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6/9 1:15PM - Houston Wildcatters Leyja is the #6 seed and East Cobb Aviators are the #7 seed due to PG Tiebreaker Rule #6.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
5 Star ATL 10U MOCO
12 Henry Brewer 25 3 Carl Black Longhorns 6/7/2024
48 9 Houston Wildcatters 10U Allen 6/9/2024
Total 73 12
8 Copelan Duvall 27 6 Houston Wildcatters 10U Allen 6/9/2024
20 Silas Foster 16 2 Arrows Baseball 10U 6/8/2024
29 2 Vsa National 6/10/2024
Total 45 4
2 David Grimes 14 0 Vsa National 6/10/2024
4 Truett Kirk 48 9 Carl Black Longhorns 6/7/2024
14 3 Houston Wildcatters 10U Allen 6/9/2024
Total 62 12
74 17 Tampa Titans 6/10/2024
Total 136 29
24 Carter Megrue 71 18 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10u Danbury 6/8/2024
24 3 Vsa National 6/10/2024
Total 95 21
7 Brody Pickles 65 9 Midland 6/7/2024
3 3 Tampa Titans 6/10/2024
Total 68 12
25 0 Vsa National 6/10/2024
Total 93 12
1 Nolan Schofield 10 3 Midland 6/7/2024
14 1 Vsa National 6/10/2024
Total 24 4
Noah Weinberg 10 3 Carl Black Longhorns 6/7/2024
51 4 Arrows Baseball 10U 6/8/2024
Total 61 7
5 Star Southeast 10U
Beau Andrews 59 14 Regulators 10u 6/11/2024
10 Noah Bowden 25 3 Motor City Hit Dogs 6/7/2024
3 Austin Collins 47 5 Motor City Hit Dogs 6/7/2024
50 Jay Davis 78 9 WOW Factor Nation 6/8/2024
62 15 Zt Prospects Jackson 10u 6/11/2024
Total 140 24
0 Sug Dollander 51 9 Blueprint Baseball 10u 6/7/2024
75 10 Dulins Dodgers 10U Eads 6/10/2024
Total 126 19
17 Joshua Loury 7 0 Palmetto Diamond Prospects 6/11/2024
22 Carter Rycroft 13 3 WOW Factor Nation 6/8/2024
59 11 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Stevens 6/8/2024
Total 72 14
68 10 Palmetto Diamond Prospects 6/11/2024
Total 140 24
11 Jacob San 5 1 Motor City Hit Dogs 6/7/2024
8 3 Rebels 6/9/2024
Total 13 4
23 5 Dulins Dodgers 10U Eads 6/10/2024
Total 36 9
6 1 Palmetto Diamond Prospects 6/11/2024
Total 42 10
27 Yariel Tejeda 22 4 Blueprint Baseball 10u 6/7/2024
45 6 Rebels 6/9/2024
Total 67 10
2 Alijah Tull 16 2 Blueprint Baseball 10u 6/7/2024
9 3 Zt Prospects Jackson 10u 6/11/2024
Total 25 5
5 Euan Wolfe 23 0 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Stevens 6/8/2024
5 Star Vipers
31 Case Bennett 63 11 Canes Midwest 10U Futures 6/8/2024
11 Ty Brown 49 6 Zt Prospects Jackson 10u 6/8/2024
40 6 Sba Bolts 10u 6/11/2024
Total 89 12
21 Rex Craft 39 8 Vsa Lions 10u 6/9/2024
29 5 San Diego Show Black 6/10/2024
Total 68 13
4 Cole Goble 56 14 Nyo Toros 6/7/2024
6 3 San Diego Show Black 6/10/2024
Total 62 17
62 18 Houston Wildcatters 10U Leyja 6/10/2024
Total 124 35
13 Cruz Maggard 58 8 Zt Prospects Jackson 10u 6/8/2024
37 4 Sba Bolts 10u 6/11/2024
Total 95 12
12 Sam Phillips 42 9 TG Dbacks East Side Pearson 6/7/2024
42 9 Vsa Lions 10u 6/9/2024
Total 84 18
55 7 San Diego Show Black 6/10/2024
Total 139 25
643 DP Cougars 10u
19 Sam Bowman 35 1 Sba Bolts 10u 6/7/2024
41 8 Palmetto Diamond Prospects 6/9/2024
Total 76 9
23 Deacon Cauley 33 6 North Ga Tribe 10u 6/7/2024
17 3 Battlefield Braves 6/8/2024
Total 50 9
52 9 Houston Wildcatters 10U Allen 6/11/2024
Total 102 18
32 Steele Cotter 57 8 Battlefield Braves 6/8/2024
11 Thomas Hansford 48 6 Sba Bolts 10u 6/7/2024
41 8 FBT 10U National 6/11/2024
Total 89 14
3 Baron Herrera 31 6 Palmetto Diamond Prospects 6/9/2024
13 Ramsey Hourigan 24 6 Sba Bolts 10u 6/7/2024
13 4 Battlefield Braves 6/8/2024
Total 37 10
33 4 FBT 10U National 6/11/2024
Total 70 14
6 Reed Johnson 30 6 North Ga Tribe 10u 6/7/2024
74 12 Vikings Baseball 6/10/2024
Total 104 18
27 Mason Morgan 15 6 North Ga Tribe 10u 6/7/2024
16 3 Battlefield Braves 6/8/2024
Total 31 9
10 3 EBC 10u-Williams 6/8/2024
Total 41 12
20 6 Houston Wildcatters 10U Allen 6/11/2024
Total 61 18
26 Luke Pyron 28 3 EBC 10u-Williams 6/8/2024
37 2 Palmetto Diamond Prospects 6/9/2024
Total 65 5
14 Sawyer Southerland 7 2 Sba Bolts 10u 6/7/2024
29 6 EBC 10u-Williams 6/8/2024
Total 36 8
10 3 FBT 10U National 6/11/2024
Total 46 11
4 Clete Vick 24 0 Sba Bolts 10u 6/7/2024
1 3 Palmetto Diamond Prospects 6/9/2024
Total 25 3
8 2 Vikings Baseball 6/10/2024
Total 33 5
30 Beckett Wade 27 6 EBC 10u-Williams 6/8/2024
Arrows Baseball 10U
23 Cruz Cannon 11 3 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10u Danbury 6/7/2024
13 1 Motor City Hit Dogs 6/11/2024
Total 24 4
5 Tripp Cichra 43 12 Carl Black Longhorns 6/9/2024
97 Holden Edenfield 48 10 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10u Danbury 6/7/2024
56 11 Vsa National 6/11/2024
Total 104 21
9 Jamo Herbert 43 7 Motor City Hit Dogs 6/11/2024
2 Drew McCrone 46 12 Houston Wildcatters 10U Allen 6/7/2024
52 10 Motor City Hit Dogs 6/11/2024
Total 98 22
8 Carter Mitchell 31 6 Midland 6/8/2024
88 Ryan Solomon 51 9 5 Star ATL 10U MOCO 6/8/2024
16 4 Vsa National 6/11/2024
Total 67 13
50 Colby Thomas 26 2 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10u Danbury 6/7/2024
52 12 Beastmode 10u Black 6/10/2024
Total 78 14
Battlefield Braves
32 Jackson Baker 46 3 Sba Bolts 10u 6/8/2024
21 Kaden Crawford 10 0 EBC 10u-Williams 6/7/2024
60 16 643 DP Cougars 10u 6/8/2024
Total 70 16
42 Kingston Daniels 34 5 EBC 10u-Williams 6/7/2024
21 3 Regulators 10u 6/11/2024
Total 55 8
0 Zaiden Goins 20 6 Sba Bolts 10u 6/8/2024
14 2 Georgia Stars Baseball Academy 10U Waters 6/10/2024
Total 34 8
44 Gunner Harris 16 6 Palmetto Diamond Prospects 6/7/2024
21 1 643 DP Cougars 10u 6/8/2024
Total 37 7
38 9 Georgia Stars Baseball Academy 10U Waters 6/10/2024
Total 75 16
1 Charles Norton 7 0 EBC 10u-Williams 6/7/2024
25 4 Regulators 10u 6/11/2024
Total 32 4
5 Braylon Pritchett 58 9 EBC 10u-Williams 6/7/2024
42 9 North Ga Tribe 10u 6/9/2024
Total 100 18
22 1 Regulators 10u 6/11/2024
Total 122 19
26 Ayden Ward 27 9 Palmetto Diamond Prospects 6/7/2024
46 9 North Ga Tribe 10u 6/9/2024
Total 73 18
65 9 Regulators 10u 6/11/2024
Total 138 27
Beastmode 10u Black
24 Brendan Burton 57 8 Elite Rbi National Hendrix 6/8/2024
13 Jackson Butler 11 0 Georgia Jackets 10U Gernatt 6/7/2024
38 6 FBT 10U National 6/8/2024
Total 49 6
79 15 Cpyl Squad 10u 6/10/2024
Total 128 21
13 Arnez Ferrell 11 3 Georgia Jackets 10U Gernatt 6/7/2024
42 Micael Green 0 0 FBT 10U National 6/8/2024
32 6 Launch Baseball 10u 6/9/2024
Total 32 6
49 Mike Knutsen Jr. 10 3 MTG National 6/7/2024
50 5 Georgia Jackets 10U Gernatt 6/7/2024
Total 60 8
1 Ayce Little 0 0 Georgia Jackets 10U Gernatt 6/7/2024
0 0 FBT 10U National 6/8/2024
Total 0 0
46 9 Launch Baseball 10u 6/9/2024
Total 46 9
42 Jacob Richey 28 5 Georgia Jackets 10U Gernatt 6/7/2024
40 5 FBT 10U National 6/8/2024
Total 68 10
55 8 Arrows Baseball 10U 6/10/2024
Total 123 18
33 Austin Traylor 7 3 FBT 10U National 6/8/2024
35 Bryce Williams 4 1 Elite Rbi National Hendrix 6/8/2024
5 Landon Wood 61 15 MTG National 6/7/2024
10 3 Cpyl Squad 10u 6/10/2024
Total 71 18
Blueprint Baseball 10u
10 Logan Adcock 20 3 Motor City Hit Dogs 6/7/2024
31 2 Rebels 6/8/2024
Total 51 5
13 James Brandt 58 9 Rebels 6/8/2024
46 9 Shockers 6/10/2024
Total 104 18
7 Chase Conrad 7 3 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Stevens 6/9/2024
1 Bennett Gipson 72 14 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Stevens 6/9/2024
8 Price Kendrick 2 1 Rebels 6/8/2024
30 3 WOW Factor Nation 6/8/2024
Total 32 4
5 Ryan McCallum 36 6 5 Star Southeast 10U 6/7/2024
24 3 Rebels 6/8/2024
Total 60 9
54 7 East Cobb Aviators 10U Carter 6/10/2024
Total 114 16
0 0 Shockers 6/10/2024
Total 114 16
14 Duncan Mount 0 0 Motor City Hit Dogs 6/7/2024
75 12 WOW Factor Nation 6/8/2024
Total 75 12
3 Lucas Spann 5 0 Rebels 6/8/2024
55 6 Shockers 6/10/2024
Total 60 6
23 Jaxon Spray 52 9 5 Star Southeast 10U 6/7/2024
72 Ethan Wagner 61 12 Motor City Hit Dogs 6/7/2024
35 5 East Cobb Aviators 10U Carter 6/10/2024
Total 96 17
Buckhead Braves
5 Ford Allen 17 3 TG DBacks 10u Castleberry 6/7/2024
51 8 Summerfield Stars 10u 6/8/2024
Total 68 11
8 3 Canes Southeast 10U Impulse 6/10/2024
Total 76 14
13 Patrick Billings 26 2 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/9/2024
18 Matthew Craig 26 1 Georgia Jackets 10U Hudson 6/7/2024
40 5 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/9/2024
Total 66 6
4 0 FBT 10U National 6/11/2024
Total 70 6
6 Wyatt Hanna 9 0 Houston Wildcatters 10U Leyja 6/8/2024
15 2 Summerfield Stars 10u 6/8/2024
Total 24 2
44 Julian Harris 25 2 Summerfield Stars 10u 6/8/2024
