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13U (AAA) 13U (Major)
Director reserves the right to enact pool protection at their discretion. If two teams have previously matched up in pool play, lower seeds may be switched to provide teams with new opponents for the first round of bracket play.

Tournament Director: Justin Maldonado- jmaldonado@perfectgame.org
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings 1 Event Article
FB Velocities
Ghost845 National Brandon Maldonado R76
Canes Mid-Atlantic Gold Macland Mumford R76
South Jersey Young Guns 13u Carolina Nolan Lister R75
Nj Marlins 13u Samuel Kentos R74
Canes Mid-Atlantic Gold Cody Smith R74
Sandlot Baseball Academy 13u-Davis Max Lafave R73
Riot Baseball Drew Augusto R72
Usa Prime Northeast 13u Gold Jaden Freeze R72
Canes Delaware Gold Joe Ruark R72
Ootp Cyclones Prospects (2029) Cody Alicea R71
Nj Marlins 13u Jason Ballard Jr. R71
Ootp Cyclones Prospects (2029) James Esposito R71
Double Major Eric McCartney L71
Riot Baseball Gino Trivellini R71
Riot Baseball Jackson Carr R70
Usa Prime Northeast 13u Gold Joseph Casimates L70
Double Major Paulie Rao R70
Ghost845 National Sage Caesar R69
Rockland Elite Red Sage Caesar R69
Usa Prime Northeast 13u Gold Nicholas Cline R69
Nj Marlins 13u Tristen Garcia R69
Jersey Shore Wildcats Robinson Stio R69
South Jersey Young Guns 13u Carolina Micah Williams R69
Canes Mid-Atlantic Gold Bryce Crandell R68
Ootp Cyclones Prospects (2029) Vincent Donofrio L68
Keystone State Bombers Will Flury R68
Grit 13u Black Alex Moynihan R68
Ghost845 National TJ Muhlfeld R68
Nj Marlins 13u Jack Byers R67
5 Star Northeast 13u Frye John Flemming R67
Keystone State Bombers Paxson Groff R67
Canes Delaware Gold Britton Holemo R67
Nj Marlins 13u Dylan Johnson R67
Sandlot Baseball Academy 13u-Davis Chase Magnot R67
South Jersey Young Guns 13u Carolina Donald Menzoni III R67
South Jersey Young Guns 13u Carolina Noah Seder R67
Riot Baseball Michael Yankowski R67
Double Major Jackson Brosonski L66
Usa Prime Northeast 13u Gold R.J. Cameron R66
Ootp Cyclones Prospects (2029) Amit Gandra R66
Jersey Shore Wildcats Vincent Garibaldi L66
Nj Marlins 13u Gavin Grasso R66
Canes Mid-Atlantic Gold Sean Madden R66
Usa Prime Northeast 13u Gold Luke Samuel R66
Ghost845 National Lucas Walter R66
Ootp Cyclones Prospects (2029) Cole Webster R66
Riot Baseball Colton Williams R66
South Jersey Young Guns 13u Carolina Aiden Wong R66
Riot Baseball Brandon Daniels R65
Canes Delaware Gold Joseph Grinder R65
Canes Mid-Atlantic Gold Elijah Harley R65
Sandlot Baseball Academy 13u-Davis Nicholas Hricenak R65
Double Major Justin Monterosso R65
Usa Prime Northeast 13u Gold Nathan O'Brien R65
5 Star Northeast 13u Frye Finnegan O'Leary R65
Keystone State Bombers Tyler Roberts L65
Canes Delaware Gold Gavin Tritapoe R65
Ootp Cyclones Prospects (2029) Nicholas Yacykewych R65
Canes Mid-Atlantic Gold Cole Almeroth R64
FB Braves 13U Fall Asher Carney R64
Nj Marlins 13u William Cloonan R64
Grit 13u Black Lucas Coseo R64
Canes Mid-Atlantic Gold Lukas Eaby R64
Sandlot Baseball Academy 13u-Davis Jason Jones R64
Grit 13u Black Lucas Lanzo R64
Jersey Shore Wildcats Charlie Mahony R64
Canes Delaware Gold Jameson Pease R64
Nj Marlins 13u Shaun Wood R64
South Jersey Young Guns 13u Carolina Caden Fayette R63
Ghost845 National Benjamin Huang R63
Double Major Gianluca Levine R63
5 Star Northeast 13u Frye Braylon Showalter R63
Ghost845 National Campbell Singleton IV R63
Grit 13u Black Finn Sullivan L63
Riot Baseball Ryan Cassidy L62
FB Braves 13U Fall Adam Chung R62
Jersey Shore Wildcats Maximus Espejo R62
Canes Delaware Gold Tynan Smith R62
Double Major Joseph Synosky R62
FB Braves 13U Fall Tyler Aboyoun R61
Grit 13u Black Nicholas Fanelli R61
Jersey Shore Wildcats Tyler Heyward L61
Usa Prime Northeast 13u Gold Mark Mancivalano R61
Jersey Shore Wildcats Davin Marquez L61
Sandlot Baseball Academy 13u-Davis Jack Piccotti R61
Keystone State Bombers Benny Shehan R61
Riot Baseball Chase Taylor R61
Double Major Cruz Valente L61
Ghost845 National Cole Campbell R60
FB Braves 13U Fall Cash Fletcher R60
FB Braves 13U Fall Ashankit Khanna R60
Double Major Dominic Palmeri R60
Ghost845 National Brady Scheurer R60
Keystone State Bombers Kellan Capotrio R59
Grit 13u Black Daniel Jaxel R59
Riot Baseball Jackson Fraley R58
Jersey Shore Wildcats Collins Sharkey R58
Ghost845 National Nicholas Decker R57
Jersey Shore Wildcats Cole Kerstetter R57
5 Star Northeast 13u Frye Christian Riggs R54