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3/18 9:20AM - All games are on as scheduled.

To stay up to date on the latest developments regarding your facility, please monitor the "Weather Updates" button on your age group's event home page. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we battle mother nature this weekend.

Please note: Due to an ongoing remodeling project, the staff at the East Cobb Baseball Complex has asked us to notify everyone that the restrooms located at the bottom of the complex (Between Fields 4-8) will have limited/reduced availability. The restrooms located at the top of the complex (Between 1-3) will continue normal operation.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings 1 Event Article
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
643 DP Jaguars 14U
45 Evan Brand 52 11 643 DP Tigers 14U 3/19/2023
12 Hap Allen Fleming 44 9 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 3/18/2023
4 Quinn Herring 16 3 643 DP Tigers 14U 3/19/2023
5 Samuel Kunz 45 7 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 3/17/2023
19 Rylin Lyemance 33 9 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 3/17/2023
44 Davis Robinson 39 6 Dingers Athletics Scout 3/17/2023
14 Hayes Stephens 31 6 Dingers Athletics Scout 3/17/2023
42 Tyson Todd 52 6 643 DP Tigers 14U 3/19/2023
5 Will Zeigler 33 2 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 3/17/2023
11 Noah Zinman 36 3 Dingers Athletics Scout 3/17/2023
643 DP Tigers 14U
28 Robert Boyd 25 3 Turn 2 3/17/2023
38 6 643 DP Jaguars 14U 3/19/2023
Total 63 9
27 Jon Walker Brown 37 5 East Cobb Astros 13u Orange 3/18/2023
7 Cameron Denis 45 8 Turn 2 3/17/2023
Amaree Griffin 54 9 East Cobb Astros 14U Navy 3/19/2023
24 Harrison Keenan 17 1 East Cobb Astros 13u Orange 3/18/2023
9 Dawson Lowit 77 15 643 DP Jaguars 14U 3/19/2023
14 Logan Mayers 20 2 East Cobb Astros 14U Navy 3/19/2023
9 Michael Prather 61 12 Georgia Jackets 14u - Gold 3/18/2023
99 Ryder Ritch 45 6 East Cobb Astros 13u Orange 3/18/2023
5 Owen Tarentino 28 3 East Cobb Astros 13u Orange 3/18/2023
25 Lane Taylor 26 1 East Cobb Astros 14U Navy 3/19/2023
4 Harris Turner 30 0 East Cobb Astros 14U Navy 3/19/2023
1 Connor Zerbenski 37 6 Turn 2 3/17/2023
Aviator Baseball 13U
0 Devon Beavers 39 5 East Cobb Astros 13u Orange 3/18/2023
33 6 Georgia Jackets 14u - Gold 3/18/2023
Total 72 11
5 Malachi Butler 61 5 East Cobb Astros 13u Orange 3/18/2023
24 Austin Lipscomb 42 5 East Cobb Astros 13u Orange 3/18/2023
13 Gino Luckie 41 3 East Cobb Astros 14U Navy 3/18/2023
98 Jensen Morneau 64 15 Georgia Jackets 14u - Gold 3/18/2023
3 Aiden Watson 15 2 East Cobb Astros 14U Navy 3/18/2023
999 Sammy Wilson 89 14 East Cobb Astros 14U Navy 3/18/2023
Dingers Athletics Scout
999 Chase Alonso 38 6 Turn 2 3/18/2023
5 Landon Cothern 47 6 643 DP Jaguars 14U 3/17/2023
999 Caelen Frederick 32 3 643 DP Jaguars 14U 3/17/2023
999 Gianni Gandy 22 4 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 3/17/2023