78 8 FBT 10U National 6/11/2024
Total 103 10
17 Croft Kenna 0 0 Georgia Jackets 10U Hudson 6/7/2024
51 9 TG DBacks 10u Castleberry 6/7/2024
Total 51 9
18 0 FBT 10U National 6/11/2024
Total 69 9
3 Grayson Rockey 11 0 Summerfield Stars 10u 6/8/2024
55 9 Canes Southeast 10U Impulse 6/10/2024
Total 66 9
7 Boland Schuerholz 47 4 Houston Wildcatters 10U Leyja 6/8/2024
10 Blake Songer 76 14 Georgia Jackets 10U Hudson 6/7/2024
49 12 Devine Baseball 10U Navy 6/10/2024
Total 125 26
1 Bowen Wright 29 3 Houston Wildcatters 10U Leyja 6/8/2024
38 5 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/9/2024
Total 67 8
Canes Midwest 10U Futures
3 Holden Beasley 37 3 Nyo Toros 6/8/2024
44 Carson Coley 59 9 5 Star Vipers 6/8/2024
28 2 Midland Mavz 10u Owens 6/10/2024
Total 87 11
2 Luke Conder 20 3 Nyo Toros 6/8/2024
8 Charles Mallory 27 6 Vsa Lions 10u 6/7/2024
33 3 Prd Dawgs National 6/10/2024
Total 60 9
27 Kyler Miskewycz 35 9 Nyo Toros 6/8/2024
45 9 Prd Dawgs National 6/10/2024
Total 80 18
34 Silas Morris 32 9 Zt Prospects Jackson 10u 6/7/2024
19 2 5 Star Vipers 6/8/2024
Total 51 11
12 1 Midland Mavz 10u Owens 6/10/2024
Total 63 12
40 6 Prd Dawgs National 6/10/2024
Total 103 18
15 Ryder Pettijohn 20 3 Vsa Lions 10u 6/7/2024
5 1 5 Star Vipers 6/8/2024
Total 25 4
44 5 Midland Mavz 10u Owens 6/10/2024
Total 69 9
23 Hudson Pressley 18 3 Zt Prospects Jackson 10u 6/7/2024
41 3 TG Dbacks East Side Pearson 6/9/2024
Total 59 6
4 Braxton Simmons 7 0 Vsa Lions 10u 6/7/2024
24 6 Zt Prospects Jackson 10u 6/7/2024
Total 31 6
49 9 TG Dbacks East Side Pearson 6/9/2024
Total 80 15
Canes Southeast 10U Impulse
3 Tripp Baeumel 51 2 Vsa National 6/7/2024
50 Glayson Cook 50 7 Devine Baseball 10U Navy 6/8/2024
62 6 Buckhead Braves 6/10/2024
Total 112 13
10 Tucker Cunningham 51 3 Vsa National 6/7/2024
31 3 Buckhead Braves 6/10/2024
Total 82 6
47 Luke Duncan 49 4 Shockers 6/7/2024
21 4 Devine Baseball 10U Navy 6/8/2024
Total 70 8
9 Lane Echols 4 1 Vsa National 6/7/2024
8 3 Tbp Dawgs 10u 6/9/2024
Total 12 4
11 3 Buckhead Braves 6/10/2024
Total 23 7
44 Brettley Hampton 49 8 Shockers 6/7/2024
53 9 Tbp Dawgs 10u 6/9/2024
Total 102 17
0 Brentley Miesel 38 7 Devine Baseball 10U Navy 6/8/2024
12 0 Buckhead Braves 6/10/2024
Total 50 7
24 Titus Shoemake 55 15 FCA Wolfpack 10U Smith 6/8/2024
17 Colt Wade 16 0 Vsa National 6/7/2024
0 0 Buckhead Braves 6/10/2024
Total 16 0
Canes Southeast 9U Team Georgia
50 Laquan Archie Jr 38 3 East Cobb Aviators 10U Carter 6/7/2024
16 3 Vikings Baseball 6/9/2024
Total 54 6
29 1 Georgia Stars Baseball Academy 10U Waters 6/10/2024
Total 83 7
99 Joey Bennett 0 0 Regulators 10u 6/7/2024
31 2 Cpyl Squad 10u 6/8/2024
Total 31 2
49 7 Ninth Inning Royals 10U Fernandez 6/8/2024
Total 80 9
12 1 Georgia Stars Baseball Academy 10U Waters 6/10/2024
Total 92 10
13 Brayton Davis 40 2 East Cobb Aviators 10U Carter 6/7/2024
Jeremy Duran 0 0 Ninth Inning Royals 10U Fernandez 6/8/2024
Dariel Garcia 30 0 Cpyl Squad 10u 6/8/2024
7 Micah Greenway 0 0 Regulators 10u 6/7/2024
19 1 Ninth Inning Royals 10U Fernandez 6/8/2024
Total 19 1
56 5 Georgia Stars Baseball Academy 10U Waters 6/10/2024
Total 75 6
10 Huck Hudson 35 4 Regulators 10u 6/7/2024
25 9 Vikings Baseball 6/9/2024
Total 60 13
2 2 Georgia Stars Baseball Academy 10U Waters 6/10/2024
Total 62 15
Preston Laetsch 56 4 Regulators 10u 6/7/2024
29 6 Cpyl Squad 10u 6/8/2024
Total 85 10
22 Jude Lovelace 6 2 Regulators 10u 6/7/2024
0 0 Ninth Inning Royals 10U Fernandez 6/8/2024
Total 6 2
Montgomery McKinish 7 0 Ninth Inning Royals 10U Fernandez 6/8/2024
1 Brett Nicholson 22 2 Regulators 10u 6/7/2024
18 2 East Cobb Aviators 10U Carter 6/7/2024
Total 40 4
15 Dillon Smith 18 1 Ninth Inning Royals 10U Fernandez 6/8/2024
29 Jackson Warner 14 0 Cpyl Squad 10u 6/8/2024
Canes Southwest 10U Futures
12 Elijah Aponte 71 9 East Cobb Astros 10U 6/8/2024
61 8 WOW Factor Nation 6/10/2024
Total 132 17
6 Carter Austin 42 3 Prd Dawgs National 6/9/2024
42 Camdyn Capers 22 3 East Cobb Astros 10U 6/8/2024
24 Robert Castillo 55 4 Prd Dawgs National 6/9/2024
Braylin Cowart 60 12 Oregon Park Rangers 10U 6/7/2024
11 8 WOW Factor Nation 6/10/2024
Total 71 20
9 Owen Diaz 40 5 Zt Bombers 10u Marucci 6/7/2024
66 11 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10u Danbury 6/10/2024
Total 106 16
13 Ryker Luera 4 1 Zt Bombers 10u Marucci 6/7/2024
5 1 East Cobb Astros 10U 6/8/2024
Total 9 2
99 Layton Prater 47 6 Hits 10u 6/8/2024
10 2 Prd Dawgs National 6/9/2024
Total 57 8
16 Keegan Romero 40 5 Zt Bombers 10u Marucci 6/7/2024
35 3 Prd Dawgs National 6/9/2024
Total 75 8
Hudson Whittenburg 35 3 Hits 10u 6/8/2024
Carl Black Longhorns
3 Isaiah Ellis 44 6 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10u Danbury 6/8/2024
23 3 Zt Prospects Jackson 10u 6/11/2024
Total 67 9
20 Braxton Fowles 24 3 East Cobb Aviators 10U Boggs 6/10/2024
2 Kason Kimm 31 9 Midland 6/7/2024
71 15 East Cobb Aviators 10U Boggs 6/10/2024
Total 102 24
40 Espen Ledford 49 7 5 Star ATL 10U MOCO 6/7/2024
14 1 Arrows Baseball 10U 6/9/2024
Total 63 8
25 4 Zt Prospects Jackson 10u 6/11/2024
Total 88 12
16 Declan Morris 62 9 Houston Wildcatters 10U Allen 6/8/2024
61 9 Midland Mavz 10u Owens 6/11/2024
Total 123 18
14 Owen Motter 0 0 Midland 6/7/2024
41 6 5 Star ATL 10U MOCO 6/7/2024
Total 41 6
22 2 Arrows Baseball 10U 6/9/2024
Total 63 8
37 4 Zt Prospects Jackson 10u 6/11/2024
Total 100 12
28 Carson Phillips 20 1 5 Star ATL 10U MOCO 6/7/2024
41 5 Arrows Baseball 10U 6/9/2024
Total 61 6
27 1 Zt Prospects Jackson 10u 6/11/2024
Total 88 7
30 Max Porter 25 6 Midland 6/7/2024
22 Kam Smith 10 1 5 Star ATL 10U MOCO 6/7/2024
23 Joseph Tesar 43 6 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10u Danbury 6/8/2024
56 9 Midland Mavz 10u Owens 6/11/2024
Total 99 15
13 Kohen Trowell 35 3 Houston Wildcatters 10U Allen 6/8/2024
7 Bo Weigle 15 2 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10u Danbury 6/8/2024
Cpyl Squad 10u
8 Owen Cuzmanes 15 3 Vikings Baseball 6/7/2024
38 8 East Cobb Aviators 10U Carter 6/8/2024
Total 53 11
9 Peyton Elder 18 2 Canes Southeast 9U Team Georgia 6/8/2024
11 Hudson Hunter 26 6 East Cobb Aviators 10U Carter 6/8/2024
10 Jaxon Johnson 19 2 East Cobb Aviators 10U Carter 6/8/2024
1 0 Canes Southeast 9U Team Georgia 6/8/2024
Total 20 2
27 Landon Leifeste 34 6 Vikings Baseball 6/7/2024
41 6 Regulators 10u 6/9/2024
Total 75 12
20 Prezcot Lohman 47 5 Ninth Inning Royals 10U Fernandez 6/7/2024
23 Lucas Morin 31 9 Ninth Inning Royals 10U Fernandez 6/7/2024
25 5 Beastmode 10u Black 6/10/2024
Total 56 14
30 Brycen Richter 34 9 Vikings Baseball 6/7/2024
72 12 Beastmode 10u Black 6/10/2024
Total 106 21
15 Trey Weston 17 4 Ninth Inning Royals 10U Fernandez 6/7/2024
34 6 Canes Southeast 9U Team Georgia 6/8/2024
Total 51 10
Devine Baseball
27 Jacob Allen 31 3 Wow Factor 10u - McGill 6/7/2024
44 6 Prd Ghost National 6/8/2024
Total 75 9
14 3 USA Scout Elite 10U Navy 6/8/2024
Total 89 12
8 0 WOW Factor Nation 6/11/2024
Total 97 12
25 Alexander Gonzalez 31 9 Dulins Dodgers 10U Eads 6/9/2024
12 William Goodrich 46 9 EBC 10u-Williams 6/10/2024
17 3 Ninth Inning Royals 10U Fernandez 6/11/2024
Total 63 12
3 Josiah Hawes 4 1 Dulins Dodgers 10U Eads 6/9/2024
76 12 Ninth Inning Royals 10U Fernandez 6/11/2024
Total 80 13
99 Adam Jacobs 65 3 Tbt National 6/7/2024
24 Harrison Kimling 14 2 Wow Factor 10u - McGill 6/7/2024
41 6 WOW Factor Nation 6/11/2024
Total 55 8
21 Aiden Park 27 9 Tbt National 6/7/2024
25 7 Prd Ghost National 6/8/2024
Total 52 16
8 0 WOW Factor Nation 6/11/2024
Total 60 16
20 Jesmer Perez Jr 11 2 Prd Ghost National 6/8/2024
17 3 USA Scout Elite 10U Navy 6/8/2024
Total 28 5
23 James Rosario 43 4 Wow Factor 10u - McGill 6/7/2024
12 1 WOW Factor Nation 6/11/2024
Total 55 5
1 Chase Salmon 24 3 Prd Ghost National 6/8/2024
45 8 Dulins Dodgers 10U Eads 6/9/2024
Total 69 11
10 Matthew Teske 62 9 USA Scout Elite 10U Navy 6/8/2024
56 3 WOW Factor Nation 6/11/2024
Total 118 12
Devine Baseball 10U Navy
99 Collier Breedlove 7 2 Vsa National 6/8/2024
25 5 Canes Southeast 10U Impulse 6/8/2024
Total 32 7
18 1 Buckhead Braves 6/10/2024
Total 50 8
9 Adriel Carrillo 70 12 Shockers 6/9/2024
6 Jacob Depue 72 13 FCA Wolfpack 10U Smith 6/7/2024
68 7 Buckhead Braves 6/10/2024
Total 140 20
1 Ethan Houston 12 3 FCA Wolfpack 10U Smith 6/7/2024
34 5 Canes Southeast 10U Impulse 6/8/2024
Total 46 8
5 Cohen Huff 24 6 Tbp Dawgs 10u 6/7/2024
