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14U (Open) 15U (Open)
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Sep 8 - 10 |  In The Net | Palmyra, PA
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
SBA Mid-Atlantic Scout Dylan Bowman L82
SBA Mid-Atlantic Scout Kyle Magill R82
West Chester Dragons NL Owen Murphy R81
Dig In Nation Jack Guerin R79
SBA Mid-Atlantic Scout Ryder Martinez R79
West Chester Dragons NL Tyler Homick R78
SBA Mid-Atlantic Scout Brandon Toadvine L78
Dig In Nation Keegan Blake R77
TSA 14U Castillo Bobby Davido R77
SBA Mid-Atlantic Scout Dom Mangini R77
Dust Devils Brian Moore Jr R77
Dust Devils Micah Nelson L77
Dig In Nation Chuck Olsen R77
Spartan Warriors Baseball Club Gold Cameron Smith R77
Stars Baseball Arnold Jackson Stewart R77
Stars Baseball Arnold Tyler Caperton R76
Stars Baseball Ortiz Joshua Elmore R76
Spartan Warriors Baseball Club Gold Drew Wishard R76
Northeast Pride 14u Scout Noah Fetko R75
Dust Devils Graham Huntington R75
Keystone State Bombers Daniel Johns R75
Stars Baseball Ortiz James Van Der Post R75
Spartan Warriors Baseball Club Gold Dameer Watford L75
Stars Baseball Arnold Bobby Arnold III L74
Dust Devils Andrew (Crusher) Bissell R74
Stars Baseball Ortiz Brayden Cronin R74
Northeast Pride 14u Scout Jake Fine R74
West Chester Dragons NL Matthew Pitz R74
SBA Mid-Atlantic Scout Emmett Robinson L74
TSA 14U Castillo Robbie Walker R74
West Chester Dragons AL Noel Flores R73
TSA 14U Castillo Javier Gordon R73
Keystone State Bombers Connor Latrechiano R73
Spartan Warriors Baseball Club Gold Brendon Lewis R73
Dust Devils Gavin Miller L73
Stars Baseball Ortiz Colt Monticello R73
Keystone State Bombers Logan Munoz R73
SBA Mid-Atlantic Scout Austin Uzzle R73
Chester County Bobcats 14u Blaise Bonnell R72
Spartan Warriors Baseball Club Gold Brandon Cromer R72
Keystone State Bombers Matthew Eldridge R72
SBA Mid-Atlantic Scout Yaniel Escalera R72
Dust Devils Will Gioe R72
Keystone State Bombers Jaxsen Hulock R72
Stars Baseball Ortiz Collin McMillen R72
Northeast Pride 14u Scout Gavin Michalko R72
Spartan Warriors Baseball Club Gold Ethyn Street R72
Complete Game of PA Owen Waltimyer R72
West Chester Dragons NL Aidan Capobianco R71
Spartan Warriors Baseball Club Gold Connor Flohr R71
West Chester Dragons NL Blake Frazier R71
West Chester Dragons NL Dylan Liu L71
Flood City Elite Tommy Rennie R71
Complete Game of PA Colin Roeser R71
Keystone State Bombers Ben Rohrer R71
Complete Game of PA William Stein R71
Dig In Nation Jerome-Alejandro (JA) Stephens L71
Keystone State Bombers Colten Stoltzfus R71
Keystone State Bombers Grady Topf R71
Dig In Nation Sam Grimley R70
Dust Devils Shane Harding R70
Stars Baseball Arnold Ryan Kohlmeyer R70
Complete Game of PA Charlie Lovett R70
Dig In Nation Griffin McAndrew R70
Stars Baseball Ortiz Maxwell Monahan L70
Dig In Nation Shondell Richet Jr R70
West Chester Dragons AL Nicholas Romano R70
Northeast Pride 14u Scout Caleb sosa L70
West Chester Dragons NL Gavin Yeager R70
Northeast Pride 14u Scout Roman Bednarek R69
Keystone State Bombers Bryce Calvin R69
Complete Game of PA Lucas Davis R69
Flood City Elite Brody Dull R69
Dig In Nation Nick Green R69
Keystone State Bombers Joon Kang R69
Dig In Nation Nicholas Morris R69
Chester County Bobcats 14u Brandon Shaw R69
Northeast Pride 14u Scout Joe Bradley L68
TSA 14U Castillo Daniel Cho R68
West Chester Dragons AL Aidan Cugini R68
Northeast Pride 14u Scout Damien Eastman R68
Stars Baseball Ortiz Ryan Gaines R68
Spartan Warriors Baseball Club Gold Joshua Grimsley L68
West Chester Dragons NL Christian Hall R68
Chester County Bobcats 14u Kellan Niemiec R68
Flood City Elite Gavin Treon R68
Dig In Nation Nick Voss R68
Flood City Elite Aspen Anderson R67
TSA 14U Castillo Aayaan Dadhich R67
Dig In Nation Paul Deleo R67
Complete Game of PA Henry Drumbore R67
Complete Game of PA Ryan Hatt R67
Stars Baseball Arnold Devin Perry R67
TSA 14U Castillo Skylar Garcia R66
TSA 14U Castillo Nate Givens R66
Dust Devils Chase Harden R66
Northeast Pride 14u Scout Alex Rosencrance R66
TSA 14U Castillo Frederic Viole R66
Dust Devils Cole Walter R66
Complete Game of PA Bryan Cantello L65
Flood City Elite Braden Hatch R65
Flood City Elite Tyler McGough R65
Keystone State Bombers Nolan Bown R64
Keystone State Bombers Tyler Grimm R64
Chester County Bobcats 14u Dean Houck L64
West Chester Dragons AL Chase Lamotta R64
West Chester Dragons AL Colin Moran R64
West Chester Dragons AL Alex Winn R64
West Chester Dragons AL Kellan Gallagher R63
TSA 14U Castillo Alex Lieb R63
TSA 14U Castillo Dominic Zolla R62