to the event start date.

ALL GATES: $12/ Person CARD ONLY + tax
- 3 Coaches in Free (Required to check-in with Gate Employee) - Once those THREE coaches check-in, the rest of the coaches are required to pay
- Kids 12 and under Free
- Military/First Responder $7 WITH ID
- Senior Citizen $7

-$225 Team Gate Fee (there is not a daily gate fee for spectators)
-Payment is made through PG website in the team shopping cart

Perfect Game will provide game balls

Game Times:
7U-8U Coach Pitch: No new inning after 1:10
9U-10U: No new inning after 1:30
11U-13U: No new inning after 1:40
14U: No new inning after 1:45
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Alamo City Scrappers
98 Thiago Elias 33 7 Texas Mustangs Red 3/22/2025
11 Daylon Haverlah 81 9 Kerrville Indians - 14u Russ 3/22/2025
23 Damian Martinez 27 3 Kerrville Indians - 14u Russ 3/22/2025
99 Norrys Morillo 20 3 Texas Mustangs Red 3/22/2025
1 Alejandro Sandoval 32 2 Texas Mustangs Red 3/22/2025
17 Dylan Shirley 87 14 DUBS-BLUE 3/23/2025
Dallas Tigers Nester
28 Henry Bargon 54 9 GPS Legends 14U Coons 3/22/2025
21 Asa Cates 7 0 DUBS-BLUE 3/22/2025
68 10 Kerrville Indians - 14u Russ 3/23/2025
Total 75 10
18 Vince Gooch 29 3 GPS Legends 14U Coons 3/22/2025
34 3 Kerrville Indians - 14u Russ 3/23/2025
Total 63 6
3 Chase Hamilton 8 0 GPS Legends 14U Coons 3/22/2025
25 Garrett Hardesty 21 3 GPS Legends 14U Coons 3/22/2025
2 Knox Moorman 24 5 DUBS-BLUE 3/22/2025
5 Benton Zulick 52 4 DUBS-BLUE 3/22/2025
13 Raul Contreras 72 12 Alamo City Scrappers 3/23/2025
9 Adrian Gutierrez 14 2 LBC Central French 3/22/2025
Draeden Jackson 43 2 Texas Mustangs Red 3/23/2025
99 Cameron Lampley 28 4 LBC Central French 3/22/2025
27 3 Alamo City Scrappers 3/23/2025
Total 55 7
27 Aaron Macias 45 7 Dallas Tigers Nester 3/22/2025
1 3 Texas Mustangs Red 3/23/2025
Total 46 10
44 Josh Macias 24 3 Alamo City Scrappers 3/23/2025
22 Roman Martinez 38 5 Dallas Tigers Nester 3/22/2025
14 Anthony Olivo Castro 59 6 Texas Mustangs Red 3/23/2025
19 Aiden Trevino 55 5 LBC Central French 3/22/2025
0 Jaxson Walker 13 1 LBC Central French 3/22/2025
GPS Legends 14U Coons
Daniel Brumbaugh 0 2 Dallas Tigers Nester 3/22/2025
63 7 LBC Central French 3/22/2025
Total 63 9
Jacob Coons 21 4 Dallas Tigers Nester 3/22/2025
Austin Davis 32 4 Dallas Tigers Nester 3/22/2025
60 11 TEST Red 3/23/2025
Total 92 15
Grayson Jeffers 8 2 Dallas Tigers Nester 3/22/2025
27 Mason Rambikur 49 7 LBC Central French 3/22/2025
42 Slayde Rockwell 39 4 TEST Red 3/23/2025
33 Noah Sifuentez 25 5 Dallas Tigers Nester 3/22/2025
Kerrville Indians - 14u Russ
44 Isaiah Alva 20 1 Alamo City Scrappers 3/22/2025
23 2 LBC Central French 3/23/2025
Total 43 3
5 Peter Cisneros 16 0 Texas Mustangs Red 3/22/2025
32 2 LBC Central French 3/23/2025
Total 48 2
4 Mason Cummings 3 1 LBC Central French 3/23/2025
12 McKade Earl 27 3 Texas Mustangs Red 3/22/2025
13 3 Dallas Tigers Nester 3/23/2025
Total 40 6
44 9 Thunder Buddies 3/23/2025
Total 84 15
10 Juan Garcia 8 2 Alamo City Scrappers 3/22/2025
29 3 Thunder Buddies 3/23/2025
Total 37 5
20 Alex Gonzalez 31 3 LBC Central French 3/23/2025
1 Wyatt Longhurst 32 3 Texas Mustangs Red 3/22/2025
29 9 Thunder Buddies 3/23/2025
Total 61 12
17 Kieran Phillips 50 6 Alamo City Scrappers 3/22/2025
