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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Baseball 101-Pagan/Quinn
80 Ethan Gonzales 93 8 Wow Factor NV 14u Black 10/5/2024
43 Jeremiah Jefferson 60 9 Las Vegas Showtimerz 14u 10/6/2024
4 1 Usa Prime 14u Meng 10/6/2024
Total 64 10
55 Jackson Kennedy 49 7 Summerlin Sticks 14u 10/5/2024
34 Eli Laughlin 93 14 Usa Prime 14u Meng 10/6/2024
3 Joseph Luna 32 3 Wow Factor NV 14u Black 10/5/2024
36 0 Summerlin Sticks 14u 10/5/2024
Total 68 3
44 Connor Quinn 52 9 Las Vegas Showtimerz 14u 10/6/2024
Bm Baseball
11 Jacob Carmona 83 20 Southern Nevada Bandits 10/6/2024
24 Sammy Garcia 50 3 Summerlin Sticks 14u 10/5/2024
8 Nathaniel Lara 19 3 Summerlin Sticks 14u 10/5/2024
15 5 Desert Select 10/6/2024
Total 34 8
27 Joaquin Marinez 22 1 High Heat 10/5/2024
13 Andy Meza 14 3 Summerlin Sticks 14u 10/5/2024
44 9 Desert Select 10/6/2024
Total 58 12
28 Cristian Negrete 19 2 High Heat 10/5/2024
29 Jacob Quintero 26 4 High Heat 10/5/2024
35 Nikko Topete 59 8 Summerlin Sticks 14u 10/5/2024
Brawlers Elite
19 Bryan Palma 18 3 High Heat 10/5/2024
20 3 Wow Factor NV 14u Black 10/5/2024
Total 38 6
70 7 Canes San Bernardino Prospects 10/6/2024
Total 108 13
4 Emilio Quintana 44 10 High Heat 10/5/2024
35 3 Wow Factor NV 14u Black 10/5/2024
Total 79 13
25 Michel Rozanoff Jr 39 3 High Heat 10/5/2024
13 Angel Rubio 15 3 Canes San Bernardino Prospects 10/6/2024
55 Colten Stechnij 53 9 Wow Factor NV 14u Black 10/5/2024
45 9 Canes San Bernardino Prospects 10/6/2024
Total 98 18
Canes San Bernardino Prospects
Joseph Blas 13 3 Usa Prime 14u Meng 10/5/2024
72 14 Brawlers Elite 10/6/2024
Total 85 17
Luke Coogan 19 5 Southern Nevada Bandits 10/5/2024
Thomas Fincher 28 6 Usa Prime 14u Meng 10/5/2024
Alex Martinez 62 6 High Heat 10/6/2024
Jayden Mendez 13 1 High Heat 10/6/2024
Ethan Palomino 33 7 Southern Nevada Bandits 10/5/2024
44 6 Brawlers Elite 10/6/2024
Total 77 13
Deegan Sharp 40 4 High Heat 10/6/2024
Adan Vera 19 3 Usa Prime 14u Meng 10/5/2024
Desert Select
7 Preston Carper 86 13 Zone Baseball 10/6/2024
8 Brody Depuy 80 11 Pure Baseball Titans 10/5/2024
10 Seth Farrand 41 5 MTBA DAWGS - Martinez 10/5/2024
19 2 Zone Baseball 10/6/2024
Total 60 7
42 5 Bm Baseball 10/6/2024
Total 102 12
48 Harper McKinney 22 2 Pure Baseball Titans 10/5/2024
23 3 Bm Baseball 10/6/2024
Total 45 5
3 Ryder Waers 32 2 MTBA DAWGS - Martinez 10/5/2024
16 0 Bm Baseball 10/6/2024
Total 48 2
1 Demarcus Walema 17 1 MTBA DAWGS - Martinez 10/5/2024
37 3 Bm Baseball 10/6/2024
Total 54 4
High Heat
17 Chase Barnes 49 9 Sin City Thunder 14u 10/6/2024
42 Gabe Becerra 38 9 Brawlers Elite 10/5/2024
95 Joe Joe Carque 40 8 Brawlers Elite 10/5/2024
38 5 Sin City Thunder 14u 10/6/2024
Total 78 13
21 Joseph Dixon 55 8 Bm Baseball 10/5/2024
7 Easton Howell 79 14 Canes San Bernardino Prospects 10/6/2024
29 Logan Levasseur 20 0 Brawlers Elite 10/5/2024
3 PRESTON STANLEY 6 1 Bm Baseball 10/5/2024
21 Nicholas Stormer 26 4 Sin City Thunder 14u 10/6/2024
51 Liam Wells 72 15 MTBA DAWGS - Martinez 10/6/2024
Las Vegas Showtimerz 14u
42 Luis Arellano 28 3 Baseball 101-Pagan/Quinn 10/6/2024
1 Sergio Lopez 56 5 MTBA DAWGS - Martinez 10/5/2024
70 Jedrek Madrid 93 9 Pure Baseball Titans 10/5/2024
6 Gerardo Ornelas III 15 1 Pure Baseball Titans 10/5/2024
32 12 Baseball 101-Pagan/Quinn 10/6/2024