41 3 Buckhead Braves 6/10/2024
Total 65 9
7 Easton Klug 21 3 Canes Southeast 10U Impulse 6/8/2024
10 Peyton Morgan 30 2 FCA Wolfpack 10U Smith 6/7/2024
2 Colton Mullen 33 6 Shockers 6/9/2024
13 Cameron Nagel 58 9 Tbp Dawgs 10u 6/7/2024
19 Noah Stephenson 24 4 Canes Southeast 10U Impulse 6/8/2024
33 Slate Thompson 33 2 Vsa National 6/8/2024
1 3 Buckhead Braves 6/10/2024
Total 34 5
24 Richard Wright 39 8 Vsa National 6/8/2024
Dulins Dodgers 10U Eads
27 Wells Barton 44 2 USA Scout Elite 10U Navy 6/7/2024
40 6 Tbt National 6/8/2024
Total 84 8
12 Rhett Cooper 74 11 Prd Ghost National 6/7/2024
63 6 5 Star Southeast 10U 6/10/2024
Total 137 17
99 Sam Cross 34 3 Tbt National 6/8/2024
2 Jett Eads 19 3 Wow Factor 10u - McGill 6/8/2024
63 12 Devine Baseball 6/9/2024
Total 82 15
4 Evanston Kim 52 7 USA Scout Elite 10U Navy 6/7/2024
35 5 Devine Baseball 6/9/2024
Total 87 12
27 5 5 Star Southeast 10U 6/10/2024
Total 114 17
33 Holten Schott 58 2 Tbt National 6/8/2024
8 Jase Walton 66 9 Wow Factor 10u - McGill 6/8/2024
64 12 MTG National 6/10/2024
Total 130 21
10 Brandt Willis 6 1 Tbt National 6/8/2024
East Cobb Astros 10U
12 Trenten Anderson 60 6 Zt Bombers 10u Marucci 6/8/2024
13 Andrew Carley 68 12 Hits 10u 6/7/2024
64 10 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/10/2024
Total 132 22
50 Franklin “Trey” Edmondson III 40 6 Zt Bombers 10u Marucci 6/8/2024
2 Brody Fulmer 16 2 Prd Dawgs National 6/7/2024
32 3 Hits 10u 6/7/2024
Total 48 5
25 4 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/10/2024
Total 73 9
23 William McDonald 57 15 Canes Southwest 10U Futures 6/8/2024
17 Kellan Ryan 39 3 Prd Dawgs National 6/7/2024
75 17 Oregon Park Rangers 10U 6/9/2024
Total 114 20
18 Barrett Sharp 36 4 Prd Dawgs National 6/7/2024
9 1 Oregon Park Rangers 10U 6/9/2024
Total 45 5
7 Cross Sullivan 11 3 Zt Bombers 10u Marucci 6/8/2024
5 1 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/10/2024
Total 16 4
1 Jaden Villaflor 34 3 Prd Dawgs National 6/7/2024
East Cobb Aviators 10U Boggs
66 Cal Beatty 34 3 Indiana Bulls 10U Black 6/7/2024
71 11 Tbp Dawgs 10u 6/10/2024
Total 105 14
24 William Guzman Iii 61 5 Indiana Bulls 10U Black 6/7/2024
43 3 Carl Black Longhorns 6/10/2024
Total 104 8
66 Harrison Harris 55 7 Wildcats Baseball 6/8/2024
10 2 Tbp Dawgs 10u 6/10/2024
Total 65 9
64 10 Carl Black Longhorns 6/10/2024
Total 129 19
21 Lucas Leonardi 17 3 Wildcats Baseball 6/8/2024
26 1 Georgia Academy Patriots 6/8/2024
Total 43 4
8 Volario Lott 15 2 Georgia Academy Patriots 6/8/2024
17 3 Tampa Titans 6/9/2024
Total 32 5
4 Kayden Palacios 6 3 Carl Black Longhorns 6/10/2024
10 Isaac Rossy 25 3 Indiana Bulls 10U Black 6/7/2024
0 0 Georgia Academy Patriots 6/8/2024
Total 25 3
15 0 Tampa Titans 6/9/2024
Total 40 3
0 Taylan Spivey 34 2 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 6/7/2024
63 8 Tampa Titans 6/9/2024
Total 97 10
55 Tom Stebner 48 3 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 6/7/2024
32 4 Georgia Academy Patriots 6/8/2024
Total 80 7
7 Michael Syrios 32 1 Wildcats Baseball 6/8/2024
East Cobb Aviators 10U Carter
14 Wyatt Carter 36 9 Vikings Baseball 6/8/2024
8 0 Blueprint Baseball 10u 6/10/2024
Total 44 9
11 0 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/11/2024
Total 55 9
31 Kace Johnson 80 15 Regulators 10u 6/7/2024
63 11 Blueprint Baseball 10u 6/10/2024
Total 143 26
11 Joel Kim 30 2 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/11/2024
13 Sylvan Luckie 45 9 Ninth Inning Royals 10U Fernandez 6/9/2024
99 Mason Mavros 60 12 Cpyl Squad 10u 6/8/2024
38 6 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/11/2024
Total 98 18
99 Enzo McGeachy 33 5 Cpyl Squad 10u 6/8/2024
17 3 Blueprint Baseball 10u 6/10/2024
Total 50 8
29 3 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/11/2024
Total 79 11
4 Colt Ramsey 19 3 Vikings Baseball 6/8/2024
7 Sawyer Rickman 45 9 Canes Southeast 9U Team Georgia 6/7/2024
15 1 Blueprint Baseball 10u 6/10/2024
Total 60 10
EBC 10u-Williams
45 Will Bayless 10 0 North Ga Tribe 10u 6/8/2024
22 Oakley Chapman 62 12 Palmetto Diamond Prospects 6/7/2024
0 0 North Ga Tribe 10u 6/8/2024
Total 62 12
24 3 Georgia Jackets 10U Gernatt 6/10/2024
Total 86 15
27 Camden Cox 77 16 Sba Bolts 10u 6/9/2024
5 Trevor Jones 47 8 North Ga Tribe 10u 6/8/2024
15 Harrison Lewis 64 12 643 DP Cougars 10u 6/8/2024
2 Jackson Mahr 50 2 Battlefield Braves 6/7/2024
8 1 Sba Bolts 10u 6/9/2024
Total 58 3
44 4 Devine Baseball 6/10/2024
Total 102 7
18 Reed McAnally 28 3 643 DP Cougars 10u 6/8/2024
24 3 Devine Baseball 6/10/2024
Total 52 6
44 Ethan Moorehead 32 1 North Ga Tribe 10u 6/8/2024
7 Jensen Pell 13 2 North Ga Tribe 10u 6/8/2024
5 0 Devine Baseball 6/10/2024
Total 18 2
23 Caleb Young 57 11 Battlefield Braves 6/7/2024
42 9 Georgia Jackets 10U Gernatt 6/10/2024
Total 99 20
Elite Rbi National Hendrix
44 Hunter Crosby 34 6 MTG National 6/8/2024
19 Rogelio Garcia 47 5 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/10/2024
10 Noah Hough 13 3 FBT 10U National 6/7/2024
1 Cash McVay 48 9 Launch Baseball 10u 6/7/2024
21 Wyatt Montalvo 14 3 Beastmode 10u Black 6/8/2024
19 Anthony Pawlak 35 9 Georgia Jackets 10U Gernatt 6/9/2024
3 Jackson Peavey 38 6 FBT 10U National 6/7/2024
40 6 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/10/2024
Total 78 12
15 Austin Pederson 8 3 MTG National 6/8/2024
6 3 Georgia Jackets 10U Gernatt 6/9/2024
Total 14 6
4 Maverick Qualls 31 9 Beastmode 10u Black 6/8/2024
14 Mason Western 22 4 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/10/2024
FBT 10U National
0 Lucas Dimitropoulos 52 4 Launch Baseball 10u 6/7/2024
22 3 MTG National 6/9/2024
Total 74 7
0 Julius Donado 39 9 Georgia Jackets 10U Gernatt 6/8/2024
0 Carter Fusco 36 3 Beastmode 10u Black 6/8/2024
0 Matt Miller 24 0 Elite Rbi National Hendrix 6/7/2024
12 3 Summerfield Stars 10u 6/10/2024
Total 36 3
2 Christian Paul 15 3 Elite Rbi National Hendrix 6/7/2024
26 3 MTG National 6/9/2024
Total 41 6
0 Luis Quintero 16 3 Launch Baseball 10u 6/7/2024
34 9 Georgia Jackets 10U Gernatt 6/8/2024
Total 50 12
73 9 Buckhead Braves 6/11/2024
Total 123 21
2 1 WOW Factor Nation 6/11/2024
Total 125 22
0 Chase Redgate 46 7 Launch Baseball 10u 6/7/2024
23 6 Summerfield Stars 10u 6/10/2024
Total 69 13
12 2 643 DP Cougars 10u 6/11/2024
Total 81 15
21 2 WOW Factor Nation 6/11/2024
Total 102 17
0 Dominick Sangemino 29 3 Elite Rbi National Hendrix 6/7/2024
7 1 Beastmode 10u Black 6/8/2024
Total 36 4
77 11 WOW Factor Nation 6/11/2024
Total 113 15
0 Mason Shaw 44 9 Beastmode 10u Black 6/8/2024
77 16 643 DP Cougars 10u 6/11/2024
Total 121 25
0 Anthony Starostiak 26 0 Elite Rbi National Hendrix 6/7/2024
19 3 MTG National 6/9/2024
Total 45 3
0 Garrett Weir 21 3 Elite Rbi National Hendrix 6/7/2024
18 3 MTG National 6/9/2024
Total 39 6
27 3 WOW Factor Nation 6/11/2024
Total 66 9
FCA Wolfpack 10U Smith
17 Barrett Cox 43 6 Vsa National 6/9/2024
27 Colton Daniel 38 8 Devine Baseball 10U Navy 6/7/2024
13 0 Canes Southeast 10U Impulse 6/8/2024
Total 51 8
65 11 Regulators 10u 6/10/2024
Total 116 19
3 Davis Fair 46 3 Tbp Dawgs 10u 6/7/2024
3 0 Canes Southeast 10U Impulse 6/8/2024
Total 49 3
12 Bryson Gates 32 6 Devine Baseball 10U Navy 6/7/2024
39 9 Canes Southeast 10U Impulse 6/8/2024
Total 71 15
2 Eli Lawson 17 1 Devine Baseball 10U Navy 6/7/2024
45 6 Shockers 6/8/2024
Total 62 7
99 Rhythm Reavis 29 2 Vsa National 6/9/2024
5 Connor Riden 23 1 Tbp Dawgs 10u 6/7/2024
33 2 Vsa National 6/9/2024
Total 56 3
1 Catcher Smith 33 2 Tbp Dawgs 10u 6/7/2024
7 Hudson Spangler 21 1 Shockers 6/8/2024
4 1 Vsa National 6/9/2024
Total 25 2
28 Jon Reid Stone 30 3 Devine Baseball 10U Navy 6/7/2024
43 4 Canes Southeast 10U Impulse 6/8/2024
Total 73 7
32 3 Regulators 10u 6/10/2024
Total 105 10
Georgia Academy Patriots
8 Zack Carlisle 25 6 Wildcats Baseball 6/7/2024
20 Max Chisholm 38 7 Tampa Titans 6/7/2024
41 6 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 6/8/2024
Total 79 13
63 12 Texas Twelve Katy Maroon 10u 6/10/2024
Total 142 25
23 Camden Degala 56 6 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 6/8/2024
3 Gauge Forrester 8 3 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 6/8/2024
49 6 Indiana Bulls 10U Black 6/9/2024
Total 57 9
2 Chase Labelle 15 2 Tampa Titans 6/7/2024
43 6 Indiana Bulls 10U Black 6/9/2024
Total 58 8
17 3 WOW Factor Nation 6/11/2024
Total 75 11