11 Brayden Hatcher 38 4 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 3/18/2023
12 3 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 3/19/2023
Total 50 7
25 Ansley Kehren 47 6 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 3/17/2023
39 8 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 3/19/2023
Total 86 14
999 Justin Mills 69 6 Turn 2 3/18/2023
999 Asher Stephens 48 7 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 3/19/2023
3 Kaileb Watts 46 5 643 DP Jaguars 14U 3/17/2023
East Cobb Astros 13u Orange
34 Andrew Akopov 9 2 Aviator Baseball 13U 3/18/2023
29 Caleb Antonelli 63 6 Motor City Hit Dogs National 3/18/2023
28 Brayden Bially 58 8 643 DP Tigers 14U 3/18/2023
7 Braden Burroughs 74 13 Aviator Baseball 13U 3/18/2023
3 Cash Cauley 13 6 Motor City Hit Dogs National 3/19/2023
35 Hunter Dillard 31 5 Motor City Hit Dogs National 3/19/2023
10 Ezra Gandy 41 9 643 DP Tigers 14U 3/18/2023
17 Griffin Gowens 41 5 Motor City Hit Dogs National 3/18/2023
57 Max Misenhimer 48 7 Motor City Hit Dogs National 3/19/2023
East Cobb Astros 14U Navy
21 Jake Brannon 8 3 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 3/19/2023
24 Cole Crawford 62 9 Aviator Baseball 13U 3/18/2023
9 Peyton Ferguson 57 9 Aviator Baseball 13U 3/18/2023
12 Max Maher 44 7 Motor City Hit Dogs 14U Yates 3/19/2023
23 Nash Martinez 15 3 Aviator Baseball 13U 3/18/2023
36 9 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 3/19/2023
Total 51 12
17 Sullivan Reed 64 14 Motor City Hit Dogs 14U Yates 3/18/2023
16 Chance Walters 26 5 Motor City Hit Dogs 14U Yates 3/19/2023
32 Matthew Westbrook 65 15 643 DP Tigers 14U 3/19/2023
East Cobb Nationals 14u Red
34 Jackson Beatty 49 7 Motor City Hit Dogs National 3/19/2023
Macon Camp 49 9 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 3/17/2023
30 4 East Cobb Astros 14U Navy 3/19/2023
Total 79 13
0 0 Dingers Athletics Scout 3/19/2023
Total 79 13
Manning Camp 56 6 Dingers Athletics Scout 3/19/2023
15 Cash Fenhagen 53 7 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 3/17/2023
31 6 Dingers Athletics Scout 3/19/2023
Total 84 13
39 6 East Cobb Astros 14U Navy 3/19/2023
Total 123 19
45 Jordan Jones 34 9 Dingers Athletics Scout 3/19/2023
3 Carson Reeves 35 6 643 DP Jaguars 14U 3/17/2023
25 1 East Cobb Astros 14U Navy 3/19/2023
Total 60 7
Payton Walker 28 6 643 DP Jaguars 14U 3/17/2023
38 9 Motor City Hit Dogs National 3/19/2023
Total 66 15
6 Andrew Williams 45 3 643 DP Jaguars 14U 3/17/2023
23 0 East Cobb Astros 14U Navy 3/19/2023
Total 68 3
10 3 Motor City Hit Dogs National 3/19/2023
Total 78 6
58 Donovan Williams 30 3 643 DP Jaguars 14U 3/17/2023
Georgia Jackets 14u - American
44 Jack Burke 63 6 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 3/17/2023
34 Matthew Davis Jr 58 4 643 DP Jaguars 14U 3/18/2023
24 Davaun Dowdy 18 3 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 3/17/2023
19 Alex Furlong 50 6 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 3/17/2023
7 Miles Hasty 15 0 Dingers Athletics Scout 3/17/2023
21 Carl McCook 40 10 Dingers Athletics Scout 3/17/2023
