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At the request of Seminole County and our partnership with them, the following policies will continue to be enforced at the Boombah Sports Complex.

* Metal Spikes are not allowed inside of the complex.  Pitchers will be checked when they come to the mound and batters will be checked when they step into the batters' box.  Please be sure your athlete is not wearing metal spikes.  They will be required to remove immediately.
* Alcohol inside of any county park is prohibited.  
* All coolers and wagons will be inspected. Anything with alcohol will not be allowed into the Hubs.   
* All cups and open containers will be subject to inspection and ask to be disposed of.
* No Gum or Seed allowed
* No boom boxes, music or noise makers allowed
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Altamonte Baseball Academy 11u
21 Adrian Arcano 16 3 Ormond Beach Spikes 10/20/2023
32 2 X Team 11u 10/22/2023
Total 48 5
0 Ayden Fulbright 47 5 Parkland Pokers 11u 10/22/2023
7 Cooper Harris 10 1 X Team 11u 10/22/2023
39 3 Parkland Pokers 11u 10/22/2023
Total 49 4
8 Messiah Matthews 66 15 Ormond Beach Spikes 10/20/2023
45 Levi Merritt 41 7 Tbt Miami 10/21/2023
22 Fernando Moncada 33 6 X Team 11u 10/22/2023
9 Colten Rollett 5 0 Tbt Miami 10/21/2023
19 Liam Rustand 46 5 X Team 11u 10/22/2023
5 Luke Stephenson 51 6 Tbt Miami 10/21/2023
Blue Collar Dawgs 11U
32 Elijah Richard Colon 37 3 Kangaroo Court 11u American 10/21/2023
Anel Kercado 39 5 Parkland Pokers 11u 10/21/2023
Collin Kerr 28 6 Kangaroo Court 11u American 10/21/2023
7 Max Lynch 53 6 Ormond Beach Spikes 10/22/2023
22 Alex Putt 38 6 Parkland Pokers 11u 10/21/2023
12 2 Ormond Beach Spikes 10/22/2023
Total 50 8
99 Luke Snelson 1 1 Parkland Pokers 11u 10/21/2023
10 Jace Stengl 41 2 Kangaroo Court 11u American 10/21/2023
37 6 Ormond Beach Spikes 10/22/2023
Total 78 8
Diamond Elite 11u Diaz/Bitz
22 Jake Beleckis 32 8 X Team 11u 10/20/2023
20 5 Prime Baseball - Tallo 10/23/2023
Total 52 13
23 Lucas Diaz 30 6 Wow Factor Florida 11U 10/21/2023
29 Trey Hloska III 41 9 Jax Express 10/22/2023
20 Maddox Long 37 6 Jax Express 10/22/2023
50 Kian Madani 41 7 X Team 11u 10/20/2023
64 10 Prime Baseball - Tallo 10/23/2023
Total 105 17
Dover Bombers
13 Parker Dixon 13 4 Tbt National White 10/21/2023
7 Christian Dortch 57 7 Tbt National White 10/21/2023
3 Zayden Haney 31 2 Team Sosa Stars 10/21/2023
11 Easton Jenkins 35 2 Team Sosa Stars 10/21/2023
25 Kiran Saroj 22 1 Tbt National White 10/21/2023
4 Bryan Sumner 43 3 Team Sosa Stars 10/21/2023
51 6 Puerto Rico Future Prospects 10/22/2023
Total 94 9
21 Shaw Wagner 17 1 Team Sosa Stars 10/21/2023
31 6 Puerto Rico Future Prospects 10/22/2023
Total 48 7
99 Landon Acosta 41 6 Metaprime Florida Scout Team 11u 10/21/2023
3 Blake Jones 57 8 Metaprime Florida Scout Team 11u 10/21/2023
12 3 Wow Factor Florida 11U 10/22/2023
Total 69 11
11 Luke Kaller 36 4 Tbt Miami 10/21/2023
5 Shane Pratt 16 1 Tbt Miami 10/21/2023
1 Matthew Redden 3 1 Tbt Miami 10/21/2023