24 Malcolm Lathem 29 3 Wildcats Baseball 6/7/2024
5 Braden Matthews 54 8 Tampa Titans 6/7/2024
26 6 Texas Twelve Katy Maroon 10u 6/10/2024
Total 80 14
18 Tyler Nastasi 35 9 East Cobb Aviators 10U Boggs 6/8/2024
75 15 WOW Factor Nation 6/11/2024
Total 110 24
Georgia Jackets 10U Gernatt
28 Collin Campbell 40 9 FBT 10U National 6/8/2024
31 Wes Clark 19 4 Beastmode 10u Black 6/7/2024
40 9 FBT 10U National 6/8/2024
Total 59 13
28 3 EBC 10u-Williams 6/10/2024
Total 87 16
13 Zane Dickens 43 8 Beastmode 10u Black 6/7/2024
24 Nicholas Esposito 10 2 Elite Rbi National Hendrix 6/9/2024
7 Hudson Fuller 30 4 Launch Baseball 10u 6/8/2024
5 Judson Gernatt 37 9 Launch Baseball 10u 6/8/2024
39 6 EBC 10u-Williams 6/10/2024
Total 76 15
2 Bryce Johnson 19 1 Beastmode 10u Black 6/7/2024
44 9 Elite Rbi National Hendrix 6/9/2024
Total 63 10
21 Caden Ragans 22 6 MTG National 6/7/2024
34 4 Launch Baseball 10u 6/8/2024
Total 56 10
22 3 EBC 10u-Williams 6/10/2024
Total 78 13
Georgia Jackets 10U Hudson
1 Landon Bloodworth 21 3 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/8/2024
27 Jack Caputo 20 3 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/8/2024
13 Jr Floyd 51 7 TG DBacks 10u Castleberry 6/7/2024
46 6 Summerfield Stars 10u 6/9/2024
Total 97 13
5 Connor Hudson 25 5 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/8/2024
23 Jackson Keeling 43 5 Buckhead Braves 6/7/2024
24 6 Summerfield Stars 10u 6/9/2024
Total 67 11
7 Sam Lucas 42 3 TG DBacks 10u Castleberry 6/7/2024
67 William Orr 39 6 Houston Wildcatters 10U Leyja 6/8/2024
3 Erickson Schuetz 27 3 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/8/2024
49 11 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Stevens 6/10/2024
Total 76 14
14 Charlie Schultz 58 9 Houston Wildcatters 10U Leyja 6/8/2024
22 Ezra Williams 50 6 Buckhead Braves 6/7/2024
68 7 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Stevens 6/10/2024
Total 118 13
Georgia Stars Baseball Academy 10U Waters
13 Angel Barrios 24 0 Battlefield Braves 6/10/2024
48 Nathan Butler 52 5 San Diego Show Black 6/8/2024
75 11 Battlefield Braves 6/10/2024
Total 127 16
14 Dylan Cuevas 27 5 Texas Twelve Katy Maroon 10u 6/7/2024
52 7 TG Dbacks 10U Rose 6/9/2024
Total 79 12
72 Hudson Houck 23 1 Texas Twelve Katy Maroon 10u 6/7/2024
11 Ryan Jones 64 7 Midland Mavz 10u Owens 6/8/2024
8 August Long 35 6 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike 6/7/2024
6 3 San Diego Show Black 6/8/2024
Total 41 9
21 3 Canes Southeast 9U Team Georgia 6/10/2024
Total 62 12
22 Enrique Martinez 10 2 Canes Southeast 9U Team Georgia 6/10/2024
16 Emilio Obando 34 4 Texas Twelve Katy Maroon 10u 6/7/2024
55 6 Canes Southeast 9U Team Georgia 6/10/2024
Total 89 10
19 Thomas Reyes 44 8 TG Dbacks 10U Rose 6/9/2024
3 Braylan Talero 35 9 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike 6/7/2024
18 1 Canes Southeast 9U Team Georgia 6/10/2024
Total 53 10
23 Andrew Torres 19 2 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike 6/7/2024
19 3 San Diego Show Black 6/8/2024
Total 38 5
12 Russel Useche 72 8 Midland Mavz 10u Owens 6/8/2024
0 0 Canes Southeast 9U Team Georgia 6/10/2024
Total 72 8
Hits 10u
5 Atticus Arnold 17 3 Prd Dawgs National 6/7/2024
61 9 Motor City Hit Dogs 6/10/2024
Total 78 12
1 Eli Benson 11 1 Oregon Park Rangers 10U 6/8/2024
11 Karsten Denson 24 3 Canes Southwest 10U Futures 6/8/2024
99 Parker Kaufmann 17 3 Prd Dawgs National 6/7/2024
46 6 Zt Bombers 10u Marucci 6/9/2024
Total 63 9
2 Beau Milner 26 6 East Cobb Astros 10U 6/7/2024
51 9 Zt Bombers 10u Marucci 6/9/2024
Total 77 15
3 Charlie Peek 76 13 Oregon Park Rangers 10U 6/8/2024
18 Redick Shell 28 6 Canes Southwest 10U Futures 6/8/2024
24 2 Motor City Hit Dogs 6/10/2024
Total 52 8
27 Cutler Thurman 12 1 Oregon Park Rangers 10U 6/8/2024
46 Luke Tippee 61 8 East Cobb Astros 10U 6/7/2024
Home Plate Chili Dogs 10u Danbury
13 William Anderson 31 2 Midland 6/9/2024
21 Judah Antony 27 4 Midland 6/9/2024
2 Cannon Danbury 56 8 5 Star ATL 10U MOCO 6/8/2024
22 1 Canes Southwest 10U Futures 6/10/2024
Total 78 9
17 Case Danbury 21 2 Midland 6/9/2024
5 Houston Daniels 67 12 Carl Black Longhorns 6/8/2024
9 David Farnum 67 9 Houston Wildcatters 10U Allen 6/7/2024
50 7 Canes Southwest 10U Futures 6/10/2024
Total 117 16
10 Gavin Hardy 40 4 Arrows Baseball 10U 6/7/2024
1 Guy Leebern 48 8 Arrows Baseball 10U 6/7/2024
12 Jase Lester 37 4 Midland 6/9/2024
7 Elijah Peete 28 1 Houston Wildcatters 10U Allen 6/7/2024
32 2 Canes Southwest 10U Futures 6/10/2024
Total 60 3
27 Wyatt Sealey 9 3 Arrows Baseball 10U 6/7/2024
36 5 Houston Wildcatters 10U Allen 6/7/2024
Total 45 8
27 3 Midland 6/9/2024
Total 72 11
22 Tyson Turner 11 3 Carl Black Longhorns 6/8/2024
20 6 5 Star ATL 10U MOCO 6/8/2024
Total 31 9
Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Stevens
3 Whit Armstrong 25 3 WOW Factor Nation 6/7/2024
74 12 Motor City Hit Dogs 6/8/2024
Total 99 15
13 Easton Douglas 14 3 Rebels 6/7/2024
35 8 5 Star Southeast 10U 6/8/2024
Total 49 11
77 15 Georgia Jackets 10U Hudson 6/10/2024
Total 126 26
12 Gavin Fortin 28 1 5 Star Southeast 10U 6/8/2024
1 Kellan Metzler 22 1 WOW Factor Nation 6/7/2024
18 4 Zt Prospects Jackson 10u 6/10/2024
Total 40 5
8 Jace Nicolls 42 9 WOW Factor Nation 6/7/2024
13 3 Georgia Jackets 10U Hudson 6/10/2024
Total 55 12
62 13 Zt Prospects Jackson 10u 6/10/2024
Total 117 25
20 Brantley Shafer 11 3 Blueprint Baseball 10u 6/9/2024
23 William Stevens 24 3 Blueprint Baseball 10u 6/9/2024
7 Chase Watson 10 3 Motor City Hit Dogs 6/8/2024
57 9 Blueprint Baseball 10u 6/9/2024
Total 67 12
9 Owen White 33 6 Rebels 6/7/2024
21 3 Zt Prospects Jackson 10u 6/10/2024
Total 54 9
10 Knox Wilson 32 3 5 Star Southeast 10U 6/8/2024
5 Jase Wray 58 7 Rebels 6/7/2024
Houston Wildcatters 10U Allen
42 Chandler Adams 47 9 Carl Black Longhorns 6/8/2024
15 Colt Cavallo 74 14 5 Star ATL 10U MOCO 6/9/2024
20 Madden Chretien 57 7 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10u Danbury 6/7/2024
4 Lincoln Dubay 25 6 Midland 6/8/2024
36 5 643 DP Cougars 10u 6/11/2024
Total 61 11
18 Grayson Landry 4 2 Arrows Baseball 10U 6/7/2024
12 Easton Martin 39 3 Arrows Baseball 10U 6/7/2024
53 4 USA Scout Elite 10U Navy 6/10/2024
Total 92 7
23 Eden Mele 50 6 Carl Black Longhorns 6/8/2024
3 Antonio Rodriguez 45 8 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10u Danbury 6/7/2024
34 11 USA Scout Elite 10U Navy 6/10/2024
Total 79 19
1 Sheldyn Tucker 36 9 Midland 6/8/2024
17 Lawrence Yao 50 7 Arrows Baseball 10U 6/7/2024
5 1 5 Star ATL 10U MOCO 6/9/2024
Total 55 8
67 10 643 DP Cougars 10u 6/11/2024
Total 122 18
Houston Wildcatters 10U Leyja
34 Gavin Anderson 27 4 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/7/2024
18 Easton Dunham 23 6 Summerfield Stars 10u 6/7/2024
14 3 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/7/2024
Total 37 9
76 15 5 Star Vipers 6/10/2024
Total 113 24
23 Mateo Guerra 23 6 Buckhead Braves 6/8/2024
2 0 5 Star Vipers 6/10/2024
Total 25 6
27 AJ Martin 30 6 Georgia Jackets 10U Hudson 6/8/2024
4 Blake Pregler 34 9 TG DBacks 10u Castleberry 6/9/2024
7 Anthony Puga 10 3 Summerfield Stars 10u 6/7/2024
16 3 Buckhead Braves 6/8/2024
Total 26 6
28 Jacob Rodriguez 43 5 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/7/2024
23 1 5 Star Vipers 6/10/2024
Total 66 6
24 Nolan Schroeder 38 6 Georgia Jackets 10U Hudson 6/8/2024
5 Jace Surface 14 3 TG DBacks 10u Castleberry 6/9/2024
8 Jace Vanderbilt 20 3 Georgia Jackets 10U Hudson 6/8/2024
Indiana Bulls 10U Black
47 Maverick Althouse 61 9 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 6/7/2024
62 9 Texas Twelve Katy Maroon 10u 6/10/2024
Total 123 18
1 Wyatt Bell 25 2 Georgia Academy Patriots 6/9/2024
23 Hudson Cherry 23 9 East Cobb Aviators 10U Boggs 6/7/2024
30 4 Georgia Academy Patriots 6/9/2024
Total 53 13
45 Jordan Edwards 54 5 Tampa Titans 6/8/2024
3 Jackson Mirizzi 19 1 East Cobb Aviators 10U Boggs 6/7/2024
9 3 Wildcats Baseball 6/8/2024
Total 28 4
2 Jacoby Rayl 30 3 East Cobb Aviators 10U Boggs 6/7/2024
54 Jack Thatcher 64 11 Wildcats Baseball 6/8/2024
6 Blake Turner 30 2 East Cobb Aviators 10U Boggs 6/7/2024
13 Louie Vaughn 41 6 Tampa Titans 6/8/2024
19 3 Georgia Academy Patriots 6/9/2024
Total 60 9
15 Cole Whiteaker 32 3 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 6/7/2024
22 2 Georgia Academy Patriots 6/9/2024
Total 54 5
30 6 Texas Twelve Katy Maroon 10u 6/10/2024
