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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
4Seam Academy
21 Adrian Alvarado 71 9 Gulf Coast Mafia 4/23/2023
23 Jonny De Luna 27 3 The Core 4/21/2023
8 0 Centex Storm 10u 4/23/2023
Total 35 3
22 Logan Hill 16 2 The Core 4/21/2023
40 6 Scorpions Team Easton (Houston) 4/23/2023
Total 56 8
10 Alex Infante 39 4 The Core 4/21/2023
1 Ivan Leon 66 9 Centex Storm 10u 4/23/2023
27 Daniel Leos 18 3 Space City Ballers - Red 4/21/2023
10 3 Gulf Coast Mafia 4/23/2023
Total 28 6
20 3 Centex Storm 10u 4/23/2023
Total 48 9
32 6 Scorpions Team Easton (Houston) 4/23/2023
Total 80 15
23 Adrian Torres 45 9 Space City Ballers - Red 4/21/2023
Banditos 10u Harrison
Ryder Barnard 28 3 Td Edge 10u - Ruiz 4/22/2023
15 Ryder Giles 73 3 Prospect United Houston- D. Fisher 4/22/2023
12 Luke Gonzalez 15 3 Td Edge 10u - Ruiz 4/22/2023
34 Matthew Jonczak 28 3 Prospect United Houston- D. Fisher 4/22/2023
John Llorente 40 3 Td Edge 10u - Ruiz 4/22/2023
Centex Storm 10u
12 Chance Abernethy 48 3 Texas Swingman 9u 4/22/2023
15 0 Texas Titans 4/23/2023
Total 63 3
5 Kash Cliffe 52 3 Scorpions Team Easton (Houston) 4/22/2023
10 Henry Gross 55 6 Katy Mudcats 4/23/2023
13 3 Texas Titans 4/23/2023
Total 68 9
4 Jace Hayek 13 6 Scorpions Team Easton (Houston) 4/22/2023
99 Carson Muesse 23 6 Texas Swingman 9u 4/22/2023
67 12 Texas Titans 4/23/2023
Total 90 18
0 Stryker Owens 19 3 Texas Swingman 9u 4/22/2023
40 3 Scorpions Team Easton (Houston) 4/22/2023
Total 59 6
39 6 Katy Mudcats 4/23/2023
Total 98 12
Crew Baseball Black
2 Damian Aldaco 25 1 Katy Mudcats 4/22/2023
9 Jake Austin 46 2 Katy Mudcats 4/22/2023
42 Janlucas Ferrufino 38 3 Setx Outlaws 4/22/2023
Connlann Stewart 15 3 Setx Outlaws 4/22/2023
88 Connor Vu 47 3 Katy Mudcats 4/22/2023
Gulf Coast Mafia
13 Jordan Cardenas 21 3 Lynx Gold 4/22/2023
2 Jarrett Jones-Jordan 40 6 Lynx Gold 4/22/2023
98 Christian Robinson 17 3 Texas Swingman 9u 4/22/2023
22 Nathaniel Rodriguez 35 3 Texas Swingman 9u 4/22/2023
3 Joseph Salazar 54 9 Lynx Gold 4/22/2023
9 Jose Torres 33 6 Texas Swingman 9u 4/22/2023
Katy Mudcats
1 Thomas Coleman 12 3 Crew Baseball Black 4/22/2023
42 Lance Durham 36 3 Crew Baseball Black 4/22/2023
15 Logan Estes 18 6 Texas Bluechips 10u 4/22/2023
22 Maxwell Garrett 15 3 Texas Bluechips 10u 4/22/2023
Lynx Gold
17 Aaron Armstrong 38 4 Scorpions Team Easton (Houston) 4/22/2023
15 Chase Billington 37 9 Gulf Coast Mafia 4/22/2023
85 Ethan Gilchrist 24 2 Scorpions Team Easton (Houston) 4/22/2023
19 Brayden Livingstone 65 10 Texas Bluechips 10u 4/23/2023
77 Caius McCormack 9 1 Scorpions Team Easton (Houston) 4/22/2023
21 2 Texas Bluechips 10u 4/23/2023
Total 30 3
10 Kian Pollock 50 6 Gulf Coast Mafia 4/22/2023
31 Zayd Rukny 25 2 Scorpions Team Easton (Houston) 4/22/2023
Prospect United Houston- D. Fisher
22 Brody Boone 10 7 Sta-Mo Storm 10u 4/22/2023
8 Xander Roberts 24 3 Sta-Mo Storm 10u 4/22/2023
24 Brooks Schipper 40 4 Banditos 10u Harrison 4/22/2023
14 Christian Weibust 22 3 Sta-Mo Storm 10u 4/22/2023
Renegades Red
24 Blake Eissler 28 4 The Core 4/21/2023
60 8 Setx Outlaws 4/23/2023
Total 88 12
11 3 Prospect United Houston- D. Fisher 4/23/2023
Total 99 15
