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7U (AA) (CP) 9U (AA) 9U (Major) 10U (AAA) 11U (AA) 13U (AAA) (54/80) 13U (Major) (54/80) 14U (AAA)
Fields 9 and 11 @ Baseball USA have been cancelled for Today (3/16/2024)
Gate Fees:
These are at the discretion of each park and can change without notice

Baseball USA: $10/person CASH ONLY
- 18& under FREE
- Active Military & Veterans FREE with ID
- First Responders FREE with ID
- NO Senior Citizen Discounts

Premier Baseball of Texas: $10/person OR $20/Car MAX (CASH ONLY)
-$5 Veterans, First Responders, and Senior Citizens
- NO Coaches get in free. ALL coaches are required to pay the entry fee. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Schiel Road: $10/ Person CARD ONLY + tax
- 2 Coaches in Free (Required to check-in with Gate Employee)
- Military/First Responder $5 WITH ID
- Senior Citizen $5

Lone Star Sports Complex: $10/person CASH OR CARD

All American Sports Complex: $15/car CASH or $17/CAR by CARD

Big League Dreams: $10 CASH OR CARD
- 2 coaches free (Required to sign in)

Diamonds at Daily Park: $10/person OR $20/car MAX + Tax (CARD ONLY)

Rabb Rd: $10/car Cash ONLY

Crosby HS: $10/ Person CARD ONLY + tax
- 2 Coaches in Free (Required to check-in with Gate Employee)
- Military/First Responder $5 WITH ID
- Senior Citizen $5

