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At the request of Seminole County and in partnership with them, the following policies will be enforced at the Boombah Sports Complex:

* Metal Spikes are strictly not allowed inside of the complex. Pitchers will be checked when they come to the mound and batters will be checked when they step into the batters' box. Please be sure your athlete is not wearing metal spikes. They will be required to remove immediately.
* Alcohol inside of any county park is prohibited.
* All coolers and wagons will be inspected. Anything with alcohol will not be allowed into the Hubs.
* All cups and open containers will be subject to inspection and ask to be disposed of.
* No Gum or Seed allowed.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Canes National 14U
12 Easton Greene 38 6 CFL Pride Makos 10/26/2024
8 Jj Lott 33 9 Keystone Crew 10/26/2024
28 9 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 10/28/2024
Total 61 18
27 Tripp Morris 71 9 Cbu 14u Moore 10/27/2024
33 Knox Myers 9 3 CFL Pride Makos 10/26/2024
69 12 Original Florida Pokers 2029 10/28/2024
Total 78 15
18 Josiah Park 32 6 CFL Pride Makos 10/26/2024
44 9 Original Florida Pokers 2029 10/28/2024
Total 76 15
22 Hibiki Suzuki 30 6 Keystone Crew 10/26/2024
10 Bryce Thurber 69 12 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 10/28/2024
6 Kye Ward 43 9 Cbu 14u Moore 10/27/2024
Cbu 14u Moore
98 Nixon Edenfield 52 11 Hr14-14u Red 10/26/2024
34 Brody Howard 16 2 Team Orlando 14u 10/25/2024
49 5 Canes National 14U 10/27/2024
Total 65 7
26 Sam Klimtzak 76 12 Canes National 14U 10/27/2024
8 Braylen Taylor 27 4 Team Orlando 14u 10/25/2024
87 Judson Wilford 25 9 Team Orlando 14u 10/25/2024
19 4 Dme Academy 14u National 10/27/2024
Total 44 13
2 Braden Wright 36 6 Team Orlando 14u 10/25/2024
64 17 Dme Academy 14u National 10/27/2024
Total 100 23
CBU 14u United Olasin
25 Leahndro Alonso 56 9 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 10/25/2024
9 Britton Brian 55 13 Jr7 Baseball 10/27/2024
77 Brock Cox 33 6 Florida Max- Nat'S 10/26/2024
2 Austin Emmerman 5 1 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 10/25/2024
6 1 Jr7 Baseball 10/27/2024
Total 11 2
13 Ricky Fernandez 47 5 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 10/25/2024
3 Miles Highsmith 29 5 Florida Max- Nat'S 10/26/2024
35 Cam Ivy 2 0 Jr7 Baseball 10/27/2024
6 Harrison Kieffer 36 4 Florida Max- Nat'S 10/26/2024
10 Kyler Rickenbach 18 4 Jr7 Baseball 10/27/2024
CBU 14u United Savinon
23 Michael Benitez, Jr 20 7 Gatorball 14u 10/26/2024
1 0 Florida Canes Terror Squad 10/26/2024
Total 21 7
2 Richard Preston Cain 33 7 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 10/27/2024
15 Eli Cruz 19 5 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 10/27/2024
99 Donovan Daigle 0 1 Florida Canes Terror Squad 10/26/2024
4 1 Gatorball 14u 10/26/2024
Total 4 2
10 Noah Dill 54 11 Gatorball 14u 10/26/2024
4 Mason Frey 32 4 Gatorball 14u 10/26/2024
33 Tripp Korb 39 8 Florida Canes Terror Squad 10/26/2024
77 Cale Lichtenberg 81 12 Florida Canes Terror Squad 10/26/2024