22 Avery Scott 58 4 Dingers Athletics Scout 3/17/2023
0 Ethan Wearing 40 2 643 DP Jaguars 14U 3/18/2023
10 Graham Whittle 10 0 Dingers Athletics Scout 3/17/2023
Georgia Jackets 14u - Gold
44 Ty Carter 58 12 Aviator Baseball 13U 3/18/2023
25 4 Motor City Hit Dogs 14U Yates 3/18/2023
Total 83 16
31 Finn Cunliffe 13 2 643 DP Tigers 14U 3/18/2023
18 Ethan Herrington 73 9 643 DP Tigers 14U 3/18/2023
3 Matthew Isaacson 58 9 Aviator Baseball 13U 3/18/2023
13 Cole Perry 89 7 Motor City Hit Dogs 14U Yates 3/18/2023
Motor City Hit Dogs 14U Yates
23 Alexander Bleim 61 9 Georgia Jackets 14u - Gold 3/18/2023
11 Drew Ferrick 44 2 East Cobb Astros 14U Navy 3/19/2023
24 Blake Lane 75 11 East Cobb Astros 14U Navy 3/18/2023
0 Adam Pryor 18 3 East Cobb Astros 14U Navy 3/18/2023
15 Connor Smith 45 6 Georgia Jackets 14u - Gold 3/18/2023
77 Rocco Stefanovski 4 0 Georgia Jackets 14u - Gold 3/18/2023
50 3 East Cobb Astros 14U Navy 3/19/2023
Total 54 3
88 Cameron Vanecek 66 13 Service Baseball 14u -10th Mountain Division 3/18/2023
25 Michael Vogel 33 4 Service Baseball 14u -10th Mountain Division 3/18/2023
19 0 East Cobb Astros 14U Navy 3/19/2023
Total 52 4
5 Andrew Weinrauch 33 4 East Cobb Astros 14U Navy 3/19/2023
Motor City Hit Dogs National
27 Peyton Coldicott 61 18 East Cobb Astros 13u Orange 3/19/2023
Alex Henriquez Collado 59 12 Service Baseball 14u -10th Mountain Division 3/18/2023
28 Ryder Concannon 70 9 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 3/19/2023
15 Donovan Glosser 79 11 East Cobb Astros 13u Orange 3/18/2023
11 Graham Keen 15 6 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 3/19/2023
5 Finnian O'Loughlin 25 3 East Cobb Astros 13u Orange 3/18/2023
9 0 East Cobb Astros 13u Orange 3/19/2023
Total 34 3
7 Peyton Price 25 3 East Cobb Astros 13u Orange 3/18/2023
33 2 East Cobb Astros 13u Orange 3/19/2023
Total 58 5
99 Cooper Williams 19 3 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 3/19/2023
Service Baseball 14u -10th Mountain Division
25 Grant Barden 31 3 Motor City Hit Dogs 14U Yates 3/18/2023
56 Geoffrey Heinz 42 9 Turn 2 3/18/2023
0 Peyton James 46 6 Motor City Hit Dogs National 3/18/2023
13 Ryan Johansen 19 3 Motor City Hit Dogs National 3/18/2023
99 Jack Pierce 55 6 Turn 2 3/18/2023
7 Brooks Smallwood 57 12 Motor City Hit Dogs 14U Yates 3/18/2023
4 Kannon Weber 16 2 Motor City Hit Dogs 14U Yates 3/18/2023
3 Brady Wendt 38 3 Motor City Hit Dogs National 3/18/2023
Turn 2
25 Aedan Bedi 31 3 Service Baseball 14u -10th Mountain Division 3/18/2023
14 Justist Jimison 18 2 643 DP Tigers 14U 3/17/2023
21 DJ Jones 38 3 Dingers Athletics Scout 3/18/2023
Harry Chubb Jones Jr. 14 1 Dingers Athletics Scout 3/18/2023
12 2 Service Baseball 14u -10th Mountain Division 3/18/2023
Total 26 3
34 Rian Lavelle 59 6 Dingers Athletics Scout 3/18/2023
8 Avett Monfalcone 21 4 Service Baseball 14u -10th Mountain Division 3/18/2023
17 Sullivan Zern 80 13 643 DP Tigers 14U 3/17/2023
23 Peyton Zernhelt 53 6 Service Baseball 14u -10th Mountain Division 3/18/2023