53 15 Wow Factor Florida 11U 10/22/2023
Total 56 16
22 Cayden Yonker 51 6 Tbt Miami 10/21/2023
Jax Express
10 Erik Andenko 43 9 Puerto Rico Future Prospects 10/21/2023
60 10 Diamond Elite 11u Diaz/Bitz 10/22/2023
Total 103 19
9 Max Lewandoski 65 15 Kangaroo Court 11u American 10/22/2023
4 Easton Mahoney 42 5 Prime Baseball - Tallo 10/21/2023
11 Hudson Snyder 51 6 Prime Baseball - Tallo 10/21/2023
12 3 Kangaroo Court 11u American 10/22/2023
Total 63 9
33 Collin Sobolewski 55 9 Puerto Rico Future Prospects 10/21/2023
38 4 Diamond Elite 11u Diaz/Bitz 10/22/2023
Total 93 13
Kangaroo Court 11u American
77 Colton Beauregard 66 8 Parkland Pokers 11u 10/21/2023
3 Anthony Digiorgio 13 2 Jax Express 10/22/2023
10 Blake Jaster 30 6 Parkland Pokers 11u 10/21/2023
3 Sean Lannan 28 9 Blue Collar Dawgs 11U 10/21/2023
34 4 Jax Express 10/22/2023
Total 62 13
5 Ty Reader 56 7 Blue Collar Dawgs 11U 10/21/2023
26 Gavin Westfall 52 10 Jax Express 10/22/2023
24 Matthew Wilcox 10 2 Jax Express 10/22/2023
Metaprime Florida Scout Team 11u
1 Dylan Abreu 35 6 Hawks 10/21/2023
11 Rodrigo Diaz 42 6 Ormond Beach Spikes 10/21/2023
Steven Joyce 85 16 Team Sosa Stars 10/22/2023
Jonet Matos 41 4 Ormond Beach Spikes 10/21/2023
5 Jonatan Mendoza 10 2 Ormond Beach Spikes 10/21/2023
0 Jaxson Roicki 43 9 Hawks 10/21/2023
19 2 Team Sosa Stars 10/22/2023
Total 62 11
Ormond Beach Spikes
21 Chase Blinn 26 3 Metaprime Florida Scout Team 11u 10/21/2023
30 6 Blue Collar Dawgs 11U 10/22/2023
Total 56 9
15 Tyler Bosley 13 0 Metaprime Florida Scout Team 11u 10/21/2023
71 Brody Dumas 90 15 Altamonte Baseball Academy 11u 10/20/2023
9 Bentley Medel 61 5 Metaprime Florida Scout Team 11u 10/21/2023
25 Cannon Parsons 13 3 Metaprime Florida Scout Team 11u 10/21/2023
13 Spencer Salinetro 31 4 Blue Collar Dawgs 11U 10/22/2023
0 Damien Shiver 35 2 Blue Collar Dawgs 11U 10/22/2023
Parkland Pokers 11u
9 Connor Baldocchi 35 9 Altamonte Baseball Academy 11u 10/22/2023
47 6 Tbt National White 10/23/2023
Total 82 15
25 Blake Burden 15 3 Altamonte Baseball Academy 11u 10/22/2023
5 Joseph Ferrara 9 0 Blue Collar Dawgs 11U 10/21/2023
46 Marco Longaro 42 6 Kangaroo Court 11u American 10/21/2023
3 Luisber Prado 45 8 Blue Collar Dawgs 11U 10/21/2023
12 Nathan Sandbrand 37 9 Kangaroo Court 11u American 10/21/2023
58 9 Tbt National White 10/23/2023
Total 95 18
20 Kellen Streicher 16 3 Blue Collar Dawgs 11U 10/21/2023
Prime Baseball - Tallo
12 Brody Gilmore 74 14 Diamond Elite 11u Diaz/Bitz 10/23/2023
22 Joshua Handley-White 39 6 Puerto Rico Future Prospects 10/21/2023
36 4 Tbt National White 10/23/2023
Total 75 10
9 Christopher Lannie 45 9 Jax Express 10/21/2023
4 1 Tbt National White 10/23/2023
Total 49 10
5 Dylan Leblanc 27 6 Tbt Miami 10/22/2023
8 4 Tbt National White 10/23/2023
Total 35 10
3 Roman Mirabella 41 6 Tbt Miami 10/22/2023
36 2 Tbt National White 10/23/2023
Total 77 8
2 1 Diamond Elite 11u Diaz/Bitz 10/23/2023
Total 79 9
1 Hudson Tallo 7 0 Puerto Rico Future Prospects 10/21/2023
35 6 Jax Express 10/21/2023
Total 42 6