Total 84 11
42 Max Wingo 14 1 Tampa Titans 6/8/2024
Launch Baseball 10u
4 Gambel Benfield 67 12 Georgia Jackets 10U Gernatt 6/8/2024
24 Anthony Bertagna 60 12 MTG National 6/8/2024
22 3 Beastmode 10u Black 6/9/2024
Total 82 15
15 Nixon Brower 59 4 Elite Rbi National Hendrix 6/7/2024
49 6 Wildcats Baseball 6/10/2024
Total 108 10
23 Gavin Farroni 38 7 FBT 10U National 6/7/2024
28 2 Elite Rbi National Hendrix 6/7/2024
Total 66 9
0 0 Beastmode 10u Black 6/9/2024
Total 66 9
39 3 Wildcats Baseball 6/10/2024
Total 105 12
3 Nick McCurdy 32 3 Beastmode 10u Black 6/9/2024
44 Austin Nelson 28 3 Elite Rbi National Hendrix 6/7/2024
2 Beckett Price 43 6 Wildcats Baseball 6/10/2024
10 Lucas Rockfield 53 4 FBT 10U National 6/7/2024
40 6 Georgia Jackets 10U Gernatt 6/8/2024
Total 93 10
36 6 Beastmode 10u Black 6/9/2024
Total 129 16
2 Emmett Ackerman 48 9 Carl Black Longhorns 6/7/2024
27 3 Arrows Baseball 10U 6/8/2024
Total 75 12
23 2 Palmetto Diamond Prospects 6/10/2024
Total 98 14
45 Owen Bryan 32 0 Arrows Baseball 10U 6/8/2024
5 Oliver Chlon 47 6 Houston Wildcatters 10U Allen 6/8/2024
15 Wyatt Davis 32 6 Carl Black Longhorns 6/7/2024
7 Zack Detwiler 49 6 5 Star ATL 10U MOCO 6/7/2024
30 3 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10u Danbury 6/9/2024
Total 79 9
13 Christian Dickhaus 34 1 Arrows Baseball 10U 6/8/2024
22 3 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10u Danbury 6/9/2024
Total 56 4
3 Jack Kenney 44 3 5 Star ATL 10U MOCO 6/7/2024
12 4 Palmetto Diamond Prospects 6/10/2024
Total 56 7
28 Roman Mogg 63 9 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10u Danbury 6/9/2024
99 Vince Spiers 55 7 Houston Wildcatters 10U Allen 6/8/2024
9 Keegan Torok 13 2 Houston Wildcatters 10U Allen 6/8/2024
27 3 Palmetto Diamond Prospects 6/10/2024
Total 40 5
Midland Mavz 10u Owens
0 James Cox Jr 70 8 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike 6/8/2024
10 Bennett Holifield 37 9 San Diego Show Black 6/7/2024
3 Jase Joyner 27 7 TG Dbacks 10U Rose 6/7/2024
9 3 Texas Twelve Katy Maroon 10u 6/9/2024
Total 36 10
6 Dylan Miller 47 3 Texas Twelve Katy Maroon 10u 6/9/2024
14 Jackson Rawl 61 12 Georgia Stars Baseball Academy 10U Waters 6/8/2024
89 17 Carl Black Longhorns 6/11/2024
Total 150 29
8 Hampton Schulz 42 9 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike 6/8/2024
1 Jr Sharpe 39 5 Texas Twelve Katy Maroon 10u 6/9/2024
16 Ryder Tillitz 66 8 TG Dbacks 10U Rose 6/7/2024
23 9 Canes Midwest 10U Futures 6/10/2024
Total 89 17
11 Mason Wood 11 3 Georgia Stars Baseball Academy 10U Waters 6/8/2024
7 Whitt Wooten 52 9 San Diego Show Black 6/7/2024
Motor City Hit Dogs
5 Andrew Angelici 24 1 Blueprint Baseball 10u 6/7/2024
99 Joseph Chlipala 13 2 Blueprint Baseball 10u 6/7/2024
23 Hudson Corley 19 3 5 Star Southeast 10U 6/7/2024
16 0 Blueprint Baseball 10u 6/7/2024
Total 35 3
22 Peyton Howard 18 1 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Stevens 6/8/2024
14 2 Rebels 6/8/2024
Total 32 3
8 Ethan Jarvis 74 15 Rebels 6/8/2024
8 2 Arrows Baseball 10U 6/11/2024
Total 82 17
13 Brantley Moreno 43 6 WOW Factor Nation 6/9/2024
43 8 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 6/10/2024
Total 86 14
3 Brody Uhlig 73 11 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Stevens 6/8/2024
73 13 Arrows Baseball 10U 6/11/2024
Total 146 24
17 Travis Vanecek 72 9 5 Star Southeast 10U 6/7/2024
69 9 WOW Factor Nation 6/9/2024
Total 141 18
24 Willie Vanecek 35 7 Blueprint Baseball 10u 6/7/2024
47 6 Hits 10u 6/10/2024
Total 82 13
6 Tucker Wichmann 34 5 Blueprint Baseball 10u 6/7/2024
12 3 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Stevens 6/8/2024
Total 46 8
0 0 WOW Factor Nation 6/9/2024
Total 46 8
46 6 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 6/10/2024
Total 92 14
32 6 Hits 10u 6/10/2024
Total 124 20
MTG National
32 Patrick Bailey 49 9 Beastmode 10u Black 6/7/2024
36 6 Dulins Dodgers 10U Eads 6/10/2024
Total 85 15
12 Clayton Beckwith 56 5 Launch Baseball 10u 6/8/2024
24 Dawson Day 20 0 Georgia Jackets 10U Gernatt 6/7/2024
21 3 Elite Rbi National Hendrix 6/8/2024
Total 41 3
13 Harvey Francis 28 6 Beastmode 10u Black 6/7/2024
2 Kre Lewis 38 2 FBT 10U National 6/9/2024
1 Noah Maforah 64 3 Elite Rbi National Hendrix 6/8/2024
11 Kyrie Moore 39 6 Launch Baseball 10u 6/8/2024
18 3 Dulins Dodgers 10U Eads 6/10/2024
Total 57 9
88 Landon Shaw 55 6 Georgia Jackets 10U Gernatt 6/7/2024
4 King Tate 44 7 FBT 10U National 6/9/2024
Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia
24 Cameron Banks 27 4 Georgia Academy Patriots 6/8/2024
22 Reid Brodzky 57 8 Georgia Academy Patriots 6/8/2024
2 Luca Chifan 29 5 Indiana Bulls 10U Black 6/7/2024
68 12 Motor City Hit Dogs 6/10/2024
Total 97 17
3 Abraham Garcia 24 6 East Cobb Aviators 10U Boggs 6/7/2024
23 1 Georgia Academy Patriots 6/8/2024
Total 47 7
16 3 Motor City Hit Dogs 6/10/2024
Total 63 10
18 Brandon Garcia 32 4 Indiana Bulls 10U Black 6/7/2024
4 2 Georgia Academy Patriots 6/8/2024
Total 36 6
9 JASE MILLER 53 12 Tampa Titans 6/8/2024
28 Niko Reyes 48 9 Wildcats Baseball 6/9/2024
10 Cooper Swack 31 6 Indiana Bulls 10U Black 6/7/2024
Ninth Inning Royals 10U Fernandez
5 Eli Ades 7 3 Regulators 10u 6/8/2024
42 5 TG Dbacks East Side Pearson 6/10/2024
Total 49 8
1 Conor Bargar 78 15 Cpyl Squad 10u 6/7/2024
21 Reid Benjamin 6 1 East Cobb Aviators 10U Carter 6/9/2024
13 Daniel Bouldrick 23 0 Vikings Baseball 6/7/2024
27 6 Regulators 10u 6/8/2024
Total 50 6
28 Ernest Brown 45 6 Vikings Baseball 6/7/2024
19 4 Regulators 10u 6/8/2024
Total 64 10
11 3 TG Dbacks East Side Pearson 6/10/2024
Total 75 13
27 Harrison Chambley 43 6 Vikings Baseball 6/7/2024
Miller Hardy 5 1 Canes Southeast 9U Team Georgia 6/8/2024
36 2 East Cobb Aviators 10U Carter 6/9/2024
Total 41 3
0 Sullivan Hendershot 11 3 Cpyl Squad 10u 6/7/2024
25 1 Regulators 10u 6/8/2024
Total 36 4
Sean Hoag 19 3 Canes Southeast 9U Team Georgia 6/8/2024
46 4 East Cobb Aviators 10U Carter 6/9/2024
Total 65 7
7 Jack Love 54 7 Canes Southeast 9U Team Georgia 6/8/2024
39 9 TG Dbacks East Side Pearson 6/10/2024
Total 93 16
3 0 Devine Baseball 6/11/2024
Total 96 16
11 Daniel Perdomo 16 3 Vikings Baseball 6/7/2024
0 0 Regulators 10u 6/8/2024
Total 16 3
2 2 TG Dbacks East Side Pearson 6/10/2024
Total 18 5
83 14 Devine Baseball 6/11/2024
Total 101 19
North Ga Tribe 10u
14 Colton Adams 48 9 Palmetto Diamond Prospects 6/8/2024
64 9 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike 6/10/2024
Total 112 18
11 Brock Cooke 35 9 Sba Bolts 10u 6/7/2024
37 5 Battlefield Braves 6/9/2024
Total 72 14
1 Landon Davis 24 2 Sba Bolts 10u 6/7/2024
10 Grayson Felice 70 9 EBC 10u-Williams 6/8/2024
1 1 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike 6/10/2024
Total 71 10
21 Landon Goldsmith 30 1 Palmetto Diamond Prospects 6/8/2024
23 Briggs Layne 17 3 Palmetto Diamond Prospects 6/8/2024
8 Kristopher Tre Magruder 33 6 EBC 10u-Williams 6/8/2024
29 Beckham Natola 16 1 Sba Bolts 10u 6/7/2024
12 Ever Washington 0 0 Sba Bolts 10u 6/7/2024
50 9 643 DP Cougars 10u 6/7/2024
Total 50 9
78 13 Battlefield Braves 6/9/2024
Total 128 22
7 Hillman Wright 57 7 643 DP Cougars 10u 6/7/2024
Nyo Toros
44 Chase Adair 10 2 Canes Midwest 10U Futures 6/8/2024
57 12 Zt Prospects Jackson 10u 6/9/2024
Total 67 14
15 Harrison Carlson 69 9 5 Star Vipers 6/7/2024
28 Oliver Dinham 35 3 5 Star Vipers 6/7/2024
10 Jack Elrod 53 6 TG Dbacks East Side Pearson 6/7/2024
44 4 Summerfield Stars 10u 6/10/2024
Total 97 10
23 Jack Galla 39 3 TG Dbacks East Side Pearson 6/7/2024
22 Tuck Nowak 75 13 Canes Midwest 10U Futures 6/8/2024
7 Collier Ragone 13 3 TG Dbacks East Side Pearson 6/7/2024
1 Jackson Reinhardt 48 6 Vsa Lions 10u 6/8/2024
13 Marshall Sprayberry 30 3 Vsa Lions 10u 6/8/2024
99 James Wadsworth 41 4 Summerfield Stars 10u 6/10/2024
Oregon Park Rangers 10U
22 Aaron Albert 40 6 Prd Dawgs National 6/8/2024
0 0 Hits 10u 6/8/2024
Total 40 6
11 Camden Blumenthal 10 0 Canes Southwest 10U Futures 6/7/2024
2 Colton Drake 2 1 Canes Southwest 10U Futures 6/7/2024
13 1 Zt Bombers 10u Marucci 6/7/2024
Total 15 2
44 Chase Humphreys 27 2 Canes Southwest 10U Futures 6/7/2024
72 15 Palmetto Diamond Prospects 6/10/2024
Total 99 17
3 Ellis Kirby 33 6 Canes Southwest 10U Futures 6/7/2024
7 Spencer Laguitan 37 5 Zt Bombers 10u Marucci 6/7/2024
20 Dawson Ledford 18 1 Hits 10u 6/8/2024