Total 47 13
12 Alexander Vivar 54 10 MTBA DAWGS - Martinez 10/5/2024
36 6 Baseball 101-Pagan/Quinn 10/6/2024
Total 90 16
MTBA DAWGS - Martinez
1 Jackson Cosca 36 3 High Heat 10/6/2024
26 Yamil Lopez 65 15 Las Vegas Showtimerz 14u 10/5/2024
8 Deklan Parker 79 11 Desert Select 10/5/2024
21 Jordan Roopchand 53 8 High Heat 10/6/2024
17 Caleb Wright 6 1 Desert Select 10/5/2024
14 Deklan Wright 13 3 Las Vegas Showtimerz 14u 10/5/2024
Pure Baseball Titans
2 Davin Brady 80 15 Desert Select 10/5/2024
55 Alex Garcia 74 18 Summerlin Sticks 14u 10/6/2024
13 Braydon Miller 43 4 Summerlin Sticks 14u 10/6/2024
27 Jadon Noriega 53 12 Las Vegas Showtimerz 14u 10/5/2024
Sin City Thunder 14u
3 Isaac Gloria 34 6 Wow Factor NV 14u Black 10/6/2024
84 Jamie Justice 45 9 Usa Prime 14u Meng 10/5/2024
Damian Lucero 30 3 High Heat 10/6/2024
99 Elijah McDuffie 30 5 High Heat 10/6/2024
13 Robert Rios 57 8 Zone Baseball 10/5/2024
46 13 High Heat 10/6/2024
Total 103 21
44 Jordan Stopa 81 12 Wow Factor NV 14u Black 10/6/2024
8 Lachlan Ushiroda 99 18 Summerlin Sticks 14u 10/6/2024
Southern Nevada Bandits
6 Ayden Berkowitz-Ward 7 1 Canes San Bernardino Prospects 10/5/2024
54 7 Bm Baseball 10/6/2024
Total 61 8
28 Gabe Cabero 52 9 Canes San Bernardino Prospects 10/5/2024
0 Gio Germano 37 8 Zone Baseball 10/5/2024
14 Carter Lisle 13 0 Canes San Bernardino Prospects 10/5/2024
27 Timothy Neal 14 0 Canes San Bernardino Prospects 10/5/2024
1 Jaxen Smith 19 1 Canes San Bernardino Prospects 10/5/2024
10 Christopher Turner 48 9 Zone Baseball 10/5/2024
53 11 Bm Baseball 10/6/2024
Total 101 20
Summerlin Sticks 14u
9 Andrew Cappetta 31 4 Bm Baseball 10/5/2024
11 Eric Chung 26 5 Sin City Thunder 14u 10/6/2024
5 Brett Farrell 21 1 Bm Baseball 10/5/2024
12 Patrick Harris 69 12 Baseball 101-Pagan/Quinn 10/5/2024
64 Kale Kappel 66 14 Pure Baseball Titans 10/6/2024
27 Joey Lombardo 43 5 Pure Baseball Titans 10/6/2024
0 Ryder McLintock 35 2 Pure Baseball Titans 10/6/2024
19 Alex Nasuta 17 2 Bm Baseball 10/5/2024
2 Jacob Schwartz 59 11 Bm Baseball 10/5/2024
7 Ezekiel Travers 85 10 Sin City Thunder 14u 10/6/2024
Usa Prime 14u Meng
Jim Belcher 60 7 Baseball 101-Pagan/Quinn 10/6/2024
7 Isaiah Campos 71 5 Sin City Thunder 14u 10/5/2024
42 4 Baseball 101-Pagan/Quinn 10/6/2024
Total 113 9
25 Jose Gutierrez 57 6 Canes San Bernardino Prospects 10/5/2024
87 Tanner Johnson 47 1 Sin City Thunder 14u 10/5/2024
0 Kai Neal 16 3 Sin City Thunder 14u 10/5/2024
5 Grayson Smith 48 5 Canes San Bernardino Prospects 10/5/2024
27 Jastin Watkins 16 1 Baseball 101-Pagan/Quinn 10/6/2024
Wow Factor NV 14u Black
3 Rayden Canda 15 2 Brawlers Elite 10/5/2024
6 Asher Contreras 26 4 Brawlers Elite 10/5/2024
16 Aiden Dennington 8 3 Baseball 101-Pagan/Quinn 10/5/2024
56 William Earhart 61 6 Sin City Thunder 14u 10/6/2024
29 Jamisen Farrington 57 9 Sin City Thunder 14u 10/6/2024
40 Scott Morris 57 9 Baseball 101-Pagan/Quinn 10/5/2024
10 Tim Williams Jr 70 9 Brawlers Elite 10/5/2024
Zone Baseball
4 Dominic Colarco 78 10 Desert Select 10/6/2024
0 Lio Disotuar 10 0 Southern Nevada Bandits 10/5/2024
44 Deklan Kile 22 1 Sin City Thunder 14u 10/5/2024
14 4 Desert Select 10/6/2024
Total 36 5
11 Skylar Montgomery 66 6 Sin City Thunder 14u 10/5/2024
7 Garrett Pierce 101 17 Southern Nevada Bandits 10/5/2024
24 Ryan Weyrauch 14 1 Southern Nevada Bandits 10/5/2024