20 2 Thunder Buddies 3/23/2025
Total 70 8
28 Noah Piszczor 32 5 Alamo City Scrappers 3/22/2025
16 1 LBC Central French 3/23/2025
Total 48 6
25 Cohen Stehling 34 3 Texas Mustangs Red 3/22/2025
72 12 Dallas Tigers Nester 3/23/2025
Total 106 15
LBC Central French
42 Tillman Bellotto 16 1 TEST Red 3/23/2025
3 Aldo Delgado 19 0 South Texas Tribe 2029s 3/23/2025
45 9 Kerrville Indians - 14u Russ 3/23/2025
Total 64 9
20 Witten French 10 3 DUBS-BLUE 3/22/2025
87 17 TEST Red 3/23/2025
Total 97 20
10 Harrison Hunter 14 3 TEST Red 3/23/2025
17 3 Kerrville Indians - 14u Russ 3/23/2025
Total 31 6
21 Caden Mitchell 52 9 DUBS-BLUE 3/22/2025
24 Alex Pena 79 15 GPS Legends 14U Coons 3/22/2025
0 William Rendziperis 11 3 South Texas Tribe 2029s 3/23/2025
23 Aiden Ruiz 19 3 DUBS-BLUE 3/22/2025
50 9 South Texas Tribe 2029s 3/23/2025
Total 69 12
7 Caden Stark 0 0 DUBS-BLUE 3/22/2025
South Texas Tribe 2029s
8 Andrew Campbell 27 3 Thunder Buddies 3/22/2025
16 Conner Greco 53 7 Thunder Buddies 3/22/2025
99 Kyler Hansen 30 3 Thunder Buddies 3/22/2025
6 0 LBC Central French 3/23/2025
Total 36 3
6 Caleb Mamadaliyev 95 21 Waco Storm - Castillo 3/23/2025
21 Breslin O'Bryant 88 18 Waco Storm - Castillo 3/22/2025
12 Kolby Petty 21 3 Waco Storm - Castillo 3/22/2025
35 3 LBC Central French 3/23/2025
Total 56 6
47 Toby Voss 74 8 LBC Central French 3/23/2025
28 Nicholas Gallucci 27 8 Waco Storm - Castillo 3/22/2025
32 6 GPS Legends 14U Coons 3/23/2025
Total 59 14
24 Max Gissler 3 1 Thunder Buddies 3/22/2025
24 6 GPS Legends 14U Coons 3/23/2025
Total 27 7
42 Mason Keber 56 6 Texas Mustangs Red 3/23/2025
13 3 GPS Legends 14U Coons 3/23/2025
Total 69 9
1 Rusty Kuglitsch 50 6 Waco Storm - Castillo 3/22/2025
45 9 Texas Mustangs Red 3/23/2025
Total 95 15
15 Brody Lee 76 15 LBC Central French 3/23/2025
19 Mason Manti 16 2 Thunder Buddies 3/22/2025
26 6 LBC Central French 3/23/2025
Total 42 8
23 Jacob Silva 51 9 Thunder Buddies 3/22/2025
Texas Mustangs Red
24 Ashton Adams 46 6 DUBS-BLUE 3/23/2025
6 Caleb Beaird 21 1 Alamo City Scrappers 3/22/2025
31 4 TEST Red 3/23/2025
Total 52 5
7 Carson Carroll 38 7 Kerrville Indians - 14u Russ 3/22/2025
56 6 DUBS-BLUE 3/23/2025
Total 94 13
Cooper Carroll 0 0 Alamo City Scrappers 3/22/2025
0 0 Kerrville Indians - 14u Russ 3/22/2025
Total 0 0
37 Grant Freeborg 41 3 Alamo City Scrappers 3/22/2025
7 Gabe Galarza 6 2 Alamo City Scrappers 3/22/2025
58 5 Kerrville Indians - 14u Russ 3/22/2025
Total 64 7
19 Mason Oh 57 11 TEST Red 3/23/2025
3 Matthew Shields 26 3 Alamo City Scrappers 3/22/2025
Thunder Buddies
5 Jacob Hahn 63 11 South Texas Tribe 2029s 3/22/2025
7 Joaquin Rodriguez 20 1 South Texas Tribe 2029s 3/22/2025
8 Javier Sauceda 4 2 South Texas Tribe 2029s 3/22/2025
20 4 Kerrville Indians - 14u Russ 3/23/2025
Total 24 6
16 Braydon Thompson 95 20 Kerrville Indians - 14u Russ 3/23/2025
11 Aaron Valdez 72 11 TEST Red 3/22/2025
Waco Storm - Castillo
33 Evan Garcia 28 3 South Texas Tribe 2029s 3/22/2025
30 Jay Ingram 73 8 TEST Red 3/22/2025
22 Tristan Keller 87 11 South Texas Tribe 2029s 3/23/2025
11 Grady Lackey 2 2 South Texas Tribe 2029s 3/22/2025
4 William Poteet 29 6 TEST Red 3/22/2025
1 Brayden Warren 32 7 South Texas Tribe 2029s 3/23/2025
24 Ethan Williams 88 14 South Texas Tribe 2029s 3/22/2025