1 Calvin Love 32 5 East Cobb Astros 10U 6/9/2024
9 Braden Maletich 19 3 Canes Southwest 10U Futures 6/7/2024
5 Holden Roberts 49 6 Zt Bombers 10u Marucci 6/7/2024
53 10 Hits 10u 6/8/2024
Total 102 16
13 Walker Shaw 37 9 East Cobb Astros 10U 6/9/2024
88 Mills Train 15 4 Hits 10u 6/8/2024
33 6 Prd Dawgs National 6/8/2024
Total 48 10
Palmetto Diamond Prospects
83 Tucker Bogan 43 9 EBC 10u-Williams 6/7/2024
12 3 North Ga Tribe 10u 6/8/2024
Total 55 12
3 0 5 Star Southeast 10U 6/11/2024
Total 58 12
22 James Caldwell 18 1 Battlefield Braves 6/7/2024
67 10 North Ga Tribe 10u 6/8/2024
Total 85 11
41 4 5 Star Southeast 10U 6/11/2024
Total 126 15
3 Colson Cooper 48 6 Sba Bolts 10u 6/8/2024
48 9 Oregon Park Rangers 10U 6/10/2024
Total 96 15
20 Carter Eller 9 0 Sba Bolts 10u 6/8/2024
8 Justyce Freeman 43 4 Battlefield Braves 6/7/2024
13 0 North Ga Tribe 10u 6/8/2024
Total 56 4
24 Sullivan Hazeres 20 5 643 DP Cougars 10u 6/9/2024
41 6 Oregon Park Rangers 10U 6/10/2024
Total 61 11
31 Levi Miller 37 0 Sba Bolts 10u 6/8/2024
54 10 643 DP Cougars 10u 6/9/2024
Total 91 10
17 1 5 Star Southeast 10U 6/11/2024
Total 108 11
5 Colton Parham 17 0 EBC 10u-Williams 6/7/2024
7 3 5 Star Southeast 10U 6/11/2024
Total 24 3
42 Briggs Pennington 34 8 Battlefield Braves 6/7/2024
15 2 643 DP Cougars 10u 6/9/2024
Total 49 10
55 12 Midland 6/10/2024
Total 104 22
4 Jaxson Seawright-Page 10 1 EBC 10u-Williams 6/7/2024
10 John Thompson 11 1 EBC 10u-Williams 6/7/2024
13 1 North Ga Tribe 10u 6/8/2024
Total 24 2
16 1 5 Star Southeast 10U 6/11/2024
Total 40 3
Gabriel Turowski 16 2 Battlefield Braves 6/7/2024
Prd Dawgs National
Jordan Bolanos 47 7 Oregon Park Rangers 10U 6/8/2024
Luca D'Angelo 41 5 East Cobb Astros 10U 6/7/2024
65 12 Canes Southwest 10U Futures 6/9/2024
Total 106 17
Kai Dillard 32 7 Zt Bombers 10u Marucci 6/8/2024
Phillip Dillard Jr 17 2 Hits 10u 6/7/2024
Connor McBride 53 4 Zt Bombers 10u Marucci 6/8/2024
Santino Negro 15 6 East Cobb Astros 10U 6/7/2024
58 5 Oregon Park Rangers 10U 6/8/2024
Total 73 11
Jace Parker 29 3 East Cobb Astros 10U 6/7/2024
Gianluca Pizzano 29 1 Hits 10u 6/7/2024
30 9 Canes Midwest 10U Futures 6/10/2024
Total 59 10
Max Rhine 19 0 Hits 10u 6/7/2024
48 6 Canes Midwest 10U Futures 6/10/2024
Total 67 6
Prd Ghost National
Brayden Belsak 70 10 USA Scout Elite 10U Navy 6/7/2024
4 1 Wow Factor 10u - McGill 6/9/2024
Total 74 11
Jackson Goldberg 51 6 Tbt National 6/8/2024
Gregory Kniesel 35 9 Devine Baseball 6/8/2024
56 15 Wildcats Baseball 6/10/2024
Total 91 24
Knox Lamb 31 4 Devine Baseball 6/8/2024
Richard Leach 62 9 Dulins Dodgers 10U Eads 6/7/2024
Kameron Moyer 33 3 Dulins Dodgers 10U Eads 6/7/2024
26 1 Wow Factor 10u - McGill 6/9/2024
Total 59 4
Declan Murphy 30 3 Tbt National 6/8/2024
3 Anthony Napolitano 7 2 USA Scout Elite 10U Navy 6/7/2024
Mario Pesapane 43 7 Wow Factor 10u - McGill 6/9/2024
Michael Sharp 18 5 Wow Factor 10u - McGill 6/9/2024
Aidan Yemola 12 2 Devine Baseball 6/8/2024
20 1 Wildcats Baseball 6/10/2024
Total 32 3
99 Maddox Allison 35 3 WOW Factor Nation 6/7/2024
52 8 Blueprint Baseball 10u 6/8/2024
Total 87 11
Santiago Araujo 72 12 Motor City Hit Dogs 6/8/2024
27 Carlos Castro 55 8 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Stevens 6/7/2024
48 12 5 Star Southeast 10U 6/9/2024
Total 103 20
2 Jett Maddox 43 7 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Stevens 6/7/2024
26 3 Motor City Hit Dogs 6/8/2024
Total 69 10
13 3 USA Scout Elite 10U Navy 6/10/2024
Total 82 13
17 Cailix Angel Nieves 4 2 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Stevens 6/7/2024
54 6 WOW Factor Nation 6/7/2024
Total 58 8
10 0 Motor City Hit Dogs 6/8/2024
Total 68 8
15 2 USA Scout Elite 10U Navy 6/10/2024
Total 83 10
Juan Perez 15 3 WOW Factor Nation 6/7/2024
22 3 Motor City Hit Dogs 6/8/2024
Total 37 6
44 6 USA Scout Elite 10U Navy 6/10/2024
Total 81 12
Jack Tracy 19 3 Blueprint Baseball 10u 6/8/2024
73 2 USA Scout Elite 10U Navy 6/10/2024
Total 92 5
Regulators 10u
13 Heyden Bone 70 9 Ninth Inning Royals 10U Fernandez 6/8/2024
0 0 5 Star Southeast 10U 6/11/2024
Total 70 9
22 Reece Gant 22 1 Cpyl Squad 10u 6/9/2024
41 5 TG DBacks 10u Castleberry 6/10/2024
Total 63 6
24 5 FCA Wolfpack 10U Smith 6/10/2024
Total 87 11
15 Titan Gaylor 38 3 Cpyl Squad 10u 6/9/2024
12 Grey Graham 0 0 5 Star Southeast 10U 6/11/2024
2 Bray Holliday 74 10 Canes Southeast 9U Team Georgia 6/7/2024
12 3 Battlefield Braves 6/11/2024
Total 86 13
71 12 5 Star Southeast 10U 6/11/2024
Total 157 25
1 Cooper Langley 25 1 Canes Southeast 9U Team Georgia 6/7/2024
19 2 East Cobb Aviators 10U Carter 6/7/2024
Total 44 3
10 0 5 Star Southeast 10U 6/11/2024
Total 54 3
70 12 Battlefield Braves 6/11/2024
Total 124 15
8 Brooks Larue 37 6 Ninth Inning Royals 10U Fernandez 6/8/2024
17 3 Battlefield Braves 6/11/2024
Total 54 9
3 Tate Pounds 81 13 East Cobb Aviators 10U Carter 6/7/2024
75 13 TG DBacks 10u Castleberry 6/10/2024
Total 156 26
11 Brody Smith 5 1 Canes Southeast 9U Team Georgia 6/7/2024
50 9 Vikings Baseball 6/8/2024
Total 55 10
68 11 FCA Wolfpack 10U Smith 6/10/2024
Total 123 21
27 Tate Williams 41 6 Vikings Baseball 6/8/2024
San Diego Show Black
34 Nathan Abarca 46 3 Midland Mavz 10u Owens 6/7/2024
28 Ricardo Cobian 44 5 Midland Mavz 10u Owens 6/7/2024
41 6 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike 6/9/2024
Total 85 11
3 Dominic Floyd 27 4 TG Dbacks 10U Rose 6/7/2024
50 Darian James 75 14 TG Dbacks 10U Rose 6/7/2024
38 5 5 Star Vipers 6/10/2024
Total 113 19
7 Miles McPherson, Jr 7 3 Georgia Stars Baseball Academy 10U Waters 6/8/2024
13 Quintin Medina 42 9 Georgia Stars Baseball Academy 10U Waters 6/8/2024
17 Francisco Perez 30 6 Texas Twelve Katy Maroon 10u 6/8/2024
64 11 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike 6/9/2024
Total 94 17
23 Alejandro Rivera 61 9 Midland Mavz 10u Owens 6/7/2024
2 Ivan Robles 31 9 Texas Twelve Katy Maroon 10u 6/8/2024
68 9 5 Star Vipers 6/10/2024
Total 99 18
Sba Bolts 10u
33 Brendan Bednarski 37 6 North Ga Tribe 10u 6/7/2024
30 3 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/11/2024
Total 67 9
11 Wyatt Blackburn 27 6 Battlefield Braves 6/8/2024
43 5 EBC 10u-Williams 6/9/2024
Total 70 11
8 Jack Craig 41 6 643 DP Cougars 10u 6/7/2024
23 6 EBC 10u-Williams 6/9/2024
Total 64 12
76 15 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/11/2024
Total 140 27
10 Tanner Denton 22 3 643 DP Cougars 10u 6/7/2024
41 Jacob Eason 17 3 Battlefield Braves 6/8/2024
43 12 Wow Factor 10u - McGill 6/10/2024
Total 60 15
3 Jackson Hickman 38 9 Palmetto Diamond Prospects 6/8/2024
27 Ethan Murphy 56 8 North Ga Tribe 10u 6/7/2024
42 5 EBC 10u-Williams 6/9/2024
Total 98 13
2 Micah Murphy 29 6 643 DP Cougars 10u 6/7/2024
54 12 5 Star Vipers 6/11/2024
Total 83 18
5 Aydyn Dugas 48 9 Tbp Dawgs 10u 6/8/2024
27 Jaydenn Duplechan 13 0 Vsa National 6/7/2024
40 8 Blueprint Baseball 10u 6/10/2024
Total 53 8
3 Weslynn Greene 18 3 Vsa National 6/7/2024
44 6 Canes Southeast 10U Impulse 6/7/2024
Total 62 9
20 0 Blueprint Baseball 10u 6/10/2024
Total 82 9
11 Shea Knox 14 3 Vsa National 6/7/2024
14 3 Canes Southeast 10U Impulse 6/7/2024
Total 28 6
45 7 Devine Baseball 10U Navy 6/9/2024
Total 73 13
44 Blaiz Kramer 14 0 Vsa National 6/7/2024
31 8 Devine Baseball 10U Navy 6/9/2024
Total 45 8
19 3 Blueprint Baseball 10u 6/10/2024
Total 64 11
21 Jericho Livings 22 2 Tbp Dawgs 10u 6/8/2024
2 Matthew Prewitt 5 1 Tbp Dawgs 10u 6/8/2024
37 7 FCA Wolfpack 10U Smith 6/8/2024
Total 42 8
Evan Rigmaiden 20 3 Canes Southeast 10U Impulse 6/7/2024
1 Brayden Woods 8 2 FCA Wolfpack 10U Smith 6/8/2024
Summerfield Stars 10u
28 Tyler Barnwell 20 2 Houston Wildcatters 10U Leyja 6/7/2024
15 0 Georgia Jackets 10U Hudson 6/9/2024
Total 35 2
50 Mason Kivett 22 3 Georgia Jackets 10U Hudson 6/9/2024
24 Colton Laramay 45 6 Houston Wildcatters 10U Leyja 6/7/2024
43 6 Georgia Jackets 10U Hudson 6/9/2024
Total 88 12
27 Jackson Matthews 33 9 TG DBacks 10u Castleberry 6/8/2024
46 6 FBT 10U National 6/10/2024
Total 79 15
13 Evan McLean 38 1 Houston Wildcatters 10U Leyja 6/7/2024
22 John Medendorp 56 5 Buckhead Braves 6/8/2024
23 William Nicoletta 46 6 TG DBacks 10u Castleberry 6/8/2024
11 3 Buckhead Braves 6/8/2024
Total 57 9
43 8 Nyo Toros 6/10/2024
Total 100 17
7 Finn Perry 49 9 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/7/2024
44 6 Buckhead Braves 6/8/2024
Total 93 15