9 Owen Leibelsperger 17 4 Space City Ballers - Red 4/21/2023
50 Samuel Restrepo 36 5 The Core 4/21/2023
0 Mark Rodriguez 21 6 Space City Ballers - Red 4/21/2023
35 9 Prospect United Houston- D. Fisher 4/23/2023
Total 56 15
99 William Whitten 14 3 The Core 4/21/2023
14 3 Venados Baseball Brothers 4/23/2023
Total 28 6
25 Dylan Williams 47 6 Space City Ballers - Red 4/21/2023
75 12 Venados Baseball Brothers 4/23/2023
Total 122 18
3 1 Setx Outlaws 4/23/2023
Total 125 19
Scorpions Team Easton (Houston)
7 Jeffrey Breaux 40 6 Centex Storm 10u 4/22/2023
44 Elijah Brown 32 5 Lynx Gold 4/22/2023
15 Jase Godino 8 3 Centex Storm 10u 4/22/2023
25 4 Lynx Gold 4/22/2023
Total 33 7
16 Beckham Stephenson 39 3 Centex Storm 10u 4/22/2023
Setx Outlaws
5 Kaiden Caruthers 47 6 Crew Baseball Black 4/22/2023
20 Trevor Colbert 15 0 Crew Baseball Black 4/22/2023
Trevor Marcotte 1 1 Crew Baseball Black 4/22/2023
7 Logan McNeil 33 7 Texas Titans 4/22/2023
42 Noah Morris 20 3 Texas Titans 4/22/2023
15 Lucas Painter 12 2 Crew Baseball Black 4/22/2023
99 Revin West 5 1 Texas Titans 4/22/2023
Space City Ballers - Red
10 Jasiah Flores 28 3 Renegades Red 4/21/2023
14 JORDAN JUAREZ 15 3 Renegades Red 4/21/2023
43 9 Banditos 10u Harrison 4/23/2023
Total 58 12
3 Dylan Lopez 38 4 4Seam Academy 4/21/2023
23 Rene Tijerina 36 6 Renegades Red 4/21/2023
6 Bishop Whitehead 62 8 4Seam Academy 4/21/2023
Sta-Mo Storm 10u
0 Houston Barrera 39 9 Prospect United Houston- D. Fisher 4/22/2023
31 Ty Garza 44 6 Venados Baseball Brothers 4/22/2023
88 Mason Lampley 25 6 Venados Baseball Brothers 4/22/2023
Td Edge 10u - Ruiz
12 Dylan Davila 40 8 Banditos 10u Harrison 4/22/2023
4 Jacob Saenz 77 12 Lynx Gold 4/23/2023
Texas Bluechips 10u
Mason Garza 20 0 Katy Mudcats 4/22/2023
Chayse Newlin 38 6 Katy Mudcats 4/22/2023
Max Santee 40 3 Texas Titans 4/22/2023
Cinch Vest 73 3 Texas Titans 4/22/2023
Texas Swingman 9u
10 Rene Guajardo 41 12 Gulf Coast Mafia 4/22/2023
0 Jaycob Guzman 70 9 Centex Storm 10u 4/22/2023
32 Isaias Lejia 16 3 Centex Storm 10u 4/22/2023
23 0 Gulf Coast Mafia 4/22/2023
Total 39 3
27 Eduardo Peralta Jr 21 0 Gulf Coast Mafia 4/22/2023
Texas Titans
Chance Kelley 34 1 Texas Bluechips 10u 4/22/2023
Reid Nierode 70 9 Setx Outlaws 4/22/2023
Oscar Reyes 14 3 Setx Outlaws 4/22/2023
37 5 Texas Bluechips 10u 4/22/2023
Total 51 8
The Core
4 Aiden Bellamy 26 3 Renegades Red 4/21/2023
78 9 Crew Baseball Black 4/23/2023
Total 104 12
27 Ian Elizondo 57 9 Renegades Red 4/21/2023
99 Toby Gray 28 0 4Seam Academy 4/21/2023
46 6 Space City Ballers - Red 4/23/2023
Total 74 6
2 Nathan Klug 53 6 4Seam Academy 4/21/2023
46 6 Space City Ballers - Red 4/23/2023
Total 99 12
6 3 Crew Baseball Black 4/23/2023
Total 105 15
Venados Baseball Brothers
31 Jaiden Alanis 7 6 Sta-Mo Storm 10u 4/22/2023
14 3 Texas Swingman 9u 4/23/2023
Total 21 9
21 6 Sta-Mo Storm 10u 4/23/2023
Total 42 15
13 Luca Fumicello 19 3 Texas Swingman 9u 4/23/2023
4 Michael Gomez 24 3 Sta-Mo Storm 10u 4/22/2023
34 3 Texas Swingman 9u 4/23/2023
Total 58 6
24 Christopher Lazaro 31 3 Texas Swingman 9u 4/23/2023
17 Jorge - Luis Martinez 51 12 Sta-Mo Storm 10u 4/23/2023
33 Angel Reyes 12 2 Sta-Mo Storm 10u 4/23/2023
2 Colton Till 42 6 Sta-Mo Storm 10u 4/22/2023