 Pep Mueller: $10/person CASH OR CARD
Mar 16 - 17 |  Baseball USA | Houston, TX
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Elite Rbi National Trent O'Malley R83
Elite Rbi National Peyton Lopez R82
Banditos LLT6 Dylan Mercado R82
Texas Twelve San Antonio Maroon Steven Roberts R81
Houston Bengals Black 14u Kaisen Rogers R81
Texas Twelve Black 14u - Woodlands Thomas Daigle R80
Elite Rbi National Amari Maxwell R80
Elite Rbi National Russell Nelson R80
Banditos LLT6 Arturo Silva Jr. R79
Elite Rbi National Cameron Hockett R78
Elite Rbi National Braiden Miller R78
Banditos LLT6 Major Ciers L77
Ktn Athletics Dailon Ferguson R77
Channelview Crushers Noah Izazaga R77
Elite Rbi National Ronald 'Trey' James III R77
Banditos LLT6 Carter Holder R76
Texas Twelve 14u Grey Katy Colton Lane R76
Texas Prime Black 2028 Jake Rabe R76
Texas Prime Black 2028 Jagger Riley R76
Alamo Top Prospects 14u Richie Ronniel Sanchez R76
Alamo Top Prospects 14u Richie Tristin Ulrich R76
Banditos LLT6 Steven Adame III L75
Ar Performance Black 14u Cason Allen R75
Elite Rbi National Kannon Derry L75
Houston Velocity Evan Martinez R75
Banditos LLT6 Quinn Neal L75
Ar Performance Black 14u Jayden Rojo R75
Texas Twelve San Antonio Maroon Jayden Beck R74
Texas Brigade - Konarik Evan Edwards R74
Texas Twelve 14u Black Katy Cody Haley R74
Ktn Athletics Hunter LaRue R74
Batter'S Box Black Augustus Naquin R74
Texas Twelve 14u Grey Katy Jace Payne R74
Channelview Crushers Tyler Ruiz R74
Texas Twelve 14u Black Katy Ethan Sidener L74
Texas Twelve 14u Black Katy Jackson Borchardt R73
Texas Twelve 14u Black Katy Clay Emery R73
Texas Twelve 14u Gold Katy Clay Emery R73
Houston Velocity Fernando Flores R73
Texas Twelve San Antonio Maroon Easton Hernandez R73
Texas Twelve Black 14u - Woodlands Adam Hudgens R73
Elite Rbi National Carson Key R73
Banditos LLT6 Jayston Marquez R73
Houston Bengals Black 14u Lennon Penny R73
Ar Performance Black 14u Trenton Pepin R73
Texas Twelve 14u Silver Katy Evan Pfeiffer R73
Elite Rbi National Christopher Polanco R73
13u Premier Baseball (Campos) Owen Rakai R73
Houston Velocity Victor rea L73
Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Barron Lucas Rodriguez R73
New Waverly Bulldogs Ryan Sinderson L73
Texas Prime Black 2028 Collin Steinberg R73
Texas Prime Black 2028 Tyler Watkins L73
Batter'S Box Black Jaseton Bolcerek R72
Texas Twelve Black 14u - Woodlands Benjamin Cervantes R72
Texas Twelve 14u Silver Katy Cooper Cook R72
Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Barron Anthony Cruz R72
Texas Brigade - Konarik Jace Hanks R72
Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Barron Shawn Licerio R72
Texas Brigade - Konarik Joseph Matuszewski R72
Alamo Top Prospects 14u Richie Sebastian Rocha R72
Ktn Athletics Jace Vernon R72
Texas Twelve 14u Grey Katy Mason Williams R72
13u Premier Baseball (Campos) Emmett Kerim R71
Ar Performance Black 14u Brady Reagan R71
Texas Twelve San Antonio Maroon Jose Canales R70
Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Barron Eric Hinojosa R70
Houston Velocity Aiden Tovar L70
Batter'S Box Black Cameron Wells R70
Houston Bengals Black 14u Cash Broussard R69
Texas Brigade - Konarik Britton Dunaway R69
Alamo Top Prospects 14u Richie Jameson Dupertuis R69
Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Barron Jacob Ramirez R69
Texas Twelve 14u Black Katy Jimmy Rojas R69
Houston Bengals Black 14u Austin Stroud R69
Houston Bengals Black 14u Bryce Walker R69
Alamo Top Prospects 14u Richie Jordan Arredondo R68
Premier 14u - Romo JT Day R68
Batter'S Box Black Chet Eckert R68
Houston Velocity Cayden Freudenberg L68
Rc Elite Mizuno-White Daniel Hammons R68
Prime Blacksox Hardwick Riggs Hardwick L68
13u Premier Baseball (Campos) Isaac Payne R68
Alamo Top Prospects 14u Richie Fernando Perez R68
Alamo Top Prospects 14u Richie Lane Phy R68
Texas Twelve 14u Grey Katy Alejandro Salazar R68
Texas Prime Black 2028 Cole Stagg R68
Alamo Top Prospects 14u Richie Jonathan Alvarado R67
Texas Twelve Black 14u - Woodlands Dean Clewett L67
Houston Velocity Dominic Medina R67
Texas Twelve 14u Silver Katy Andrew Medlock R67
New Waverly Bulldogs Collin Namken R67
New Waverly Bulldogs Ryson Nunez R67
Texas Twelve 14u Silver Katy Charlie Randolph R67
Texas Twelve 14u Grey Katy Liam Robinson R67
Texas Twelve 14u Black Katy John Rosser R67
Batter'S Box Black Collin Siemsglusz R67
Texas Prime Black 2028 Blake White R67
Texas Prime Black 2028 Elliott Beasley R66
Texas Twelve Black 14u - Woodlands Hunter Colschen R66
13u Premier Baseball (Campos) Willard "Tre" Davis III R66
Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Barron Nathan Delgado R66
Rc Elite Mizuno-White Brody England R66
Batter'S Box Black Cutter Kaye R66
Rc Elite Mizuno-White Kason Kramer R66
Texas Twelve 14u Black Katy Lucas Patrick R66
Texas Twelve 14u Silver Katy Jackson Ridenour R66
Texas Twelve 14u Black Katy Matthew Xiao R66
Dp - Texas Rebels (Blue) Vincent Kouns III L65
Texas Brigade - Konarik Tye Roberts L65
Texas Brigade - Konarik Jack Simms R65
13u Premier Baseball (Campos) Lucas Simpson L65
Channelview Crushers Gianni Martinez R64
Dp - Texas Rebels (Blue) Jaxson Morley R64
Houston Wildcatters - 13u - Barron Luke Shepherd R64
New Waverly Bulldogs Trevor Twardeski R64
New Waverly Bulldogs Easton Wale R64
Texas Brigade - Konarik Leyton Dauzat R63
13u Premier Baseball (Campos) Grayson Glidewell L63
Premier 14u - Romo Joshua Moctezuma R63
Ktn Athletics Jose Santoyo R63
Texas Twelve 14u Silver Katy Cade Traylor L63
Texas Twelve Black 14u - Woodlands Kaden Dupaquier L62
Rc Elite Mizuno-White Gavin Lennon L62
Houston Bengals Black 14u Kade Skufca R62
Channelview Crushers Eduardo Mora R61
Prime Blacksox Hardwick Chase Meredith R60
Prime Blacksox Hardwick Dean Bohnstedt R59
Houston Bengals Black 14u Sam Burke R59
New Waverly Bulldogs Hunter Chesney R59
Houston Bengals Black 14u Hudson Crowder L59
Premier 14u - Romo Mateo Rivera R59
Ktn Athletics Kolby Spillars R59
New Waverly Bulldogs Camden Alred R58
Premier 14u - Romo Ashton Wade R58
13u Premier Baseball (Campos) Kyle Zepeda R58
Ktn Athletics Colby Adams R56
Premier 14u - Romo Alexander Dejesus R56
Premier 14u - Romo Rodrigo Moran R56
Premier 14u - Romo Isaac Salazar R56