16 Ryan Yates 26 5 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/7/2024
7 3 TG DBacks 10u Castleberry 6/8/2024
Total 33 8
15 1 FBT 10U National 6/10/2024
Total 48 9
Tallahassee Heat 10U
52 Camden Arnold 29 9 Summerfield Stars 10u 6/7/2024
47 9 Vsa National 6/11/2024
Total 76 18
25 Darrell Bramlet 36 6 Georgia Jackets 10U Hudson 6/8/2024
27 Landon Del Prado 4 1 East Cobb Astros 10U 6/10/2024
25 8 Sba Bolts 10u 6/11/2024
Total 29 9
3 Everett Fiore 61 9 Georgia Jackets 10U Hudson 6/8/2024
22 Brock Johnson 0 6 Houston Wildcatters 10U Leyja 6/7/2024
6 Nolan Klappas 36 9 Summerfield Stars 10u 6/7/2024
26 6 Elite Rbi National Hendrix 6/10/2024
Total 62 15
63 11 East Cobb Aviators 10U Carter 6/11/2024
Total 125 26
9 Jordan Murray 49 9 TG DBacks 10u Castleberry 6/8/2024
8 0 Sba Bolts 10u 6/11/2024
Total 57 9
8 Manito Quiñones 58 9 TG DBacks 10u Castleberry 6/8/2024
77 12 Sba Bolts 10u 6/11/2024
Total 135 21
24 Kaiden Rich 31 6 Houston Wildcatters 10U Leyja 6/7/2024
76 17 East Cobb Astros 10U 6/10/2024
Total 107 23
19 Xavier Schenck 49 6 Buckhead Braves 6/9/2024
12 Gavin Snipes 56 3 Houston Wildcatters 10U Leyja 6/7/2024
75 10 Elite Rbi National Hendrix 6/10/2024
Total 131 13
50 Kai Stephens 25 6 Buckhead Braves 6/9/2024
30 0 Vsa National 6/11/2024
Total 55 6
Tampa Titans
99 Harrison Clark 13 4 East Cobb Aviators 10U Boggs 6/9/2024
6 Logan Clark 45 9 Georgia Academy Patriots 6/7/2024
37 7 Indiana Bulls 10U Black 6/8/2024
Total 82 16
63 14 5 Star ATL 10U MOCO 6/10/2024
Total 145 30
8 Drew Iacono 30 6 Wildcats Baseball 6/7/2024
71 8 East Cobb Aviators 10U Boggs 6/9/2024
Total 101 14
4 Colt Macaluso 30 3 Wildcats Baseball 6/7/2024
42 5 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 6/8/2024
Total 72 8
10 Easton Orlando 31 3 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 6/8/2024
7 Jackson Powers 34 4 Georgia Academy Patriots 6/7/2024
26 2 Indiana Bulls 10U Black 6/8/2024
Total 60 6
0 0 East Cobb Aviators 10U Boggs 6/9/2024
Total 60 6
2 Ace Steele 23 5 Georgia Academy Patriots 6/7/2024
27 6 Indiana Bulls 10U Black 6/8/2024
Total 50 11
19 3 5 Star ATL 10U MOCO 6/10/2024
Total 69 14
3 Stryker Steele 19 6 Wildcats Baseball 6/7/2024
Tbp Dawgs 10u
7 Maclain Bibb 55 5 Devine Baseball 10U Navy 6/7/2024
55 10 East Cobb Aviators 10U Boggs 6/10/2024
Total 110 15
14 Brody Duvall 35 6 FCA Wolfpack 10U Smith 6/7/2024
8 Trevor Graham 47 1 Vsa National 6/8/2024
20 1 Canes Southeast 10U Impulse 6/9/2024
Total 67 2
22 Oliver Jones 56 5 Shockers 6/8/2024
49 8 Canes Southeast 10U Impulse 6/9/2024
Total 105 13
12 Parker McElroy 71 10 Devine Baseball 10U Navy 6/7/2024
18 Easton Overton 6 1 Shockers 6/8/2024
0 0 Vsa National 6/8/2024
Total 6 1
16 Tucker Parrish 22 1 Vsa National 6/8/2024
17 Samuel Sowell 65 6 Shockers 6/8/2024
48 4 East Cobb Aviators 10U Boggs 6/10/2024
Total 113 10
1 Xander Wellman 5 0 Canes Southeast 10U Impulse 6/9/2024
Tbt National
Yeison De Los Santos 16 3 USA Scout Elite 10U Navy 6/9/2024
Jack Dickinson 39 9 Prd Ghost National 6/8/2024
28 3 USA Scout Elite 10U Navy 6/9/2024
Total 67 12
2 Deuce Houston 45 4 USA Scout Elite 10U Navy 6/9/2024
23 Brycen Kenny 31 9 Dulins Dodgers 10U Eads 6/8/2024
7 Yemmy Ramon Marrero 67 10 Devine Baseball 6/7/2024
18 Anthony Martel 57 6 Wow Factor 10u - McGill 6/7/2024
79 9 Vsa National 6/11/2024
Total 136 15
3 Bode Miller 29 3 Prd Ghost National 6/8/2024
27 Rodrigo Pirela 26 2 Devine Baseball 6/7/2024
22 3 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike 6/10/2024
Total 48 5
20 3 Vsa National 6/11/2024
Total 68 8
69 Enrique Rodriguez Rojas 31 6 Wow Factor 10u - McGill 6/7/2024
17 3 Dulins Dodgers 10U Eads 6/8/2024
Total 48 9
73 12 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike 6/10/2024
Total 121 21
Texas Twelve Katy Maroon 10u
21 Wyatt Ashley 36 6 Georgia Stars Baseball Academy 10U Waters 6/7/2024
6 0 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike 6/7/2024
Total 42 6
27 4 Midland Mavz 10u Owens 6/9/2024
Total 69 10
44 5 Georgia Academy Patriots 6/10/2024
Total 113 15
23 Duke Casey 45 6 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike 6/7/2024
16 1 Midland Mavz 10u Owens 6/9/2024
Total 61 7
28 Hudson Evans 8 2 Midland Mavz 10u Owens 6/9/2024
17 Samuel Goysich 51 4 San Diego Show Black 6/8/2024
18 Jaxon Henley 63 10 San Diego Show Black 6/8/2024
24 3 Georgia Academy Patriots 6/10/2024
Total 87 13
1 Adrian Hoyos 67 4 Midland Mavz 10u Owens 6/9/2024
44 Luke Loughlin 69 13 TG Dbacks 10U Rose 6/8/2024
13 Joshua Martinez 10 2 TG Dbacks 10U Rose 6/8/2024
5 1 Indiana Bulls 10U Black 6/10/2024
Total 15 3
40 6 Georgia Academy Patriots 6/10/2024
Total 55 9
99 Addison Riccardi 27 6 Georgia Stars Baseball Academy 10U Waters 6/7/2024
3 Mason Sanches 3 1 San Diego Show Black 6/8/2024
25 Luke Thompson 52 9 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike 6/7/2024
83 17 Indiana Bulls 10U Black 6/10/2024
Total 135 26
TG DBacks 10u Castleberry
8 Ripken Castleberry 37 4 Buckhead Braves 6/7/2024
44 Hagen Cochran 57 11 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/8/2024
3 Jase DeMore 47 5 Buckhead Braves 6/7/2024
52 12 Regulators 10u 6/10/2024
Total 99 17
99 Luke French 64 8 Summerfield Stars 10u 6/8/2024
13 Hank Gordy 58 12 Georgia Jackets 10U Hudson 6/7/2024
34 3 Regulators 10u 6/10/2024
Total 92 15
11 Ginse Hager 30 3 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/8/2024
27 Phillips Huff 62 9 Summerfield Stars 10u 6/8/2024
1 Emery Matthews 24 2 Buckhead Braves 6/7/2024
24 Beckett Rossi 12 3 Regulators 10u 6/10/2024
12 Parker Sullivan 28 3 Houston Wildcatters 10U Leyja 6/9/2024
97 Jackson Wilson 52 6 Houston Wildcatters 10U Leyja 6/9/2024
TG Dbacks 10U Rose
1 Landon Cruse 64 18 Texas Twelve Katy Maroon 10u 6/8/2024
27 Crewe Ferguson 43 7 San Diego Show Black 6/7/2024
44 5 Vikings Baseball 6/10/2024
Total 87 12
10 Maddox Gray 13 6 Midland Mavz 10u Owens 6/7/2024
34 5 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike 6/8/2024
Total 47 11
3 Jackson Guion 36 6 Georgia Stars Baseball Academy 10U Waters 6/9/2024
0 Reed Humphries 69 10 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike 6/8/2024
50 Camden Huntley 58 7 San Diego Show Black 6/7/2024
2 Dax Lemoine 17 2 Georgia Stars Baseball Academy 10U Waters 6/9/2024
14 Broxon Quattlebaum 42 6 Georgia Stars Baseball Academy 10U Waters 6/9/2024
44 Camden Rose 62 12 Midland Mavz 10u Owens 6/7/2024
42 11 Vikings Baseball 6/10/2024
Total 104 23
TG Dbacks East Side Pearson
27 Maddox Agras 66 5 5 Star Vipers 6/7/2024
42 Langston Allen 36 6 Zt Prospects Jackson 10u 6/8/2024
25 3 Ninth Inning Royals 10U Fernandez 6/10/2024
Total 61 9
2 Connor Bachstein 17 3 Nyo Toros 6/7/2024
23 3 Zt Prospects Jackson 10u 6/8/2024
Total 40 6
43 9 Ninth Inning Royals 10U Fernandez 6/10/2024
Total 83 15
11 Henry Butler 54 7 Vsa Lions 10u 6/8/2024
25 Jay Cadenhead 33 9 Nyo Toros 6/7/2024
76 14 Zt Bombers 10u Marucci 6/10/2024
Total 109 23
24 Isaac Davis 48 2 5 Star Vipers 6/7/2024
13 Wyatt Larson 17 1 5 Star Vipers 6/7/2024
12 Brady Parivechio 6 0 Vsa Lions 10u 6/8/2024
5 Riley Pearson 41 6 Zt Prospects Jackson 10u 6/8/2024
19 4 Zt Bombers 10u Marucci 6/10/2024
Total 60 10
34 6 Ninth Inning Royals 10U Fernandez 6/10/2024
Total 94 16
44 Ben Thompson 24 3 Vsa Lions 10u 6/8/2024
98 Nathan Willett 47 12 Canes Midwest 10U Futures 6/9/2024
USA Scout Elite 10U Navy
2 Isaiah Allen 16 2 Devine Baseball 6/8/2024
44 3 Tbt National 6/9/2024
Total 60 5
34 Nolan Althardt 9 1 Prd Ghost National 6/7/2024
10 1 Devine Baseball 6/8/2024
Total 19 2
42 Mj Golden 30 4 Prd Ghost National 6/7/2024
42 6 Wow Factor 10u - McGill 6/8/2024
Total 72 10
19 Anderson Grieser 33 9 Dulins Dodgers 10U Eads 6/7/2024
0 0 Prd Ghost National 6/7/2024
Total 33 9
14 2 Rebels 6/10/2024
Total 47 11
26 Sawyer Millard 44 9 Devine Baseball 6/8/2024
1 Riley Mulderick 17 3 Dulins Dodgers 10U Eads 6/7/2024
31 6 Tbt National 6/9/2024
Total 48 9
50 Liam Robles 35 9 Wow Factor 10u - McGill 6/8/2024
75 12 Houston Wildcatters 10U Allen 6/10/2024
Total 110 21
23 Kellan Washburne 22 3 Devine Baseball 6/8/2024
12 Jack White 53 6 Prd Ghost National 6/7/2024
73 12 Rebels 6/10/2024
Total 126 18
USA Scout National 10U Team Nike
21 Avery Amburgy 62 13 Texas Twelve Katy Maroon 10u 6/7/2024
10 Kole Eller 57 9 TG Dbacks 10U Rose 6/8/2024
42 Kyle Gomez 40 9 TG Dbacks 10U Rose 6/8/2024
75 11 Tbt National 6/10/2024
Total 115 20