30 Jake Murray 34 6 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 10/27/2024
Central Florida Bad Boyz
22 Jayce Blair 45 3 Original Florida Pokers 2029 10/27/2024
4 Allen Fernandez 28 5 R3 2029 10/26/2024
7 Luis Hernandez 56 10 R3 2029 10/26/2024
Ricardo Moros 87 12 Original Florida Pokers 2029 10/27/2024
10 Leonardo Polo Arteaga 38 6 Jr7 Baseball 10/25/2024
Elijah Ramirez 17 2 Jr7 Baseball 10/25/2024
CFL Pride Makos
26 Brayden Flores 89 15 Keystone Crew 10/25/2024
6 Noah Inman 5 1 Hr14-14u Red 10/27/2024
13 Rafael Jimenez 94 19 Rba Jets 10/27/2024
4 Aiden Oliva 75 14 Canes National 14U 10/26/2024
24 Joe Valle 115 17 Hr14-14u Red 10/27/2024
Dme Academy 14u National
Colt Cast 40 3 Wow Factor Select 14u 10/25/2024
19 0 Cbu 14u Moore 10/27/2024
Total 59 3
Shiloh Gallimore 39 7 Wow Factor Select 14u 10/25/2024
Daniel Lucas 78 18 Rba Jets 10/26/2024
Jack Martin 23 1 Cbu 14u Moore 10/27/2024
Reed McFarland 70 13 Cbu 14u Moore 10/27/2024
Kade Nemitz 28 5 Wow Factor Select 14u 10/25/2024
7 2 Cbu 14u Moore 10/27/2024
Total 35 7
Alex Schmidt 6 3 Rba Jets 10/26/2024
Florida Canes Terror Squad
18 Wyatt Bogen 46 6 Gatorball 14u 10/26/2024
Parker Griebel 66 15 CBU 14u United Savinon 10/26/2024
Ayden Singh 47 10 Gatorball 14u 10/26/2024
1 Joseph Slattery 13 2 Gatorball 14u 10/26/2024
11 Jayden Taylor 35 5 CBU 14u United Savinon 10/26/2024
Jack Torresson 16 1 CBU 14u United Savinon 10/26/2024
Florida Max- Nat'S
62 Karsten Hall 31 5 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 10/25/2024
0 Landon Kennedy 60 9 CBU 14u United Olasin 10/26/2024
22 Jackson Lipkowitz 48 6 Keystone Crew 10/27/2024
31 Ethan Martin 47 8 CBU 14u United Olasin 10/26/2024
17 Colton McKee 30 5 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 10/25/2024
20 Kyler Natario 52 8 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 10/25/2024
28 Michael Sanz 32 9 Keystone Crew 10/27/2024
10 Lukas Smiley 9 1 CBU 14u United Olasin 10/26/2024
Gatorball 14u
11 Grant Cox 18 4 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 10/27/2024
99 Norris Ding 10 3 CBU 14u United Savinon 10/26/2024
13 Brice Domalewski 37 6 Florida Canes Terror Squad 10/26/2024
9 Carson Long 88 17 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 10/27/2024
20 Ryland Matuschke 85 18 CBU 14u United Savinon 10/26/2024
61 Willie Pilcher 69 15 Florida Canes Terror Squad 10/26/2024
Hit Factory Pro 2029
Isaak Cummins 109 15 United Northshore 10/27/2024
Dylan Hamelin 102 12 Tbt North Palm Beach 10/26/2024
AARON LORD 26 2 Zt Prospects Lujan 10/26/2024
Clinton Lott 56 6 Zt Prospects Lujan 10/26/2024
Jacob McQuiston 20 4 Zt Prospects Lujan 10/26/2024
1 0 Tbt North Palm Beach 10/26/2024
Total 21 4
Owen Pesansky 18 3 Tbt North Palm Beach 10/26/2024
Hr14-14u Red
Jose Daniel Concepcion 12 1 CFL Pride Makos 10/27/2024
Alvaro Diaz 55 5 Cbu 14u Moore 10/26/2024
Kaleth Fradera 23 1 Cbu 14u Moore 10/26/2024
Juan Mencia 4 1 Cbu 14u Moore 10/26/2024
64 15 CFL Pride Makos 10/27/2024
Total 68 16
Fernado Noguera 83 13 Team Orlando 14u 10/25/2024
Ramziel Osorio 33 2 Team Orlando 14u 10/25/2024
36 3 Cbu 14u Moore 10/26/2024