7 Jaidyn Tartt 5 3 Puerto Rico Future Prospects 10/21/2023
9 0 Jax Express 10/21/2023
Total 14 3
10 Ashton Turrubiartez 33 3 Puerto Rico Future Prospects 10/21/2023
Puerto Rico Future Prospects
1 Robinson De Diego 13 1 Prime Baseball - Tallo 10/21/2023
10 Dereck Diez 42 5 Prime Baseball - Tallo 10/21/2023
21 Ricardo Flores 34 6 Jax Express 10/21/2023
3 Ashthon Marcano 28 3 Dover Bombers 10/22/2023
20 Yeriel Marrero 48 8 Jax Express 10/21/2023
13 Diego Mejía 44 5 Dover Bombers 10/22/2023
99 Angel Melo 12 2 Dover Bombers 10/22/2023
3 Ian Nieves Torres 48 6 Prime Baseball - Tallo 10/21/2023
Tbt Miami
15 Anthony Aldama 32 5 Prime Baseball - Tallo 10/22/2023
3 Daniel Cardenas 47 5 Prime Baseball - Tallo 10/22/2023
18 Alex Hooper 51 8 Altamonte Baseball Academy 11u 10/21/2023
28 Andrew Mercedes 20 1 Prime Baseball - Tallo 10/22/2023
99 Julian Paula 29 6 Altamonte Baseball Academy 11u 10/21/2023
7 Emmanuel Torres 67 12 Hawks 10/21/2023
Tbt National White
39 Christopher Chikodroff 8 2 Team Sosa Stars 10/21/2023
40 9 Dover Bombers 10/21/2023
Total 48 11
5 Tripp Gill 44 4 Team Sosa Stars 10/21/2023
23 Carlos Marrero 14 4 Team Sosa Stars 10/22/2023
10 3 Parkland Pokers 11u 10/23/2023
Total 24 7
7 Daylon McCants 25 6 Team Sosa Stars 10/21/2023
64 8 Parkland Pokers 11u 10/23/2023
Total 89 14
18 Brayden Nims 13 3 Dover Bombers 10/21/2023
3 1 Parkland Pokers 11u 10/23/2023
Total 16 4
12 Ethan Palacios 66 12 Prime Baseball - Tallo 10/23/2023
9 Michael Wedgeworth 66 8 Team Sosa Stars 10/22/2023
Team Sosa Stars
23 Jordan Acosta 45 4 Tbt National White 10/22/2023
1 Michael Bosch 37 8 Dover Bombers 10/21/2023
93 Sariel Coro 38 5 Tbt National White 10/21/2023
99 Gregory Diaz 46 4 Tbt National White 10/22/2023
11 3 Metaprime Florida Scout Team 11u 10/22/2023
Total 57 7
0 Yaidel Gonzalez-Sunti 15 1 Tbt National White 10/21/2023
11 Cristian Lobaina 81 15 Metaprime Florida Scout Team 11u 10/22/2023
10 Christian Sosa 52 8 Tbt National White 10/21/2023
Wow Factor Florida 11U
3 Aidan Alava 24 6 Hawks 10/22/2023
8 Carter Corns 27 4 X Team 11u 10/21/2023
49 Daniel Perkins 26 2 X Team 11u 10/21/2023
21 Weston Ribley 26 1 Diamond Elite 11u Diaz/Bitz 10/21/2023
20 Brady Saul 50 2 Diamond Elite 11u Diaz/Bitz 10/21/2023
8 3 Hawks 10/22/2023
Total 58 5
24 Liam Walker 33 6 Hawks 10/22/2023
0 Jasper Ward 46 6 X Team 11u 10/21/2023
X Team 11u
20 Michael Cooney 23 6 Wow Factor Florida 11U 10/21/2023
29 Christian Guzman 44 6 Altamonte Baseball Academy 11u 10/22/2023
1 Jovani Hernandez 22 3 Altamonte Baseball Academy 11u 10/22/2023
10 Connor McGivern 51 6 Diamond Elite 11u Diaz/Bitz 10/20/2023
2 Christian Mejia 45 4 Diamond Elite 11u Diaz/Bitz 10/20/2023
26 3 Altamonte Baseball Academy 11u 10/22/2023
Total 71 7
24 Mason Moody 24 3 Diamond Elite 11u Diaz/Bitz 10/20/2023
26 2 Altamonte Baseball Academy 11u 10/22/2023
Total 50 5
13 Durant Storey 26 6 Wow Factor Florida 11U 10/21/2023
3 Alexander Turano 7 2 Diamond Elite 11u Diaz/Bitz 10/20/2023
4 2 Altamonte Baseball Academy 11u 10/22/2023
Total 11 4