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9U (Major) 10U (Major) 11U (MAJOR) 12U (Major) 13U (Major) (54/80) 14U (Major)
The winning team in each GOLD BRACKET CHAMPIONSHIP will receive ONE TEAM PG Belt instead of a trophy for this event. All payments need to be paid ASAP as the payment deadline is only the deadline if the tournament is not full. So if it fills before the deadline your team will be waitlisted IF NOT PAID. You are only fully in the tournament when payment is made. We cannot put any team on the schedule unless they are paid.
Game Times

9u-12u 1 hour 40 minutes no new

13u 1 hour 45 minutes no new

14u 2 hours no new
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
ZT PROSPECTS Anthony Adame R79
ZT PROSPECTS Dre Murakami R79
Cali National Baseball Academy Ace Pence R79
MVP/Hustle-Casillas Ayden Torres R79
CV Canes Cooper Troutner R79
Mvp/Hustle-Hooks Jack Wilhite R79
Legacy Baseball Group 13u Black Nathan Englander R77
Mvp/Hustle-Hooks Landon King R77
MVP/Hustle-Casillas Julian Trejo R77
MVP/Hustle-Casillas Nathan Govea R76
Wow Factor West-Muse Amare Watkins R76
ZT PROSPECTS Mason Esquibel R75
Mvp/Hustle-Hooks Jordan JJ Garcia R75
Zt Prospects Dawgs Lucas Hall L75
EBC Darren Luber R75
MVP/Hustle-Casillas Maximo Ruiz R75
ZT PROSPECTS Hibiki Suzuki R75
Legacy Baseball Group 13u Black Blake Anderson R74
Wow Factor West-Muse Andrew Diaz R74
Hustle Gold Jesse Maddox L74
Gbg South Bay Navy Jacoby Abadilla R73
1904 Baseball Club Jacob Benavides R73
Wow Factor West-Muse Christian Park L73
Wow Factor West-Muse Jayden Simerly R73
Legacy Baseball Group 13u Black Linus Sinclair R73
Wow Factor West-Muse Evan Thompson R73
1904 Baseball Club Nainoa Ahmu R72
MVP/Hustle-Casillas Aiden Cervantes R72
Rjba Wade 13u Matteo D'Aquanni R72
1904 Baseball Club Kade D’Artenay R72
Mvp/Hustle-Hooks Myles Griffin R72
EBC Andrew Lopez R72
Wow Factor West-Muse Samuel McClung R72
Wow Factor West-Muse Select Zachary Partee R72
Legacy Baseball Group 13u Black Aaron Quijano R72
Rjba Wade 13u Luke Reed R72
Long Beach 6th Tool Hudson Sannes R72
EBC Wyatt Smith R72
EBC Issac Cobian R71
Hustle Gold Donald Foster Jr. R71
Zt Prospects Dawgs Isaac Herrera R71
Cali National Baseball Academy Cooper Holland R71
CV Canes Andrew Leyba R71
Wow Factor West-Muse Alexander Scott R71
Mvp/Hustle-Hooks Brady Wellens R71
Cali National Baseball Academy Ezra Camacho R70
Long Beach 6th Tool Gregory Dillon R70
ZT PROSPECTS Gavin Gomez R70
Mvp/Hustle-Hooks Ajay Hermosura R70
Cali National Baseball Academy Will Martin R70
CV Canes Austin Pombo R70
Legacy Baseball Group 13u Black Andrew Steinberg R70
Cali National Baseball Academy Jacob Gaidzik R69
Rjba Wade 13u Ethan Janert R69
Canes Oc Black Max Johnson R69
Gbg South Bay Navy Colton Mata L69
Gbg South Bay Navy Tyler Pham R69
Pv Sea Dogs 13u Robert Slane R69
Zt Prospects Dawgs Hollis Wilson R69
Wow Factor West-Muse Select Maxton Baracy R68
1904 Baseball Club Cleighton Beccarelli R68
Rjba Wade 13u Noah Cunningham R68
MVP/Hustle-Casillas Andrew Gonzalez R68
Wow Factor West-Muse Select Christian Hernandez L68
MVP/Hustle-Casillas Amir Linton R68
EBC Stephen Luna R68
EBC Nicolas McKay R68
Long Beach 6th Tool Samuel Pena R68
Long Beach 6th Tool Matthew Polanco R68
Pv Sea Dogs 13u Ashton Rigg L68
Canes Oc Black Ethan Duffy R67
Zt Prospects Dawgs Cristiano Duran R67
Cali National Baseball Academy Cooper Erickson-Goldberg R67
Wow Factor West-Muse Select Ian Fraser R67
Long Beach 6th Tool Nicolas Garcia R67
Gbg South Bay Navy Kaiden Liao L67
Hustle Gold Rocko Mageo L67
Legacy Baseball Group 13u Black Hunter Rich R67
Legacy Baseball Group 13u Black Marcus Spinks R67
MVP/Hustle-Casillas Akira Takayanagi R67
Legacy Baseball Group 13u Black Xavier Torres R67
CV Canes Cason Antonio R66
Zt Prospects Dawgs Ethan Callon R66
Wow Factor West-Muse Justin Castellanos R66
Canes Oc Black Asher Eisenberg R66
Wow Factor West-Muse Select Aiden Hall R66
Pv Sea Dogs 13u Brayden Hill R66
EBC Ethan Lindley R66
ZT PROSPECTS Brayden Penrod R66
MVP/Hustle-Casillas Daniel Ruiz R66
Long Beach 6th Tool Kai Ryan R66
Pv Sea Dogs 13u Liam Sanford R66
Mvp/Hustle-Hooks David Thauberger R66
Canes Oc Black Jason Trinh R66
Legacy Baseball Group 13u Black Cooper West R66
Cali National Baseball Academy Romeo De La Torre R65
Hustle Gold Dominic Guerra R65
Canes Oc Black James Joseph R65
Cali National Baseball Academy Owen Lee R65
Pv Sea Dogs 13u John Nguyen R65
Canes Oc Black Logan Spigarelli R65
Hustle Gold Toalei Talataina R65
Rjba Wade 13u Blake Wade R65
Zt Prospects Dawgs Kyle Coleman R64
Hustle Gold Mark Anthony Johnson Jr R64
Wow Factor West-Muse Select Jimmy Melgoza R64
Wow Factor West-Muse Damian Montano R64
Gbg South Bay Navy Crew O'Connor R64
Canes Oc Black Simeon Oliver R64
CV Canes Zac Phelps L64
Canes Oc Black Drew Benson R63
Long Beach 6th Tool Jacob Gonzalez R63
Hustle Gold Damien Last R63
Pv Sea Dogs 13u Jameson Poach R63
Gbg South Bay Navy Hunter Von Der Lieth R63
Pv Sea Dogs 13u Ashton Arafat R62
Legacy Baseball Group 13u Black Ethan Glazer R62
Gbg South Bay Navy Tanner Okawa R62
1904 Baseball Club Michael Pena R62
Long Beach 6th Tool Lucas Wadleigh L62
CV Canes Javier Sandate R60
1904 Baseball Club Tre Bagongahasa R59
Legacy Baseball Group 13u Black Vincent Grove R59
1904 Baseball Club Jett Baltazar R57
Wow Factor West-Muse Select Marco Grey R57
1904 Baseball Club Jayden Llantada R55