Total 69 5
Dariel Santiago Delgado 20 0 Team Orlando 14u 10/25/2024
Jr7 Baseball
98 Cristian Capellan 14 0 Central Florida Bad Boyz 10/25/2024
30 9 CBU 14u United Olasin 10/27/2024
Total 44 9
97 Luis Gonzalez 8 1 Central Florida Bad Boyz 10/25/2024
20 Jeremiah Guerra 99 18 R3 2029 10/26/2024
25 John Martinez 23 1 Central Florida Bad Boyz 10/25/2024
77 11 CBU 14u United Olasin 10/27/2024
Total 100 12
41 Luis Molina 29 3 Central Florida Bad Boyz 10/25/2024
13 Andres Perez 10 2 Central Florida Bad Boyz 10/25/2024
24 Cassius Vines 2 1 Central Florida Bad Boyz 10/25/2024
Keystone Crew
24 Jack Ambrozic 57 6 Canes National 14U 10/26/2024
10 Logan Bereznay 3 0 Florida Max- Nat'S 10/27/2024
2 Apollo Como 16 0 Florida Max- Nat'S 10/27/2024
22 Trent Dixon 32 6 Florida Max- Nat'S 10/27/2024
27 Brayden Ross 67 8 Canes National 14U 10/26/2024
52 7 Florida Max- Nat'S 10/27/2024
Total 119 15
44 Braxten Thompson 95 14 CFL Pride Makos 10/25/2024
18 Colten Wetzel 23 0 CFL Pride Makos 10/25/2024
Original Florida Pokers 2029
22 Luca Broadhead 11 3 United Northshore 10/26/2024
22 5 Canes National 14U 10/28/2024
Total 33 8
23 Mathius Carrasquel 20 1 South Charlotte Panthers 2029 Marucci 10/25/2024
65 13 South Charlotte Panthers 2029 Marucci 10/28/2024
Total 85 14
3 Nico DiBella 55 8 Canes National 14U 10/28/2024
13 Ethan Labott 43 6 United Northshore 10/26/2024
25 Gustavo Morillo 58 12 South Charlotte Panthers 2029 Marucci 10/25/2024
45 5 South Charlotte Panthers 2029 Marucci 10/28/2024
Total 103 17
1 0 Canes National 14U 10/28/2024
Total 104 17
11 Brady Mudlin 41 9 Team Orlando 14u 10/27/2024
13 1 Canes National 14U 10/28/2024
Total 54 10
1 Ej Quigley 5 2 South Charlotte Panthers 2029 Marucci 10/25/2024
22 3 Canes National 14U 10/28/2024
Total 27 5
24 Sebastian Rincon 22 3 United Northshore 10/26/2024
27 Johan Valbuena 59 15 Central Florida Bad Boyz 10/27/2024
R3 2029
Rocco Cianfoni 32 4 Jr7 Baseball 10/26/2024
Kellyn Hoffhines 91 11 Jr7 Baseball 10/26/2024
Hayden Perez 53 5 Central Florida Bad Boyz 10/26/2024
Jordan Shafer 6 1 Central Florida Bad Boyz 10/26/2024
Joshua Wintle 64 12 Tbt North Palm Beach 10/27/2024
Andrew Wood 45 6 Central Florida Bad Boyz 10/26/2024
14 3 Tbt North Palm Beach 10/27/2024
Total 59 9
Rba Jets
33 Conner Blomlie 92 13 Wow Factor Select 14u 10/26/2024
28 Logan Chen 16 2 Wow Factor Select 14u 10/26/2024
36 6 CFL Pride Makos 10/27/2024
Total 52 8
12 Bryson Grant 8 1 Dme Academy 14u National 10/26/2024
61 10 CFL Pride Makos 10/27/2024
Total 69 11
24 CJ Hardee IV 8 2 CFL Pride Makos 10/27/2024
10 Reshard Jones Jr. 90 18 Dme Academy 14u National 10/26/2024
22 Beckett Lourenco 36 3 Dme Academy 14u National 10/26/2024
9 Elijah Negron 9 3 CFL Pride Makos 10/27/2024
48 Jayden Sandoval 39 6 Wow Factor Select 14u 10/26/2024
South Charlotte Panthers 2029 Marucci
24 Alex Bello 30 7 Zt Prospects Lujan 10/27/2024
22 Cohen Bernhardt 22 3 Wow Factor Select 14u 10/27/2024
2 Keaton Larsen 1 0 Wow Factor Select 14u 10/27/2024
9 0 Original Florida Pokers 2029 10/28/2024
Total 10 0
17 Kingston Maddox 40 7 Wow Factor Select 14u 10/27/2024
