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Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
USA Prime Houston Dustin Sodolak R75
USA Prime Houston Andrew Malone L73
Jays Harrison Walters R73
Fort Bend Outlaws Aidan Abbasi R72
Bv Bucks - Bilhartz Ethan Cryer R72
Bv Bucks - Bilhartz Cameron Liotta R72
Banditos 14u Gold Steven Mims L71
Houston Heat 14u Vinning Drake Hussey R70
Bv Bucks - Bilhartz Weston Roubion R70
USA Prime Houston Yerlian Sainz R70
Houston Heat 14u Vinning Jake Sneed R70
Kingwood Express Evan Drewelow L68
Banditos 14u Gold Ryan Garcia R68
Bv Bucks - Bilhartz Colton Johse R68
Allen Baseball Club 14u Jakob Villegas L68
Tx Powerhouse Baseball Dorian Gutierrez R67
Tx Powerhouse Baseball James Hebert L67
Houston Heat 14u Vinning Xavier Rueda R67
Premier Baseball Wall 14 Logan Davis R66
Fort Bend Outlaws Noah Diaz R66
Fort Bend Outlaws Ian Driskell R66
Tx Powerhouse Baseball Aaron Fernandez R66
Banditos 14u Gold Jake Medders R66
Advantage Baseball Nikohlas Regla R66
Bv Bucks - Bilhartz Ryan Roubion R66
Allen Baseball Club 14u Daniel Trejo R66
Allen Baseball Club 14u Jayson Bazan R65
Jays Joshua Kennedy R65
Jays Duncan Lindsey R65
Advantage Baseball Gabriel Marquez R65
Houston Heat 14u Vinning Kenneth Nichols R65
Premier Baseball Wall 14 Braxton Onhaizer L65
Allen Baseball Club 14u Brady Price R65
Jays Lane Beyer R64
Advantage Baseball Max Chan R64
Jays Taylor Cullum R64
Kingwood Express Carter Flores R64
Kingwood Express Kaison Lipscy R64
Fort Bend Outlaws Dante Martinez R64
Houston Heat 14u Vinning James Tuggle L64
Premier Baseball Wall 14 Aaron Achterberg R63
Fort Bend Outlaws Carter Bilodeau R63
USA Prime Houston Brendan Bishop R63
USA Prime Houston Trevor Faulkner R63
Bv Bucks - Bilhartz Hudson Jacobus R63
Kingwood Express Kingston Novich R63
Premier Baseball Wall 14 Connor Wilson R63
Advantage Baseball Calvin Dover R62
Premier Baseball Wall 14 Justin Gibson R62
Lone Star Express Justin Gibson R62
Premier Baseball Wall 14 Hunter Heintz R62
Houston Heat 14u Vinning Luke Hrncir R62
Advantage Baseball Sam Jones R62
Jays Gael Medina R62
USA Prime Houston Jayden Chevalier R61
Banditos 14u Gold Jaxon Jones R61
Advantage Baseball Will Montalbano R61
Banditos 14u Gold Jacob Podolski R61
Bv Bucks - Bilhartz Preston Bilhartz R60
Bv Bucks - Bilhartz Connor Colvert L60
Tx Powerhouse Baseball Drake Davenport R60
Houston Heat 14u Vinning Michael Deeter L60
Banditos 14u Gold Rayaan Khan R60
Kingwood Express Brody Goodwyn R59
Houston Heat 14u Vinning Reagan Davidson R58
Houston Heat 14u Vinning Jaxson Haney R58
Tx Powerhouse Baseball Samuel Greene R57
Fort Bend Outlaws Lincoln McCaleb R55
Advantage Baseball Kohen Brown R51
Kingwood Express Max Sherrill R51