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By entering this event there is no guarantee of playing on the Primary Field. The Primary Ballpark will be used for a limited number of pool games and the Championship Game for ALL AGE DIVISIONS. ***Weather Permitting***
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Sports Academy Edge 15u Castillo Houstton Webster R89
Sports Academy Edge 15u Castillo Sebastian Castillo R88
Dallas Tigers - Owen 15U 2027 Brody Bomar R84
Sports Academy Edge 15u Castillo Robert Bingaman R82
Stix North 2027 Prospects Tommy Lebon R82
Wow Factor Southwest 2027 Tommy Lebon R82
Sports Academy Edge 15u Castillo Braeden Ray R82
Duran Baseball 15u National Team Blake Burcie R81
Stix West 2027 Black Charlie Danna R81
Sports Academy Edge 15u Castillo Hunter Davis R81
Wow Factor Southwest 2027 Ryn Johnson R81
Sports Academy Edge 15u Castillo Hunter Robinson R81
Wow Factor Southwest 2027 John "Cooper" Patton R80
5 Star National 2028 - Price Daxton Price L80
Red River 2027 | Elting Huck Wilson R80
Stix North 2027 Prospects Frandsen Lawrence R79
Wow Factor Southwest 2027 Frederick “Blayne” Macdonald R79
Stix 2027 Grey Jake Madson R79
Stix West 2027 Black Jace Mitcham R79
5 Star National 2028 - Price Roman Ortega R79
Citius Texas 2027 Roman Ortega R79
Tbt Ballers Texas 15u Chick Kaleb Carter R78
5 Star National 2028 - Price Ashton Castillo R78
Red River 2027 | Elting Everett Gidney R78
Stix West 2027 Black Daniel Holt R78
5 Star National 2028 - Price Reid Overstreet L78
Stix North 2027 Prospects Trevor Rennels R78
Austin Wings 15 National Zane Ryan R78
Stix 2027 Grey Tayden Sneed R78
5 Star Performance Dfw 2027 - Rogers Ty Cherry R77
Wow Factor Ft Worth 2027 Black Trae Martinez R77
Austin Wings 15 National Tommy McIntyre R77
Austin Wings 15 National Ben Pounds L77
Duran Baseball 15u National Team Hayden Waller R77
Dallas Tigers - Owen 15U 2027 Landon Bernal R76
Stix 2027 Grey Noah Buczek R76
5 Star National 2028 - Price Anthony Delgado R76
Dallas Tigers - Owen 15U 2027 Liam Ladd R76
5 Star Performance 2027 American Carson Plant R76
Dallas Tigers - Owen 15U 2027 Jack Reece R76
Stix West 2027 Black Jaxson Suter R76
Wow Factor Ft Worth 2027 Black Garrett Treat R76
Tbt Ballers Texas 15u Chick Brody Bugay R75
Wow Factor Ft Worth 2027 Black Giovanni Carassai R75
Ft. Worth Cats (Gustafson) Parker Mix R75
Sports Academy Edge 15u Castillo Aiden Saraceno R75
Stix 2027 Red Bryce Tooke R75
Wow Factor Ft Worth 2027 Black Carter Croft R74
Wow Factor Ft Worth 2027 Black Ryder Hilliard R74
Stix 2027 Grey Maxwell Logan R74
Wow Factor Ft Worth 2027 Black Ayden Olalde R74
Red River 2027 | Elting Brennan Rau L74
Duran Baseball 15u National Team Nick Robles R74
Stix 2027 Grey Owen Stetzer R74
Tbt Ballers Texas 15u Chick Emiliano Maldonado R73
Duran Baseball 15u National Team Cylas Ruby R73
Austin Wings 15 National Michael Thompson R73
5 Star Performance 2027 American Layton Waters R73
Red River 2027 | Elting Mason Webb L73
Stix South 2027 Black Connor Hait R72
Stix 2027 Red John Jenks R72
Stix South 2027 Black Jason Macik R72
Tbt Ballers Texas 15u Chick Landon Perez R72
5 Star Performance 2027 American Sam Ricord R72
Red River 2027 | Elting Robbie Ruiz R72
Tbt Ballers Texas 15u Chick Madden Ryer R72
Duran Baseball 15u National Team Krew Crites R71
Stix 2027 Red Dylan Morris L71
Wow Factor Ft Worth 2027 Black Royce Rondon R71
Cooperstown Cobras 15u Orange-Walcott Parker Grissom R70
Stix North 2027 Prospects Lucas Oehlers R70
Stix South 2027 Black Britton Albertson R69
Stix 2027 Red Jaden Grubbs R69
Ft. Worth Cats (Gustafson) Trew Phillips R69
Cooperstown Cobras 15u Orange-Walcott Bradley Ross L69
Cooperstown Cobras 15u Orange-Walcott Cale Brateris L68
Stix South 2027 Black Cannon Crump R68
Stix South 2027 Black Cutter Davis R68
Stix 2027 Red Christian Heitkamp R68
Stix South 2027 Black Kirk Humphrey R68
Stix South 2027 Black Austin Green R67
5 Star Performance Dfw 2027 - Rogers Scott Hollinger R67
Stix South 2027 Black Jayden Martinez R66
5 Star Performance Dfw 2027 - Rogers Brady Martin R64
5 Star Performance Dfw 2027 - Rogers William 'Grant' Garcia R62