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The Rules below are in addition to Perfect Game National Rules

8u Kid Pitch Divisions
Max runs Per inning is 5
There will be no Lead offs, players are only allowed to steal 2nd & 3rd after the ball crosses home. They can only score on a hit or bases loaded walk, there is also no balks or dropped 3rd strikes.

ALL 9u Divisions
There will be no Lead offs, players are not allowed to steal until the ball crosses the plate, there is no balks or drop 3rd strikes.

All 10u Divisions will have Lead off & Steal rules, the same as the 11 & older age groups.
- Our goal with doing lead off & Steal at 10u is to start allowing the younger kids to truly learn the full game of baseball at an earlier age to help increase the baseball IQ of players.
- Across the country everyone plays lead offs starting at 9u, and we feel its our obligation to not let our players fall behind. 

10AAA & 10 Open
-Will play lead off & steal rules
- Will have a 5 run cap per inning until the last inning
-Field size is 46 pitching & 65 feet bases

10 Major Division
-Will play lead off & steal rules
-NO per run inning limit
-Field size is 46 pitching & 65 feet bases

Time Limits per age grouping

8u-10u Age Groups
Saturday Pool times are 1:30 minutes or 6 innings, which ever comes first
Sunday Bracket times are 1:40 minutes or 6 innings, which ever comes first

11u Age Group
Saturday Pool times are 1:40 minutes or 6 innings, which ever comes first
Sunday Bracket times are 1:40 minutes or 6 innings, whichever comes first.

12u Age Groups
Saturday Pool times are 1:40 minutes or 6 innings, whichever comes first
Sunday Bracket times are 1:40 minutes or 6 innings, whichever comes first.

13aaa, 13 Major, 14 Major
Saturday Pool times are 2:00 hours or 7 innings, whichever comes first
Sunday Bracket times are 2:00 hours or 7 innings, whichever comes first.

14aaa Age Groups
Saturday Pool times are 1:45 minutes or 7 innings, whichever comes first
Sunday Bracket times are 1:45 minutes or 7 innings, whichever comes first.
Jun 15 - 16 |  Kent Meridian HS | Kent, WA
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
New Level Baseball 14u Hale Craig Sale R82
New Level Baseball 13u Angelo Craig Sale R82
Elevate Nw - Dragland Cole Lux R81
Elevate Nw - Dragland Nolan Barrett R79
Usa Prime Nw Red Peyton Crass R79
Merchants Black 14U Jack Gonzalez R79
Elevate Nw - Dragland Gabe King R79
Wa Avengers 14u Brody Santman L79
Elevate Nw - Dragland Cole Finrow R78
New Level Baseball 13u Angelo Brody Gillaspy R78
Usa Prime Nw Red Hunter Kirkeby R77
Wa Avengers 14u Hoss Seitz R77
Elevate NW 13U - Browne Kaden Voss R77
Usa Prime Nw Red Dylan Johnson R76
New Level Baseball 13u Angelo Brody Vigansky R76
Usa Prime Nw Red Dalton Abbott R75
Usa Prime Nw Red Elijah Butler R75
Elevate NW 13U - Browne Blake Heeter R75
Wa Avengers 14u Owen Johnson R75
Merchants Black 14U Noah Torgenrud R75
New Level Baseball 13u Angelo Brody Avellar L74
New Level Baseball 14u Hale Sam Patterson R74
New Level Baseball 13u Angelo Sam Patterson R74
Elevate NW 13U - Browne Johnny Riley R74
Usa Prime Nw Red Aiden Apfel R73
Wa Avengers 14u Skyler Dahlman R73
New Level Baseball Hetherington 14U Brody Gadberry R73
Usa Prime Nw Red Adley Goebel L73
Merchants Black 14U Rowan Kelly R73
Elevate NW 13U - Browne Micah Labuguen L73
Usa Prime Nw Red Noah Miller L73
Elevate Nw - Dragland Dayton Radford R73
New Level Baseball Hetherington 14U Nic Rivera L73
Elevate NW 13U - Browne Calvin Veranth R73
New Level Baseball Hetherington 14U Taison Vo R73
New Level Baseball Hetherington 14U Blake Foster R72
Wa Avengers 14u Colton Levenhagen R72
New Level Baseball 13u Angelo Mason Preston R72
Wa Avengers 14u Braydon Rudolph R72
Elevate NW 13U - Browne Alexander Winny R72
New Level Baseball Hetherington 14U Hunter Gloor L71
Elevate NW 13U - Browne Alex Gonzalez R71
Elevate NW 13U - Browne Kamron Matthews R71
New Level Baseball 13u Angelo Nicholis Parker Jr R71
Elevate Nw - Dragland Owen Tierney R71
New Level Baseball Hetherington 14U River Urvina R71
Usa Prime Nw Red Titon Fuller R70
Merchants Black 14U Danny Hughes L70
Wa Avengers 14u Evan Walker R70
Merchants Black 14U Ryan Stevens R69
Usa Prime Nw Red Kellen Lentz R68
Merchants Black 14U Logan Johnson R67
Usa Prime Nw Red Lane Nixon R67
Usa Prime Nw Red Carson Andrew R65
New Level Baseball 13u Angelo Aaron Becker R63
Elevate Nw - Dragland Johnny Dragland R63