33 Jackson Neville 50 12 United Northshore 10/26/2024
4 Nolyn Nickels 34 6 Original Florida Pokers 2029 10/25/2024
70 11 Zt Prospects Lujan 10/27/2024
Total 104 17
99 Sam Piscorik 17 0 Original Florida Pokers 2029 10/25/2024
99 Alexander Scott 20 6 Original Florida Pokers 2029 10/28/2024
13 Ryder Sheffield 12 3 Original Florida Pokers 2029 10/25/2024
61 8 Wow Factor Select 14u 10/27/2024
Total 73 11
4 Owen Todd 37 6 Original Florida Pokers 2029 10/25/2024
63 9 Original Florida Pokers 2029 10/28/2024
Total 100 15
99 Mauricio Zaa 0 0 Original Florida Pokers 2029 10/28/2024
Tbt North Palm Beach
0 Marqus Gauff 7 1 Zt Prospects Lujan 10/26/2024
133 17 R3 2029 10/27/2024
Total 140 18
Cameron Robledo 29 8 Zt Prospects Lujan 10/26/2024
0 Gedreyl Rodriguez 80 15 Hit Factory Pro 2029 10/26/2024
35 Milo Walker 57 10 Zt Prospects Lujan 10/26/2024
Team Orlando 14u
7 Eli Hamel 44 3 Original Florida Pokers 2029 10/27/2024
3 Lucas Howell 50 2 Original Florida Pokers 2029 10/27/2024
44 Carter Lewis 67 13 Cbu 14u Moore 10/25/2024
25 Kors Matthews 65 8 Cbu 14u Moore 10/25/2024
27 Kaden Ramsey 17 2 Original Florida Pokers 2029 10/27/2024
10 Wyatt Sheppard 71 14 Hr14-14u Red 10/25/2024
United Northshore
3 Xadrian Babin 33 2 Hit Factory Pro 2029 10/27/2024
27 Gage Fields 32 3 Original Florida Pokers 2029 10/26/2024
23 Jacob Gleason 69 7 South Charlotte Panthers 2029 Marucci 10/26/2024
8 Ian Lovell 18 2 South Charlotte Panthers 2029 Marucci 10/26/2024
12 Max Mendoza 22 0 Original Florida Pokers 2029 10/26/2024
5 Caden Olver 41 4 Original Florida Pokers 2029 10/26/2024
0 Kellen Thompson 52 6 Hit Factory Pro 2029 10/27/2024
43 Carter Tillman 37 3 South Charlotte Panthers 2029 Marucci 10/26/2024
14 2 Original Florida Pokers 2029 10/26/2024
Total 51 5
2 Michael Winters 11 6 Hit Factory Pro 2029 10/27/2024
Winter Park Diamond Dawgs
22 Adrian Camejo 20 5 CBU 14u United Savinon 10/27/2024
34 Juan Duque Crespo 12 3 CBU 14u United Savinon 10/27/2024
25 9 Canes National 14U 10/28/2024
Total 37 12
20 Parker Hodgins 70 21 Florida Max- Nat'S 10/25/2024
23 Eduardo Matheus 69 21 Gatorball 14u 10/27/2024
0 Santiago Montero 61 12 CBU 14u United Savinon 10/27/2024
17 Adrian Perez 76 9 CBU 14u United Olasin 10/25/2024
9 Zeke Varela 34 5 CBU 14u United Olasin 10/25/2024
54 8 Canes National 14U 10/28/2024
Total 88 13
Wow Factor Select 14u
0 Tyson Brown 23 3 South Charlotte Panthers 2029 Marucci 10/27/2024
0 Diego Castro 57 9 South Charlotte Panthers 2029 Marucci 10/27/2024
99 Cody Dugger 18 2 South Charlotte Panthers 2029 Marucci 10/27/2024
4 Branson Noble 10 3 Rba Jets 10/26/2024
31 Rolando Rodriguez III 48 4 South Charlotte Panthers 2029 Marucci 10/27/2024
50 Maddox Rosado 86 15 Dme Academy 14u National 10/25/2024
1 Wyatt Stokes 19 3 Rba Jets 10/26/2024
19 Parker Yero 60 13 Rba Jets 10/26/2024
Zt Prospects Lujan
13 Lucas Blaxberg 87 12 South Charlotte Panthers 2029 Marucci 10/27/2024
35 Cruz Guzman 108 21 Tbt North Palm Beach 10/26/2024
45 Ronald 'Trey' James III 28 6 Hit Factory Pro 2029 10/26/2024
36 6 South Charlotte Panthers 2029 Marucci 10/27/2024
Total 64 12
5 Ian Robinson 30 9 Hit Factory Pro 2029 10/26/2024