1 Cam Hamilton 66 9 Georgia Stars Baseball Academy 10U Waters 6/7/2024
5 Collin Johnson 45 5 Texas Twelve Katy Maroon 10u 6/7/2024
31 6 San Diego Show Black 6/9/2024
Total 76 11
19 1 Tbt National 6/10/2024
Total 95 12
12 Elijah McKnight 11 3 San Diego Show Black 6/9/2024
23 3 North Ga Tribe 10u 6/10/2024
Total 34 6
8 Jed Smith 43 9 Georgia Stars Baseball Academy 10U Waters 6/7/2024
43 9 Midland Mavz 10u Owens 6/8/2024
Total 86 18
13 Kellan Steele 49 9 San Diego Show Black 6/9/2024
15 Luke Varnell 38 9 Midland Mavz 10u Owens 6/8/2024
41 9 North Ga Tribe 10u 6/10/2024
Total 79 18
Vikings Baseball
2 Cesar Castro 16 6 Regulators 10u 6/8/2024
36 6 643 DP Cougars 10u 6/10/2024
Total 52 12
30 Sebastian Ceci 15 1 Canes Southeast 9U Team Georgia 6/9/2024
29 Alfredo D Diaz 29 1 Ninth Inning Royals 10U Fernandez 6/7/2024
6 1 Canes Southeast 9U Team Georgia 6/9/2024
Total 35 2
81 Albert Fagundo 70 6 East Cobb Aviators 10U Carter 6/8/2024
1 Felix German 15 2 Ninth Inning Royals 10U Fernandez 6/7/2024
22 3 East Cobb Aviators 10U Carter 6/8/2024
Total 37 5
6 Alfonso Gonzalez 52 9 Cpyl Squad 10u 6/7/2024
71 12 TG Dbacks 10U Rose 6/10/2024
Total 123 21
23 Mathias Lisson 17 3 Cpyl Squad 10u 6/7/2024
23 3 Regulators 10u 6/8/2024
Total 40 6
58 Anthony Paneque 24 3 Cpyl Squad 10u 6/7/2024
14 3 Regulators 10u 6/8/2024
Total 38 6
30 6 TG Dbacks 10U Rose 6/10/2024
Total 68 12
99 Dariel Perez 36 6 Regulators 10u 6/8/2024
43 6 643 DP Cougars 10u 6/10/2024
Total 79 12
24 Ryan Rincon 23 3 Ninth Inning Royals 10U Fernandez 6/7/2024
27 Anthony Torres 32 7 Ninth Inning Royals 10U Fernandez 6/7/2024
51 5 Canes Southeast 9U Team Georgia 6/9/2024
Total 83 12
Vsa Lions 10u
3 Giorgio Camelia 76 13 5 Star Vipers 6/9/2024
10 Adrien Chil 3 1 5 Star Vipers 6/9/2024
41 Sebastian Ferrer 38 9 Canes Midwest 10U Futures 6/7/2024
42 Joshua Fundora 42 8 Zt Prospects Jackson 10u 6/7/2024
43 Rolando Martin 46 9 TG Dbacks East Side Pearson 6/8/2024
51 8 Wow Factor 10u - McGill 6/10/2024
Total 97 17
9 Brandon Medina 59 6 Zt Prospects Jackson 10u 6/7/2024
33 Manuel Messir 43 9 Nyo Toros 6/8/2024
25 Alan Mora 14 3 TG Dbacks East Side Pearson 6/8/2024
12 Andres Nin 20 2 Canes Midwest 10U Futures 6/7/2024
20 Aedrichk Wannemacher 16 3 Nyo Toros 6/8/2024
48 9 Wow Factor 10u - McGill 6/10/2024
Total 64 12
Vsa National
23 Jordan Ambroise 33 6 Canes Southeast 10U Impulse 6/7/2024
48 9 Devine Baseball 10U Navy 6/8/2024
Total 81 15
52 Johnny Batista 31 6 FCA Wolfpack 10U Smith 6/9/2024
Jacob Brown 44 6 Shockers 6/7/2024
80 13 Tbt National 6/11/2024
Total 124 19
2 Kingston Campbell 39 6 FCA Wolfpack 10U Smith 6/9/2024
Adreon Grady 24 6 Tbp Dawgs 10u 6/8/2024
34 Sawyer Hicks 28 3 Devine Baseball 10U Navy 6/8/2024
55 10 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/11/2024
Total 83 13
20 1 Tbt National 6/11/2024
Total 103 14
Brayden Irvin 23 3 5 Star ATL 10U MOCO 6/10/2024
0 0 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/11/2024
Total 23 3
0 0 Tbt National 6/11/2024
Total 23 3
1 Elijah Morales 11 3 Arrows Baseball 10U 6/11/2024
12 Brantley Pippin 15 3 5 Star ATL 10U MOCO 6/10/2024
76 15 Arrows Baseball 10U 6/11/2024
Total 91 18
Cristhian Villegas 17 3 Shockers 6/7/2024
17 3 5 Star ATL 10U MOCO 6/10/2024
Total 34 6
13 2 Tallahassee Heat 10U 6/11/2024
Total 47 8
4 1 Tbt National 6/11/2024
Total 51 9
Wildcats Baseball
15 Nick Amorosso 26 3 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 6/9/2024
8 Connor Baldwin 22 2 Georgia Academy Patriots 6/7/2024
32 6 East Cobb Aviators 10U Boggs 6/8/2024
Total 54 8
59 6 Zt Prospects Jackson 10u 6/11/2024
Total 113 14
77 Bradan Gagnon 36 5 Indiana Bulls 10U Black 6/8/2024
65 7 Launch Baseball 10u 6/10/2024
Total 101 12
13 Sawyer Hunter 44 7 Tampa Titans 6/7/2024
37 8 Launch Baseball 10u 6/10/2024
Total 81 15
17 Malachi Johnson 31 3 Tampa Titans 6/7/2024
23 0 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 6/9/2024
Total 54 3
1 Jaxon King 32 3 Georgia Academy Patriots 6/7/2024
11 Elliott Knapp 53 3 Tampa Titans 6/7/2024
76 10 Prd Ghost National 6/10/2024
Total 129 13
99 Brennan Lemonds 50 4 Georgia Academy Patriots 6/7/2024
44 Brady Lewis 41 6 East Cobb Aviators 10U Boggs 6/8/2024
33 8 Prd Ghost National 6/10/2024
Total 74 14
14 Eli Saniatan 60 6 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 6/9/2024
0 Liam Turner 14 0 Indiana Bulls 10U Black 6/8/2024
5 Brody Williams 49 9 Indiana Bulls 10U Black 6/8/2024
36 6 Zt Prospects Jackson 10u 6/11/2024
Total 85 15
Wow Factor 10u - McGill
10 Jett Adair 35 4 Dulins Dodgers 10U Eads 6/8/2024
97 Holden Clifton 17 1 Tbt National 6/7/2024
40 6 Prd Ghost National 6/9/2024
Total 57 7
57 Branson Jones 0 0 Tbt National 6/7/2024
40 Stetson Lambert 31 9 USA Scout Elite 10U Navy 6/8/2024
20 3 Sba Bolts 10u 6/10/2024
Total 51 12
3 Trey Martin 27 2 Tbt National 6/7/2024
60 9 Prd Ghost National 6/9/2024
Total 87 11
16 Max McGill 53 5 Tbt National 6/7/2024
30 6 Sba Bolts 10u 6/10/2024
Total 83 11
99 Messiah Nines 60 9 USA Scout Elite 10U Navy 6/8/2024
75 11 Vsa Lions 10u 6/10/2024
Total 135 20
13 Carter Page 47 9 Devine Baseball 6/7/2024
7 Robert Stout 32 3 Devine Baseball 6/7/2024
32 7 Vsa Lions 10u 6/10/2024
Total 64 10
5 Asher Williams 47 9 Dulins Dodgers 10U Eads 6/8/2024
WOW Factor Nation
2 Spencer Burge 7 1 Georgia Academy Patriots 6/11/2024
4 Aiden Collins 27 6 Rebels 6/7/2024
22 3 5 Star Southeast 10U 6/8/2024
Total 49 9
57 8 Canes Southwest 10U Futures 6/10/2024
Total 106 17
35 5 Georgia Academy Patriots 6/11/2024
Total 141 22
11 Keegan Ehlers 9 2 Motor City Hit Dogs 6/9/2024
72 12 Georgia Academy Patriots 6/11/2024
Total 81 14
8 Lane Hutto 69 8 5 Star Southeast 10U 6/8/2024
26 6 Canes Southwest 10U Futures 6/10/2024
Total 95 14
12 3 FBT 10U National 6/11/2024
Total 107 17
21 Spencer Johns 26 1 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Stevens 6/7/2024
29 4 Blueprint Baseball 10u 6/8/2024
Total 55 5
17 0 Georgia Academy Patriots 6/11/2024
Total 72 5
33 6 FBT 10U National 6/11/2024
Total 105 11
10 Hudson Lovern 51 6 Rebels 6/7/2024
53 9 Motor City Hit Dogs 6/9/2024
Total 104 15
13 Brody Pierce 60 9 Blueprint Baseball 10u 6/8/2024
14 1 Motor City Hit Dogs 6/9/2024
Total 74 10
52 12 Devine Baseball 6/11/2024
Total 126 22
99 Austin Roberts IV 21 1 5 Star Southeast 10U 6/8/2024
5 Brayden Suiter 65 11 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Stevens 6/7/2024
0 0 5 Star Southeast 10U 6/8/2024
Total 65 11
57 9 FBT 10U National 6/11/2024
Total 122 20
Zt Bombers 10u Marucci
8 Jett Carda 9 2 Canes Southwest 10U Futures 6/7/2024
12 2 Prd Dawgs National 6/8/2024
Total 21 4
10 Matthew Cusimano 55 7 Prd Dawgs National 6/8/2024
11 Jax Greatens 41 3 Canes Southwest 10U Futures 6/7/2024
25 4 TG Dbacks East Side Pearson 6/10/2024
Total 66 7
12 Kason Green 71 8 East Cobb Astros 10U 6/8/2024
22 Hudson Harrell 59 9 Oregon Park Rangers 10U 6/7/2024
78 13 TG Dbacks East Side Pearson 6/10/2024
Total 137 22
3 Cameron Hilburger 43 4 Canes Southwest 10U Futures 6/7/2024
12 0 Hits 10u 6/9/2024
Total 55 4
13 Nico Reittenbach 28 3 Prd Dawgs National 6/8/2024
35 4 Hits 10u 6/9/2024
Total 63 7
2 Reid Rosekrans 12 3 Prd Dawgs National 6/8/2024
43 8 Hits 10u 6/9/2024
Total 55 11
27 Colton Schroeder 24 6 Oregon Park Rangers 10U 6/7/2024
48 5 East Cobb Astros 10U 6/8/2024
Total 72 11
Zt Prospects Jackson 10u
23 Khymer Crespo 34 5 Nyo Toros 6/9/2024
Ben Crumpler 75 12 TG Dbacks East Side Pearson 6/8/2024
39 7 Carl Black Longhorns 6/11/2024
Total 114 19
8 Hudson Jones 42 9 Canes Midwest 10U Futures 6/7/2024
22 3 5 Star Vipers 6/8/2024
Total 64 12
18 4 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Stevens 6/10/2024
Total 82 16
7 Chase Locklear 81 13 Vsa Lions 10u 6/7/2024
3 1 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Stevens 6/10/2024
Total 84 14
59 10 5 Star Southeast 10U 6/11/2024
Total 143 24
11 Cobe Martin 75 15 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Stevens 6/10/2024
99 Dalton McCrory 42 7 Nyo Toros 6/9/2024
48 8 5 Star Southeast 10U 6/11/2024
Total 90 15
Beckett McFetridge 8 1 Vsa Lions 10u 6/7/2024
66 12 5 Star Vipers 6/8/2024
Total 74 13
66 8 Carl Black Longhorns 6/11/2024
Total 140 21
2 Steven Nájera 42 9 Canes Midwest 10U Futures 6/7/2024
73 11 Wildcats Baseball 6/11/2024
Total 115 20
45 Colton Tyler 14 0 5 Star Vipers 6/8/2024
17 3 TG Dbacks East Side Pearson 6/8/2024
Total 31 3
21 3 Wildcats Baseball 6/11/2024
Total 52 6